Hard-Core-DX.com: Gary Pence (Km5x) log,s for September 14th

Gary Pence (Km5x) log,s for September 14th

Thursday, September 15 2022

to the BC tests of the TDA transmitter engineers
at the new Ampegon unit installations in Bewchar and Qargla:

THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING in the 41 meterband on 7200 kHz.

re 7200 kHz channel use for BC station services in AM/DSB format
these days is illegal,
omly USB-mode transmissions are allowed on 7200 kHz resp. 7300 kHz channels
on upper side flank.

acc ITU bandplan
first AM BC/DSB channel in EUR/AS/AUS region 1 and 3, is 7205 kHz,

in ITU region 2 like AMericas 7305 kHz and up:

ITU Radio Regulations of ITU 4.5 and Circular Letter of ITU Switzerland
CR/282 3.2

RR 4.5
The frequency assigned to a station of a given service shall be separated
from the limits of the band allocated to this service in such a way that,
taking account of the frequency band assigned to a station, no harmful
interference is caused to services to which frequency bands immediately
adjoining are allocated.



----- Original Message -----
From: Gary Pence

Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2022 3:38 PM
Subject: [HCDX] Gary Pence (Km5x) log,s for September 14th
///////// DXing AMERICA,S SDR,S Remotly //////////

** Algeria
7200 Khz Telediffusion d'Algerie(TDA) 0000z-0007z Broadcasting in
Arabic From Bechar w/ID at ToH OM Ann.News followed by music at 0005z.Had a
Signal into KC9FFV KiWi rSDR Forney,Texas.USA Forney is located
about 20 miles east of dallas,TX.He uses a 142ft end fed Zep.
Sept14,2022 Gary Pence km5x/DASP

** Vanuatu
Radio Vanuatu 0853z heard Speaking Bislama followed by a good
Reggae genre Song with a good signals on these frequencies listed
Below into KiWirSDR Half Moon Bay, CA.GaryPence/km5x/DAS Sept 14th
4310.19khz S7
8620.38khz S7,S8 some teletype QRM
12930.57 S9+5db in the clear

17600 Khz TDA broadcasting in Arabic playing Arabian music with
A slightly over driven audio partially distorted but it could
be a lot worse.Copied 1301z ID ToH followed by news.Xmtr Bechar
Has a S8,S9 Signal into kiwirSDR Warrenton,VA.Sept14,2022 USA
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