Re: [IRCA] Baseband noise level
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Re: [IRCA] Baseband noise level

Good to hear there were static drains.  I assume the antenna part was connected to earth via resistors or chokes?  Can you provide a little more info on the setup...a diagram ?

Regarding tribo, the discharge repetition rate can be fast enough where it "sounds" like a steady noise.  Discharge rates depend on the velocity of charged particulates and the area/length of the respective elements that have a discharge path.  I assume that it was dry and there were no clouds in the sky?

 You mentioned that the earth resistance was very high ...  was it higher than usual?

Would like to google the location and see what assets are in the vicinity.  Can you give me a specific location?


 From: Mark D Mobile <Mark4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Alex P <winston376@xxxxxxxxx>; irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: [IRCA] (no subject)
Noise floor was slightly lower when the wind had abated somewhat...but not ever as low as we've seen it on previous (windy) trips.

I'm not sure about the charging/discharging...doesn't that take the form of a rapid built up of clicking noise?  Sort of zzzzzzzzaPP!  None of that present...perhaps because we had static drains on both ends of the wires.

This was just an ever-present background; between -70 and -80 at 6 kHz BW..

When I find time to produce the video and tabulate the data you'll be able to see/hear what we ran into.

BTW: Just checked back to some previous recordings: -110 was not unusual for the same Beverage set-up.

Mark Durenberger
On the road

From: "Alex P" <winston376@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 8:30 PM
To: <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [IRCA] (no subject)

> You mentioned that there were winds and dust during the time you were out there. Makes me think that there was triboelectric charging and discharging happening over your beverage.  Question:  If no winds and no dust is this noise still there?
> Alex
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