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[IRCA] DX Test



Good afternoon!


This is a copy and paste from a Facebook group mostly of broadcast
engineers. I was one..  


Tom / Doc.



I hope you guys will grant me an exception for a post void of transmitter
photos - we're trying to get some help in a DX test here in Asia (high
enough power that it may be heard on the west coast) and frankly, a group of
avid radio fans and engineers most likely to help fellow engineers test
their transmitter(s) tends to get the word out best...

*** DX TEST ALERT / Please share with other groups ***

I want to spread the info about a MW DX test this week that I am helping
with (especially those with Asian contacts, please re-post). The engineers
need any help they can get, primarily recordings to see how the station is
getting out. The guidelines for the test are below:

* Date/Time: May 25-28 1300-1700 UTC
* Frequency: 1431 (power will likely be between 100-500kw)
* Location: Mongolia with a target audience of South Korea
* Send recordings to C0000112@xxxxxxx <mailto:C0000112@xxxxxxx>  or upload
to https://www.dropbox.com/request/gXQDEsPBCtGiuXn4UcIb
* Recording preferences: MP3 format, mono, no less than 32kbps, and no
longer than 30 minutes
* File name should be the sender's initials (example: mine would be "CK") -
day - time.mp3 (for May 24 at 1am: "ck-24-0100.mp3). If uploading to the
Dropbox, please send an e-mail to the above address stating your listening
location as well.
* If possible, do not set the receiver bandwidth to be narrow, but wide AM
(at least 6kHz for example).

I hope we can get some help for these engineers who made the journey halfway
around the world to set up this test.

-Chris Kadlec


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Kansas City, September 9 to 11.  Hotel space is filling up.
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