[HCDX]: Re: Scandinavian MW DX feeding-frenzy
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[HCDX]: Re: Scandinavian MW DX feeding-frenzy

Mark Connelly wrote:

> from Mark Connelly (WA1ION) Billerica, MA, USA
> Neil Kazaross mentioned "absolutely the best ever" European DX
> from his home near Chicago, IL a couple of nights ago.  He listed
> stations that he hadn't even heard in Newfoundland a month earlier !
> His latest report spurred me to do some listening during the 0500 to
> 0800 UTC time period (midnight to 3 a.m. local).  Generally I've

Mark is right. With the mailing lists abuzz with Norway, don't forget that
there are other TAs to be had too. My  December 27 (0330-0620) logs included
the following entries:

1314, 675, 666 684, 555, 567, 576, 585, 594, 693, 756, 855, 890.9,1107, 1053,
1125, 1134, 1062, 1215, 1251, 1375, 1512, 1548, 1557

Some were better than others mind you, but for me the evening prize was
Denmark on 1062. Let's see what UTC Dec 28 brings.
Regards and good DX!!
Werner Funkenhauser
WHAMLOG Page:  http://home.inforamp.net/~funk

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