Re: [HCDX] Unid russian
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Re: [HCDX] Unid russian


This is an interesting recording, to say the least.

At :40 and 3:50 I hear "Radio (multi-syllable)" IDs, which a Russian-speaking DXer should be able to recognize (I wasn't able to understand it). The announcement at 4:10 is mostly in Russian but mentions "Ni hao (something) Radio Kitaya" in Chinese, which translates as "Hello (something) Radio China". I also heard "programa" mentioned in the announcement. It sounds like it might be a promo for a Chinese program or a seasons greetings message from CRI.

I'm guessing this is a mixing product between two co-located MW or SW transmitters, but I have no idea what the location might be.


On 12/27/2010 11:09 AM, Juha Ojanperä wrote:

I just heard a mysterious russian speaking station on 1925 kHz. I don't have any clue on what it might be. It sounded like a legal station, but it is on so strange frequency to be a legal station. And the id was also strange, there were some words in chinese! Here you can download a 10 minute clip of what I heard. In the middle of that clip is a section with heay local QRM, you can skip over it. But the best id starts at 04.10. Please listen to that clip and tell your opinions!


Juha Ojanperä
Ulvila, Finland

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