Re: [Swlfest] "Discussion list for the Winter SWL Fest"
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Re: [Swlfest] "Discussion list for the Winter SWL Fest"

The original joke I made that started all this was to have a PRIVATE fund set up by attendees, not that the festmeisters or NASWA make an official invitation and pay the transportation.  If someone, other than the official sponsors, wants to get together with others to buy the tickets, pay the attendence fee, and/or play the hotel bill for someone as THEIR guest at the next fest they should be able to.  So if anyone wants to set up an invitation fund for Glen Hauser, Arnie Coro, J.Fred Muggs, or whomever, then set up a website or e-mail address and invite people through a ONE TIME post here to get the ball rolling  
For those who do not know, the standard policy at the fest is that if someone makes a proposal for a presentation and their idea IS approved by the John & Rich counsel of elders, then only the fest fee is waved, the guest still pays his own way for everything else.  I don't know if this policy also holds for the banquet speaker.  If your guest accepts YOUR invitation and wants to make a presentation or speak, then he can make is proposal to the bosses and take his chances at rejection like everyone else. 
-----Original Message-----
From: swlfest-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:swlfest-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of WagnerND@xxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:14 AM
To: swlfest@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Swlfest] "Discussion list for the Winter SWL Fest"

How about Nivanna and Brother Stare? Then stand back & see what happens.
73 John Wagner
PS You are "Tip Toeing through the Tulips. The issue here is To give, or Not Give Glenn Hauser a free ride to the fest. The answer has already been given, No, it's not a good policy. I agree. So nuff is nuff! How about no more of this? It eats up time & space.
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