[Swprograms] Re: NYTimes: Newspapers contemplating charging for online access
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[Swprograms] Re: NYTimes: Newspapers contemplating charging for online access

Richard Cuff wrote:
> However, if the trend is indeed to increasingly charge for content, this
> changes the competitive landscape and means I might spend more time
> listening and less time reading.
> This has ramifications for those broadcasters (like the BBC, DW, RNW, and
> CBC) that have invested heavily in online news content as an adjuct to their
> radio/TV services).

But be mindful of the fact that those broadcasters you list are all 
public-service organizations. They will have a Web presence no matter what -- 
barring some awful catastrophe -- because it is of little importance that their 
pages online don't make any money.
I wouldn't say the same of private endeavours. Why should they give away their 
content without getting anything back? (That said, I will take advantage of free 
online news until it becomes unfeasible. Long live Google and Yahoo.)
Ricky Leong

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In the hearts of everyone
Every day from dusk till dawn
- Orangedale Whistle, Jimmy Rankin/Rankin Family
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