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Glenn Hauser logs January 7-8, 2023   
Monday, January 09 2023


** CHINA [and non]. 11590, Jan 8 at 1607, S9/+10 Firedragon jamming,
probably our best chance to hear it, but mixed with Chinese, either
target RFA TINIAN or more likely another jammer with CNR1 programming
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 10080, Jan 8 at 0215, RHC Spanish S5/S7 direct but JBM, //
much louder 9650. Transmitter once again mistuned to second harmonic
of proper 5040 where nothing but a JBA carrier. At 0745, 10080 still
on with Spanish newscast, no 5040. Something`s always wrong at RHC.
EiBi now shows 10080 at 2200-0800; and as I outpointed when this
initiated, victims are 10081 aero HF data linx of Shannon and San
Francisco. See my Nov 21 report for more about HFDLs (Glenn Hauser,

** CUBA. 5025, Jan 8 at 0217, R. Rebelde here and no 10050, S9+30/40
but overmodistorted. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn
Hauser,OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 6165, Jan 8 at 0743, only RHC English still on altho with S9
Spanish music at the moment but not // 10080 real Spanish service,
q.v. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 11760, Jan 8 at 1606, RHC is OFF, leaving only weak 15140 for
Sunday Esperanto. Check various frequencies for it at 2130? 2230?
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. Horacio Nigro has just reported that Arnie Coro died this
morninng Jan 8 at age of 80. QEPD/RIP (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** KIRITIMATI. 846 kHz, Jan 8 at 0753, no signal from R. Kiribati,
presumably another Sunday silence; nor any other 9/kHz splits (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NIGERIA. 7255-, Jan 8 at 0749, no signal from VON. You never know
whether it might have come and gone irregularly earlier (Glenn Hauser,

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925 USB, Jan 8 at 0225, rock music at S6/S7, the
OPOB = only pirate on band, that is audible. These say it`s Two Dog
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SCOTLAND [non]. 5850, UT Sunday January 8 at 0100-0200, `Encore`
classical music via WRMI, heard sufficiently well via Lincoln,
Nebraska SDR. I heard only part of it on first airing UT Friday 0200
on 5850, inconvenient time. Another opportunity UT Monday 0300 on 5950
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY [and non]. 5960.002+, Sat Jan 7 at 2307, VOT English is on,
S9+20/30 into UTwente but somewhat undermodulated vs the CCCCCCI
making them an almost equal intolerable mix, so I don`t try to listen
for content. 2348 already playing IS, sign-off earlier than usual:
except it`s still on, 2357 switching to German IDs interspersed. And
stays on well past 0000 Jan 8 with yet another extraneous broadcast.
No more clashing with The Mighty KBC which has left Nauen 5960 for
WRMI 5950 22 hours later. For other reasons: KBC never showed any
concern for the unpredictable collision with Turkey, sticking to 5960
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOWR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2172 monitoring: Bill Tilford says
the WBCQ R. Angela airing succeeded this week, UT Sat Jan 7 at 0500 on

New time on WRMI sked, Sat 2230 on 5850, 7730, 15770, so I`m all set
Jan 7 to check these out, via remotes and direct, resulting in quite a
confusing situation. To Missouri SDR, 5850 is S9/+20 but still music
at 2230, WOR seems to start late at 2231. But this SDR keeps dropping
out every few seconds, like buffering? Then I switch it to 15770 while
Maryland and UTwente are getting no signal there altho aimed toward
them. These interruptions add up, so Missouri is still playing WOR on
15770 until 2305.7! 7730 has been completely gone tho on the schedule:
briefly I think I`m hearing WOR there, but it must have been a delay
in remote activating frequency tuning change. Back to earlier in the
semihour: on 5850, WOR interrupted by music, `Those Were the Days`,
and at 2240, `Both Sides Now` heard direct on 5850.

Confirmed UT Sunday January 8 at 0030 on WRMI 7780, S9/S5 into
Maurice, Louisiana SDR which gets 7780 aimed SW from FL better than
the others. Playout still starts with 10+ seconds of noise out of WRMI
itself overriding my first words!

Confirmed UT Sunday January 8 starting at 0428 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO,
S9+15/20 into neighborly SDR, but still with lots of storm noise no
closer than the lightning line from SE TX across N LA and C/N MS.

2100 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW [last week at 0431]
0130 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v OR 5130v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial support
is appreciated. Thanks this week to William Hassig, Mt Prospect IL,
for an Xmas CD and check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684,
Enid, OK 73702

One may also contribute by PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to
woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5085, Jan 8 at 0219, WTWW with PPPP, very strong, still
flanked by JBA spurs plus/minus 12.9 kHz. Still no sign of
reactivating day frequency 9475 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 1580, Jan 8 at 0250 UT, Spanish music somewhat romantic
dominating on E/W longwire, bringing visions of XEDM Hermosillo, 50 kW
clearish channel but that`s been kaput for years. What a waste. In
fact now not a single XE is listed on 1580. 0250 quick partial ID
caught between songs, ``FM``. Then the DX-398 DFs this to NW/SE, so no
doubt KFCS Colorado Springs CO, the closest and most obvious of the
six USSS in NRC AM Log, but hard to believe it`s on night power of 140
watts rather than 10 kW ND day. Log says it`s in the Grp= Tigre 94.7
headed by KRYE 94.7. I remember when the 1580 CS/CO was something in
English. BTW, there is also ``The Tiger`` on 1580, KTGR, but it`s
sportstalk in English, Columbia MO, 8 watts at night (Glenn Hauser,

** VANUATU. 11835, Jan 8 at 0746, S5/S9 music and talk, poor but not
bad for third harmonic of a 2.5 kW transmitter of R. Vanuatu; 7890
however, the second is a JBA carrier in HNL. Nothing of course now on
7260 which Adrian Sainsbury says runs until 0659 QSY to 3945++, but I
am seldom at the dials before 0700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1000 kHz, Jan 8 at 0240 UT, music in Spanish, brief
announcement as ``todos éxitos``, about equal level to KTOK OKC which
is SSE, on my E/W longwire, and best audible with KTOK nulled on the
DX-398, but can`t get a DF on it separately. Searching on slogan or
catchphrase unproductive. No USSS stations fit - NRC AM Log shown only
two religious daytimers in MA, NC. Mexico? Only three still exist, per
IRCA Mexican Log 2022/2023, notably XEOY Radio Mil in CDMX, but //
6010 has been gone for many years. The others: XEFV in Juárez, XETAC
in CHiapas. CUBA? Sounded too ``commercial`` but two in WRTH 2022: R.
Artemisa, R. Granma. The latter named for Castro`s revolutionary boat:
do Cubans even realize derivation of the name? Grandmother, originally
named by a Yanqui (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1180.03, Jan 8 at 0247 UT, MW bandscan at 10-kHz steps
finds a het from a JBA carrier about here. Nothing in mwoffsets. Most
likely one of countless Cuban jammers off-frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK,

UNIDENTIFIED. 1240.20, Jan 8 at 0248 UT, MW bandscan at 10-kHz steps
finds a het from a JBA carrier about here. Nothing in mwoffsets. Most
likely one of countless US graveyarders off-frequency. Seems I once
IDed somesuch many years ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5051.0, Jan 8 at 0751, open carrier still here but JBA.
I have not kept relogging it, never any modulation reported. But some
interesting observations in the ODXA iog:

``Over the last several nights I've noticed an unmodulated carrier on
5051 kHz. At first I thought it might be some station that hadn't
signed on yet but after several hours nothing more was heard other
than the carrier. I then checked and verified that it wasn't a
receiver birdie. I decided to check a few of the online receivers
around my area to rule out a local source. This carrier showed up on
all of the receivers I checked. The other night I did a large sweep of
many receivers around the world, and as long as they were in darkness
this signal was there at various levels of strength. For receivers
that were in daylight this signal would show up after their local
sunset. This carrier is heard all over North and South America,
Europe, and the far East. It seems to be stronger as you go further
north. It is strongest in Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Scotland, etc. It
is weakest in the southern hemisphere although I could still hear it
in Argentina and Chile and it came in fairly well in Australia and New
Zealand. It was barely audible on one of the South African receivers.
After many hours of checking I've never heard any type of modulation,
and it does seem to follow the day/night propagation changes for a
signal on this frequency. Anyone out there have any idea what this
might be or where it might come from? Cheers, John VE3CXB`` Hudak

To which Richard Lacroix replied:

``03:00 UTC 08 JAN 2023 - I can also confirm reception in N.E. Canada
with a nice quiet S8 signal on both my T2FD and Wellbrook loop
antennae. The signal is also present on the University of Twente
Wide-band WebSDR with an S9 signal.

I have run several TDoA passes on the signal and they have all been
fairly consistent placing the signal near Island [ICELAND] or the
Western part of Europe. I think it is safe to assume that this
originating from somewhere in Europe but as always, I do not place any
great deal of confidence from the results obtained from the KiwiSDR
TDoA service.

I observed an S+10 signal from the Llerana de Saro, Cantabria KiwiSDR:
an S+20 from the SDRPT 1 Santarem, Portugal KiwiSDR:
and an S+15 from the IS0KYB San Gavino Monreale, Sardinia KiwiSDR:

Signal as observed from N.E. Canada
Signal as observed from the University of Twente Wide-band WebSDR
One of may TDoA passes`` [attached here pointing to ICELAND]``
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 1955 UT January 8

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_______________________________________________ Hauser mailing list Hauser@montreal.kotalampi.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hauser


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