Re: [IRCA] [NRC-AM] GE SRII on eBay
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Re: [IRCA] [NRC-AM] GE SRII on eBay

I'm going to get in trouble for this. 

--- Patrick Martin <mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Bob,
>  I bought my SR 1 in about 1979/80 for $49.95 at
> PayLess.

I have an  original SR, and a SR II and sold the III.
I have never seen a SR 1 designated as such. Can you
provide me with a picture? 

 Then in the
> mid 80s, a SR 2 at another PayLess for a closeout of
> $29.95. I still
> have them both and they both work great even after
> all of this time.
> Patrick Martin

I loaned my SR III to a music station and then  got
$50 for it. I have NOT replaced it. 

I have a Panasonic radio that looks like a SR copy. It
however, has NO external antenna connectors. It has a
battery saver switch, and a LOUDNESS switch like you
see on stereo receivers, and works as such. On strong
signals it tunes wide. It has one large speaker and
really will play deep bass better than any of the SR
series and the first SR was best at that with one
speaker. The Panasonic tunes the band quicker and has
a more positive tuning feel. It also runs on only 4 D
cells. I have seen only one other, and it was on Ebay.
The seller told me it was early 80's. It's a good
listening radio, but for REAL DX, the answer is no. 


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