[HCDX] HRI On Air 16/12 (today) and 17/12 from 10-14UTC
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[HCDX] HRI On Air 16/12 (today) and 17/12 from 10-14UTC

Hoyo all,

Once again HRI is on air, this time with a special interview with the
AussieQueens queen Nicole who with her husband own the site
www.freewebs.com/aussiequeens and she will be talking about her plan to get
Queen down and will answer many questions.. vasically 20 mins worth of
questions and answers.

This will be aired at 10UTC followed by automationmadness, and than the live
madness which means i will go live, so far talking about queen right after
the replay of the interview at 11UTC and than basically a queen chat show.

What else will happen on live madness until 14UTC? Who knows! definately the
world weather and bizzare, obscure etc news

At 12UTC the HRI World news.

Than another 2 hours of crazyness with live madness, just listen for the
pure insanity!!!

  *Times:* 10h00 - 14h15UTC  (12:00-18:15 AEDT local time) *Days:* Friday
and Saturdays *Tune in via stream:*  [image:
logo mp3 klein] pro *Check the server status:* *use if the above link
doesn't work.* http://boa.mediacast1.com:9864


Rob Wise.

Hobart Radio International - 1 Year Old!!
Post Box 711, Rosny 7018
Tasmania, Australia.

Moderator of French Learning and
SW Radio News yahoo groups.
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