Re: [HCDX] DAT vs. MD
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Re: [HCDX] DAT vs. MD

Curious to know which mini disk you bought.  I have wanted to purchase one
for sometime but keep hearing some are having problems.  So I continue to
use my reel to reel tape deck for recording.  Reel to reel is not as good as
DAT or mini but has been working for so many years and  is a monster.
Roberts solid state which is about 50 lbs in weight.   I have no problem
buying reels of tape but is difficult taking on a dxpedition.  Cassettes are
nice but short recording time.

Bob Montgomery

----- Original Message -----
From: <HaraldKuhl@xxxxxxx>
To: <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2000 4:53 AM
Subject: [HCDX] DAT vs. MD

> >  From:    sigint@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (T. Bankson Roach)
> >  Another favorite hobby device is the Sony TCD-D7 DAT recorder. With
> Also used such a nice machine for quite a while, and it really was highly
> effective. But then I changed to a portable MiniDisc-recorder, which costs
> much less, consumes much less power, and also offers the possibility to
> record the exact date and time of the reception (at least some models).
> Furthermore, MiniDiscs are a lot cheaper than DAT tapes (at least here in
> Europe) and provide nice possibilities for editing the recordings. One
> MiniDisc gives you 148 minutes of recording time (mono; 74 minutes in
> stereo). You can give each recording a name, which will then appear on the
> display of the recorder. When it comes to taping highly complicated
> modes, however, a DAT recorder seemingly still is the better choice.
> >  to the receiver the HF-1000 is. I hope someday to make a comparison of
> >  the TenTec RX340 to the Watkins Johnson. As good as the WJ is, I'll bet
> >  the RX340 is better. Time marches on!
> It certainly does. On the other hand, the RX340 kind of looks quite
> to the HF-1000. And when WJ stopped the HF-1000, soon after the RX340 was
> announced. Any conclusions?
> vy73
> Harald
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