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receptions 22-24/12   
Saturday, December 24 2022

Reception of 22/12
Today 11530 again  with welat  with their Kurdish  program at 1438+ Poor signal also on RomaniaSDR in THS no signal in both antennas even if the PL550 can still  received somesignal
11815 while looking for the NHK program I fond only ViT in most of the SEAnkSDRs Quite better signal on Romanian and Zantte GR SDRs
9520  religious station with Hindi prorgasmon 1445  returning back at 1451 there wasa Chinese radio station  with 55 db SNR(-81 with Youloop )
7630 V Martyrs at 1503 with S9 on the local kSDR of the town  Also 7665 CNR 1 VOC hammer with S7
6655 and 6675 are heard sin Youloop much better than the local kSDR operatorsin QSO Also the 6617 Murmansk etal meteo networks

ON 23/12
Testing with Alan Roe’s  Holidaybroadcasts : 9580 BBC with news  Signal-44dbm at 1004 Also on 11735 with -65dbm and –56dbm in 11945 all via Thai kSDRand continues with news reports after 1007 referencing to Ukraine
3955  on 18xx only via Twente SDR : Bob splashif any with songs of  60s all Other freqsare off  -60dbm there
1905 on 6070 with WII with Christmas songs , while also watching the news in TV,Stopped listening a few minutes later Song on Ukraine on 1957
2000 again on 6070 with R Tumbril Brian starting with a  pompous semi classical music followed laterwith jazz Here has nice audio with -60dbm signal but medium fading
7490 WBCQ behavior night Christmas , supposedly a music program as all the timelistened with

5130 Angela 0320 with Orwelian airwaves then with GMR  not heard in USa but on canaries instead wih-80dbm signal and gradually getting better

Zacharias Liangas
Hard Core Radio monitor and gear tester

https://bit.ly/3OZixtr ; disclaimer on my writing
https://bit.ly/34NEBpc ; why SDR is better
https://linktr.ee/zliangas ; all my pages

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