[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs December 24, 2009, part 2
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs December 24, 2009, part 2

** CANADA. 9625, CBCNQ, Dec 24 at 2305 in CBC World At Six special with reports on the 20th anniversary earlier this year of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Including how only in Hong Kong they managed to hold a vigil in honor of the martyrs, suppressed by police everywhere else, but ``China cannot face its future until it faces its past`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHILE. HCJB via CVC, Calera de Tango, 11920, is *still* accompanied by spurs we and others first reported weeks ago; is no one paying attention at Quito, Calera de Tango, Colorado Springs or West Bromwich? Dec 24 at 2352, tho 11920 in Portuguese sounded OK, it was flanked by distorted, motorboating, mushy spurs with matching audio centered at approximately 11902 and 11938, the latter too close to a legitimate transmission on 11935, presumably CRI in Cantonese via Kunming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. When you hear a ChiCom transmission echoing, it`s a sign of one of their accursed jamming techniques, to degrade their own broadcast so no one will want to listen to it, let alone anything mixed in. However, at 2353 Dec 24, their latest farang/gaijin voice of China, Paul James in Beijing was making secular remarx about the Xmas season just before closing on 11790, and that had quite an echo. In this case it must have been long/short path as echo-jamming is normally imposed only with CNR1 domestic programming, and there is nothing known requiring interdixion at this hour on this frequency, i.e. 190 degrees from Xi`an (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 10000, time pips pitched higher than WWV or WWVH, so knew I had something else, Dec 24 at 2358. Unfortunately it wasn`t PPE Brasil since there were no announcements every dekasecond; but conveniently at 2359 began repeated Morse code IDs in A2 as BPM until 2359:45, on top of WWVH YL complete ID during this minute and at :29 hourly. BPM is at Lintong, a suburb of Xi`an whence I was also getting CRI on 11790 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC Dec 24 at 2322 on 13790 in English, and 13770 in Portuguese, plugging their 50th anniversary philatelic contest. Strangely, both emissions are designated for ``Buenos Aires`` rather than English- or Portuguese-speaking areas. A third language, Spanish, was to be heard on 11770, overrun from supposed 2300 close after European service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RWANDA. Tnx to Steve George tip, heard RRR on extended Xmas eve broadcast. He said 6055 would run past usual 2100* at least until local midnight 2200 UT. I did not tune in until 2226, when Hark The Herald was being sung in uncertain language; 2228 announcement at first seemed Japanese and I feared it was R. Nikkei already, but shortly mentioned Rwanda and I realized it was an African language, presumably KinyaRwanda. Fair signal, no QRM. More music and chat continued, still going at 2257 but at *2258:50 completely blown away by REE cutting on with IS prior to its 2300 French broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [really]. 4005, no doubt Vatican Radio the station in German at 2259 Dec 24 with Roman Catholic stuff. Frequency is normally off the air at this time per skeds, but per VR`s special-broadcasts page http://www.radiovaticana.org/coorpro/entrasmisspec.htm

this was: ``From St. Peter's Basilica , Eucharistic Celebration presided over by the Holy Father. Live broadcast from 09.50 p.m.`` [= 2050 UT, two hours earlier than usual to give the octogenarian B-16 an extra bihour of rest before he has to make another appearance the next morning; per BBC World News on TV]

Tho it started at 2050, as usual VR did not specify an end time, but should have been over well before 2300 this year; the German-speaker I heard briefly may have been a non-Pope announcer recapping. Sked showed several other special SW frequencies for this, 5885 in Italian, 7235 and 9760 in French, 5900 and 7395 in Chinese, 7305 in Spanish, and 9530 in Portuguese. Per Aoki, 4005 normally carries English, Spanish, Arabic and finally Italian between 2050 and 2250*.

Not scheduled for the convenience of Western Hemispherians, from 1050 UT Dec 25 is: ``The Holy Father's Christmas Message and "Urbi et Orbi" blessing at 12.00 p.m.`` Its special SW frequencies are 5965 in Italian, 9645 and 11740 in English, 7250 in German, 15275 and 17675 in French, 17600 in Spanish and 17715 in Portuguese. No indication of how long it will last, either. This is when the pontiff gets to show off his multi-linguistic skills (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6950.1, Chipmunx singing Deck the Halls and other carols in medley, no doubt a pirate, Dec 24 at 2233; poor signal and not heard at next check before 2300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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