[hard-core-dx]: NEWS: ROK jamming Pyongyang BS
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[hard-core-dx]: NEWS: ROK jamming Pyongyang BS

Dear All,

For the first time in my memory, North Korea's Pyongyang Broadcasting
Station (i.e. official Korean-language service for South Korea and Japan)
is being jammed right now (1830-1900* UTC Sept. 21) apparently by South
Korea on 6250 kHz. None of the other SW frequencies (3220, 3250, 3320)
seems to be jammed at this time. The signal from Pyongyang is very good,
but the jammer is just as strong. As far as I know, South Korea has never
jammed PBS on shortwave. This jammer was not there when I monitored all PBS
frequencies 1500-1700 UTC today, but instead there was the usual strong
utility fax QRM on 6250 kHz. Now the jammer is on, the fax is gone (like
never before), so I suspect that was in fact a jammer.

Now at 1900 UTC, 6250 kHz signed off as usual, and so did the jammer.

More about this later. I must go to bed! What am I doing at 4 a.m. on Monday?


Sonny M. Ashimori <sonny@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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