Hard-Core-DX.com: SWB issue 2011 now available for download

SWB issue 2011 now available for download

Sunday, September 18 2022

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- QSL card from R Tachira & Ecos del Torbes
- QSL card from Radio NUG
- The Wireless World, Global Histories of International Radio Broadcasting
- [WOR] Radio HF Internet Newsletter items, September by Sheldon Harvey
- Nils Schiffhauer?s Shortwave website has closed down
- AWR WAVESCAN items by Adrian Peterson
- New antenna Multicoupler type MFJ 8504
- GREEK MUSIC REFUGE, Zacharias Liangas
- WOR] DX Camp Arroio dos Ratos, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
- A man fell from a high mast in Varberg. (Grimeton tower)
- The world below 530 kHz, AER
- [WOR] Tropical Bands Monitor, Sept update
- The ?Tuva phenomenon? in radio interceptions has baffled the intelligence
of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. RUS-DX
- Texas Radio Shortwave October schedule
- WRTH continues!
- Re: [A-DX] WRTH
- [nordx] Ett intressant 60-tals pop-program av dj Bob Le-Roi
- TARGET LISTENING by Harold Sellers
- Läsvärt om AM-radio, Lennaqrt Deimert
- Underground and creeping antennas. RUS-DX
- [WOR] Brazil's Post Office launches stamps on Radio's first 100 years
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund

