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[IRCA] Lincoln City, OR Ultralight DU's for 8-22

This hillside DXing venue continued to amaze this morning, providing seriously enhanced signals from all across Australia. Even on a modest 8" FSL antenna the extremely long-range 558-6WA in Wagin (over 9,000 miles) reached the strongest level ever for me (between S7 and S9, before Fiji pushed it off the frequency around 1340). The unusual Australians 639-2HC and 1026-4AA were also pushing S9 levels, while 558-Fiji managed a very good signal with native speech around 1345. After three days of DXing here the general verdict seems to be that the sloping hill location enhances Australian signals similar to how the Rockwork 4 site enhances New Zealand, although three days of DXing isn't really enough to make a definite conclusion. What is definitely sure is that during these three days, 558-6WA, 603-Nowra, 639-2HC, 639-5CK, 891-5AN and 1026-4AA have managed their best signals every for me over a 9 year period (and stronger than any other recordings that I have heard). The discovery of this excellent new DU-DXing venue was an unexpected bonus of the total eclipse trip, and likely to be of serious benefit to other DXers willing to try it out. Full details and MP3's will follow upon return to Puyallup later today. 

73 and Good DX, 
Gary DeBock (DXing at the NW 48th St. ocean access trail parking lot in Lincoln City, OR, USA) 
7.5" loopstick CC Skywave Ultralight + 
8" FSL antenna 
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