[HCDX] unID on 6010
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[HCDX] unID on 6010

Good Morning, Afternoon or Evening to all of you !

Yesturday morning, as you can read in my Spanish report, I heard the following ID on 6010 "...y Radio Continental para todos". Nothing listed in the 2003 PWBR matches what I heard and neither the DXLD I found.

I wonder what's the current status of Latin American locals and regionals using this channel: are there any other signals on 6010 from LA beside Radio Mil and La Voz de tu Conciencia ? 

As you can read on my SP report, there is a farly huge snowstorm in Mtl this morning so all the schools of the Marguerite Bourgeois commission are closed. By the way, I hope my Spanish was quite good and I didn't make too many mistakes. It's my 4th language after Romanian, French and English. I also know a tiny bit of German, mainly from songs and the few weeks I took at Goethe Institut this summer and a few words from 5 or 6 other languages.

Be the good DX stuff with you !
Bogdan Chiochiu
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