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This is a message from Flavio Golzio <golzio@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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  *                                                                    *
  *                              GATFLASH!                             *
  *                 the internal and informal bulletin of              *
  *                    G.A.T. ( Gruppo Ascolto Torino)                 *
  our address is:
  G.A.T. , P.O.Box 108, I-10024 Moncalieri , TO, Italy

  or contact us via:
  Editor:  	Walter Mola   - wmola@xxxxxxxxxxx
  Distributor:	Flavio Golzio - golzio@xxxxxxxxxxx
        (reproduction of material is allowed provided the credit)

VOLUME 6 NUMERO 105                             SEPTEMBER 15 1997

deadline 106:  september 29

fax   +3911755216
phone +39113858670
or via e mail


Freq    Day     UTC     Station                                      SIO
1170    7       2200    Swansea Sound Swansea EE nx id               333 RP
1215    6       2305    Virgin R. London "Candle in the wind"        454 RP
1260    6       2225    Brunel Classic Gold Bristol EE mx            322 RP
3300    12      0400    R. Cultural de Guatemala EE px               2/3 FC
3330    14      0314    CHU Ottawa TS  ann in EE/FF strong           --4 FC
3400    12      0406    UNID American Style apparently non England,
                        mentioned Guatemala                          --2 FC
3940    6       2140    R. Mario pb 185 7470  AD Goor NL   EE id mx  343 RP
3985    7       1500    R. Waves Int EE FF mx id                     4/5 LB
3985    14      1500    Kiwy R. EE id adv for dx club in Australia   4/5 LB
4760    14      0321    TWR Swaziland Manzini Rel chants             --4 FC
4800    14      0320    R. Lesotho Maseru Rel chants                 --4 FC
4820    13      0311    La Voz Evangelica rel song                   232 WM
4825    6       2315    R. Educadora de Braganca PP goooool          333 RP
4885    13      0309    R. Clube do Para'" Temperatura 24 grados"    343 WM
4895    7       2230    RTM Sarawak Kuching Iban tlk                 232 RP
4919    12 13   0308 0426 R. Quito Noticias SS id Voz de la Capital  232 FC WM
4920    11      1720    AIR Chennai usual local mx                   --3 FC
4925	11	1645	RRI Jambi Occidental songs no stops, at 1858
                        mentioned FM megahertz then sudden s/off 1659
                        no usual id.Good Modulation                  343 WM
4935    13      0308    V o Kenya  news in EE                        544 WM
4950    11 13   1635 1718 AIR Srinagar tlk Hindy songs            354 LB FC WM
4955    12 13   0306 0440 Dif Nacional de Colombia  mx px about African
                        culture with native african music            322 WM FC
4990.9  12      0440    R. Ancash Huayno mx                          --3 FC
5000    13      0305    YVTO Observatorio Naval Cagical Caracas TS   252 WM
5009.6  14      0257    R. Madagascar IS sign/on starting in VV      --3 FC
5010    13      0303    R. Garoua mx                                 353 WM
5010    14      0100    AIR Tiru'puram mx                            344 GB
5019.3  14      0305    Ecos del Atrato tlk                          --2 FC
5030.1  13      0302    AWR Alajuela CostaRica Rel mx                353 WM
5035.1  13      0300    R. Aparecida sermons PP Rel mx               252 WM
5039.15 14      0102    TENT R. Libertad ? mx LA                     --2 GB
5050.1  11 13   1640 0315 R. Tanzania  songs                         353 FC WM
5055    14      0104    TENT Faro del Caribe                         --? GB
6000    6       2340    R. Singapore CC tlk                          333 RP
6000    6       2345    R. Guaiba Porto Alegre PP mx                 322 RP
6034.9  6       2325    RCN Antena 2 S. Jose del Guaviare SS mx formerly
                        "Voz del Guaviare"                           333 RP
6130    6       2255    Lao Nat R. Vientiane Lao local mx            343 RP
6135    6       2325    R. Aparecida PP sermon                       343 RP
6183    7       2250    R. Nacional de Amazonia Brasilia  PP rel px  343 RP
6200    14      0735    United Christian BC EE mx                    --3 LB
6211    14      0700    R. Nordsee Int GG mx id                      --4 LB
6257    7       0800    R. Mistero Ghost Planet EE + IT id mx        --4 LB
7480    14      0805    R. Benelux GG id mx                          --4 LB
9675    6       2200    R. Cancao Nova Cachoeira Paulista PP sermon  333 RP
9725    6       2205    New Star Broadcasting Station  Taiwan CC tlk 343 RP
9737    6       2135    R. Nac. Paraguay Asuncion SS mx              333 RP


9530    5       1410 1430 R. Thailand EE National Education Plan and
                        Tourism px                                   433 WB
9535    3       1530 1600 China R. Int  nx and Mandarin lessons      333 WB
9750	5	0700	V. of Malaysia Int news EE and Bahasa Melayu
                        lessons                                      544 WB
9840    5       1300    V. of Vietnam rpt about handicapped girl EE  322 WB
17750   4       0045 0110 R. Australia Features, reports EE          333 WB
17810   5       0640    R. Japan EE features abt FM BC px            433 WB
17820   5       0630    Deutsche Welle Reports EE                    454 WB


RP Roberto Pavanello, Vercelli,EGZ DX1 Indoor Active Ant
WM Walter Mola, Torino,JRC 525 + W9GRdsp  20 mt inv V 
LB Luigi Basso, Treviso,Icom ICR 71 lw  
GB Gabriele Boglione, Pecetto Torino,JRC 525 lw 
FC Francesco Clemente, Udine,JRC 535,R 390,R7  lw's


R. Mexico Int 9705 Ap.21-300 04021 Mexico D.F.
                  qsl letter pennant report form v/s Henry 1 irc  59 dd  RP

End of number 105...