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[HCDX] Logs

uIDed  possibly VL8A Alice springs? 4835 with news 2135 sports new 
s2139  something heard as Alice with possibly station ID clips two in 
series . Signal lowered after 2143 Liangas 26 Thessaloniki Greece 

cland (via Russia)7590 V Oromo? , 1755  horn of Africa  songs  
,sudden IS from VoR ! leaving only the carrier S9+20  max Liangas 26 
Thessaloniki Greece 

SRI LANKA 11775 SLBC 1820 OM in Tamil or the like ( Sinhala listed 
in WRTH ) and a mention on SLBC . Tamil songs follow Good signal 
till 1830 when VoA Azeri starts on 11770  with S9_30 db Liangas 26 
Thessaloniki Greece 

MALAYSIA 9750 VoM with talks on 1830  ID and hymn then 
commentaries . ON 853 with song of Ziana Zain. Over VoA Liangas 26 
Thessaloniki Greece 

TAIWAN 9745 possibly VOF Han  1825 totally different voices than 
CNR  people and talks New tun on 1845 with very light song ON 27 
and 1333 with signal S7 and talks QRM from 9750 BBC Romanian 
S9+30 Liangas 27 Thessaloniki Greece 

Cland 11625 R Sedaye Melate Iran  1435 talks by OM in Farsi , 
mentions on dollars At 1442  with a song and 1452 mentioning 
Rafsanjani ID Atr 1359  with Freqs S20 43443 QRM ed by bubble 

9335 R farda on 1900 wih S9 44444 
9325 unIIDed  in a turkic iranina language  S10 
Liangas 26 Thessaloniki GReece 

LATVIA 9290  EMR WS ID at 2100  wand pop songs . Poor at general 
at S3 max!!!! 24333  Audio off at 2203 Sign off at 2205 Liangas 26 
Thessaloniki GReece 

BRAZIL 4825 Aparecida 2117  with a song of Abba followed by Latin 
songs An ID  or like  heard on 2126  with ... para familia Signal 22332  
QRM by carrier on LSB and soem operator on USB . S4 Liangas 26 
Thessaloniki Greece 

SLOVAKIA ? 11550 R Prague 1347  with  English prg S9  34443 
Liangas 27 Thessaloniki Greece 

BOTSWANA 4930  VoA with jazz music S9 at 2155 Over 
Turkmenistan Liangas 26 Thessaloniki GReece 

BRAZIL 5035  Aparecida 2201 with ID and mention on Portugal S4 
Liangas 26 Thessaloniki Greece 
EQ GUINEA 15190 R Africa 2, 1513 man with religious talks , on 
Jerusalem  etc. 'News on bible' then 1516 gospel song At 1547 with ID 
R Africa and email as : "radioafrica@xxxxxxxxx' if I am correct.  
Signal S5 QRMed by BBC Antiqua sometimes in total 22332 Also on 
26th signal is S4 max , 23232 at 1659 

USA?  13820 R Marti 1755  OM referring to Movie Million dollar baby, 
1749  song of R MArti and 1800  ID  " R marti transmitindo para Cuba  
with some freqs and then with news  33333 at 1759 but gradually 
fading and once again good at 1824 with S 3 Liangas Feb 25th 
S ARABIA 11820 :SABC 1820 news from SABC in Arabic , ID 'Idaatu 
del mekete l arabia min riad ' S9 , 44333 Liangas feb 26th 

COSTA RICA  5030 University Net 0436 OM with religious talks  
followed by jazz music on 0439  referring tel number 1100 33[1] 3030 
twice  and a 43  Signal S8 Liangas Feb 26th 

BYELORUSSIA 7235 Byeloruskaya Radio 1255 with Russian pop 
songs . Clock at 1300 and ID About S5 31432 best in LSB due to DAB 
on 7240 Clear till 1300 when VOA  Korea starts on the freq. Liangas 
Feb 26th


Heard on:
17720  with S09, 44444 1634  with a carousel 'You hear a test 
transmission from Voice  Ascention  Island' and rock songs email as 
13820  S3-4 , 21002 splatter from  13810 S9+40 At 1717 blocked by  
Radio Marti in Spanish 
15330  at 1651: S9 , 43433  QRM  from lower signal 
17735 ASC at 1715 S9 44444  ,again 1719  with S2 max and poor . 
9405 is inaudible at 1728 
11550  BUL  Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr www.geocities.com/zliangas 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 
1102+1103,Tecsun PL200  
, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 , 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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