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[IRCA] East Coast SDR's (the non-lemons)

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Bill Whitacre's SDR in Lubec, Maine is the best East Coast SDR (so far).
Most of the time if I can hear it (TA DX) here, I can get it on his receiver and vice versa. The only other North America receiver that comes close (so far) is this other Maine one run by WA2ZKD:
Its antenna is not as directional as Bill's so the domestic QRM builds up more quickly in the post-sunset period. At and a bit before sunset both radios are good.
I do a bit better on Latin America here than either of the Maine receivers. I haven't heard a Brazilian on either of those yet. 610 and 760 are fairly common here. 700, 840, 860, 1000, 1040, 1100, 1220, and 1290.3 aren't rare either.
The third best East Coast receiver for TA's is this NJ coastal one:
Though not as good as the top two, it's better than some of the bad-antenna New England and eastern Canada ones.
The only other East Coast SDR's I find moderately useful are these in Florida:
These are primarily useful for Latin American checking. Sometimes, due to the positioning of the auroral zone, I'm getting South Americans on channels such as 700 when Florida is getting domestics (e.g. WLW) not attenuated by aurora there. A great Latin America run in New England does not guarantee even more stupendous results in the SE US.
There's not a lot in the Caribbean and South America, at least with sensitive antennas. These Dominican Republic, Bonaire, and southern Brazil ones are somewhat useful.
I'm surprised at how little from Europe shows up on the Florida, Caribbean, and South America receivers. I've had 1215 Absolute UK bonkers-loud here and could not raise a hint of it on those SDR's. If any TA delivers to the US Deep South, the Caribbean, and South America it's the 1521 Saudi. On a now-defunct Venezuelan SDR, Saudi was the only TA with actual audio. Spain (684, 855) and some others were hets only. 
We could really use some forward-position SDR's in places such as Newfoundland, Bermuda, Barbados, and the eastern tip of Brazil around Natal. On the other side we do have a good one in Iceland but we could use some more southerly ones such as Azores, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha. Existing radios in Portugal, the Canaries, and South Africa are not very sensitive. UK, Scandinavian, Dutch, and German receivers vary wildly in terms of DX-ability. Some are quite good and some stink.
There are new SDR's coming online all the time. Some go away too. Just remember that a good location doesn't always mean good DX. Often there is little attention given to antenna gain, directivity, and electrical noise immunity at MW. Receivers are often optimized for HF ham, VHF/UHF/microwave aircraft, and other utility listening such as police and fire.
It's always worthwhile to check the three major links pages periodically.
If something new and useful for long range DX comes online either in the Atlantic or Pacific zone, please share the details and any DX you may have noted with it.
Mark Connelly, WA1ION 
South Yarmouth, MA, USA
Ultimately, that or another Kiwi WebSDR will be located at Masset in the Haida Gwaii - which is an awesome location for some great DX early warning data gathering.

I?m looking forward to better radio conditions and a higher MUF - looking at 30 MHz of largely empty spectrum is depressing.

Colin Newell - Victoria - B.C. CANADA -

> On Jan 31, 2019, at 9:56 AM, C B <bevdxer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I listened on my Elad and your Kiwi SDR this morning with the same results. I'm looking forward to that watershed TP session.
> Craig BarnesWheat Ridge, CO

>> Hooked up to my dual flag and PHASER -
>> Up and down as I fiddle with stuff - ultimately this unti will end up
>> on Haida Gwaii at Walts cabin...
>> No guarantees -- loading can be slow...
>> Send reports.
>> --
>> Colin Newell - Editor and creator *of *Coffeecrew.com
>> <http://www.Coffeecrew.com> and DXer.ca <http://www.DXer.ca> - VA7WWV
>> | Twitter @CoffeeCrew | Victoria - Canada

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