Hard-Core-DX.com: Crazy klogs for 30/12

Crazy klogs for 30/12

Monday, January 01 2024

used my smartphone and treble enhancing earbuds to listen.https://zliangaslogs.wordpress.com/2023/12/30/ksdr-logs-30-12/
be Vermont kSDR
6000 Cuba?  Talks in Spanish with poor modulation 0530 huge -47dbm signal  >>> RHC in eibi
6070 CRFX ?  0535 discussion in between two funny persons with lots of laughter’s and lot of humor as they called it was “a confusing info show” !!! -70dbm
5130 R Trump Intl 0535+ haring trump talking over the public people applauding him. the SDR once was frozen!!! (I think that Trump is the bad effect LOL ) I needed to refresh the page in order for the Sdr to re-operate

Mawi* SDR Hawaii
9960 Vanuatu ?  0540with QRM by WRMI on 9955 clean sound -100 dbm
5123  WWVH  0552 with ID and time  .that must be spur..
5995 RTV Mali with clean audio and lots of ID on 0557 with  -85 dbm rather impossible reception and for this signal Here in salonica the signal is not heard * ..
6115 Nikkei into a manga song and manga voice after . the next song  on 0806 was quite better as it was western… -90dbm. Very funny sounding voice and song as like children are talking or singing*
6155 ROI Austria with talks in German , many mentions of Austria -75dbm
6185 R Education 0620 with …funeral marches* !! -95dbm
added later :
6300 also this time the Arabic fisherman network 0906 signal -110dbm
6224  Taupo maritime with meteo talks in English 0907 also -110dbm
5915  Myanma radio via  Dimanpur IN   with rather  stable signal  -70±10 dbm ,0940 woman talking in Bamar or a local dialect (I don’t hear the typical lang I knew )
5990 Qinghai RTV in a near-Tibetan language (Amdo or )  by OPM , 1052 with children music  lead by a child talking the man continues to talk after Signal -70dbm ±10db with few peask at -60 nice atmo  music 10z
7275  CNR13 with typical UIghur 1005 program with mixed talk and exotic pop music -80dbm
7580 ???  VoK with typical op3ras  on 1007 but signal is just -95dbm
9275 and 9255  with two different CNR programs unless the one is SOHope. 9275  is with owman talking over classical type of music.

Some MW:
990 Fox sports  with some than kyou for listening notices on 0625 -85dbm
1040  Faithful word a religious program with man mentioning Rome  and showing the telephone as 45450467   with web address such as cconv . org [poss needs more checking] Just before 0530z I really wonder who is the station behind this program
DXing info admin replies clocking my post in the FC group:   These are regular Hawaiian stations, 990 KIKI and 1040 KLHT.

No class
567 RTHK  inn CQUAM stereo with nice stereo program adverts western songs  via HK Miaw kSDR -45db,
1170 ESPN radio 1022 with ID , in a kSDR in Deep harbor  USA -60dbm
189 RUV Ras 1028  with pop songs  -70 dbm signal no signals in the MW band ..

* add some humor please!this is one of my funniest ever reports !!

Zacharias Liangas

exMusic Producer Greek Music Refuge / Dangdut  and Beyond
Hard  core DXer https://youtu.be/8VJ__oppkLs the pool
https://bit.ly/3OZixtr ; disclaimer on my writinghttps://linktr.ee/zliangas ; all my pages

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