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A reminder...UK time   
Saturday, March 26 2022

Yearound DST is not being promoted by Pres. Biden`s administration, rather by congressional members from certain states, including Oklahoma. This is absurd, in fact any DST at all. We should go back to standard time all year. As it stands, Enid is west of 97.5 degrees which means we ought to be in the UT -7 zone, so even CST of UT -6 in winter is advanced time. Now they want to make us UT -5 as far west as the New Mexico border. UT+2 across all of Europe would be just as absurd.

At risk of restating the totally obvious, DAYLIGHT CANNOT BE ``SAVED``, only SHIFTED. If you want more daylight at start or end of day, adjust your personal activities accordingly. Glenn Hauser

On Saturday, March 26, 2022, 07:24:44 PM GMT+1, Wolfgang Bueschel <dg1sbn@t-online.de> wrote:

Re: DST in 2022 year.

Role model, the decisive US Government, under President Biden

European Union;
I guess next winter, the EU parliament WILL FOLLOW US Biden administration
to stop "DST Change usage" in future totally,

and all-Europe will be further on same STANDARD time zone,
from Algarve Portugal WeEUR time location
to Karelia border in Finland
next to St. P. Russia in Easter Standard Time zone.

on steady European STANDARD DST as 'UTC/GreenwichMT +2 hours'
will be used the year along,
in total 12 months in future.

73 wb df5sx

----- Original Message -----
From: Zach Liang
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2022 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] A reminder...UK time

In greece this happens on 3 am asking people to change to 4 am

Στις Σάβ 26 Μαρ 2022 στις 3:40 μ.μ., ο/η Mike Terry via groups.io
<miketerry73=btinternet.com@groups.io> έγραψε:
"Daylight saving time" (UTC + one hour) in the United Kingdom will begin at
01:00 tomorrow Sunday, 27 March and end at 02:00 on Sunday, 30 October.
Zacharias Liangas

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