From the National Radio Day website: "National Radio Day is a time to honor one of the most longstanding electronic media and its role in our everyday lives. Radio delivers information, news, entertainment and company to millions of Americans every hour of every day. We invite listeners, broadcasters, producers and stations to celebrate on August 20."
Stan, WA1LOU On 8/20/19 3:48 PM, Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote:
National radio day is about the radio stations themselves, like the one I work for and not radio clubs
On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 1:37 PM Mike Sanburn <mikesanburn@hotmail.com <mailto:mikesanburn@hotmail.com>> wrote:
It is that time of year again. August 20 is National Radio Day.?? 'Makes you appreciate great radio clubs like I.R.C.A. even more.?? 'Looking forward to the Seattle Convention. 73 ms