Balun or Antenna
It all depends...
Steve Byan (
Date: April 25, 1995
Original source: Usenet's
Jim Tucker
( asked:
What is better to add to a simple longwire antenna -- a balun
or an antenna tuner?
Start with a well-grounded good-quality coax feedline. Move the
base of your longwire antenna as far as possible from noise sources
such a houses, powerlines, etc. Connect the center of the coax
to the loingwire. Ground the coax shield at the base of the antenna
and near your house. Bury the coax a few inches under ground.
Use RG-6 or RG-213 or "RG-8" coax - avoid Radio Shack RG-58, as
it's shielding is not good enough. You want something with at
least a 95% shield coverage.
Later, you can add a matching transformer or antenna tuner, as
you prefer. Use the antenna tuner if you like to twiddle knobs,
otherwise use a matching transformer (sometimes miscalled a "balun").