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Proceedings ceased

By Guy Atkins
for the Proceedings staff
April 1, 2000, via hcdx list

Unfortunately, Proceedings sold out of all copies of all editions about a year and a half ago. We had ceased actively promoting the publications in 1996, and decided not to pursue reprinting entire editions again.
If I recall, the Proceeding staff made an arrangement with ODXA to offer individual article reprints; NASWA may have been part of this deal also.

There's still a glimmer of hope for a future edition of Proceedings, when changes and general busyness in the lives of the editors slow down a bit! We had hoped for a "millenium" edition in 2000, but decided not to pursue it for this year when we knew we just didn't have the time, collectively, to coordinate and publish another book. All issues have taken large amounts of volunteer effort (authors & editors) to produce.

Since 1995 there have been some exciting changes in the hobby, such as the continued improvements in DSP-based receivers, and the revolutionary K9AY directional LW/MW/trop. bands antenna (to name just a couple). I hope that Proceedings can return one day to document these and other subjects in detail.

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