Re: [Swprograms] DRM launches at the IFA
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Re: [Swprograms] DRM launches at the IFA

Here's a report in German with pictures from someone
who attended the fair spotted by
N.Scheer on the drmrx forums:

The model he has got most information and pictures on
is the
RD2 to be released in the German market for Christmas,
250 to 300 Euros.

As to DRM's marketing I note this item in DXLD:

Peter Senger announced at IFA that next year DW would 
cease analog transmission to Europe. He said "We want
to force our listeners in Europe to buy DRM radios"

If anyone told me that to listen to them any more I
would ned to spend 250 to 300 Euros to replace a radio
I had that worked perfectly well for every other
station I would just not listen to them anymore, does
Senger intend to switch off the internet streaming as
well? He said in January that he expects 1 million DRM
receivers to be in use by the end of next year, people
in the industry think radio is more important to the
consumer than it actually is, in the main consumers
replace radios when they are broke. Unlike when I was
young there are plenty other sources of home
entertainment, mp3 players, more TV channels,
computers, game consoles etc. A lot of radio listening
is now done in the car yet none of the three car
radios on display seem to have committed to an actual
launch date for their product. The price point of 250
to 300 Euros is too high for mass sales as a new
product. He is correct in thinking that if there are
stations on digital that are not on analogue it serves
to drive sales but not at that price point for one
digital only station.


--- John Figliozzi <jfiglio1@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> It would be nice if there were a few pictures.  This
> 'stealth"  
> rollout is almost as frustrating as the long wait
> for the  
> availability of "real" receivers.  Doesn't anyone at
> DRM know how to  
> market and build enthusiasm for a product?  I could
> be one of their  
> prime customers, but all I'm feeling after Berlin is
> intense  
> frustration.
> John Figliozzi

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