Highlights from this issue: - QSL information and SW-logs. - Trends in tropical bands broadcasting 2023, Anker Petersen - [DXplorer] Digitized Fine Tunings - Don Moore's Photo Album: Cuenca, Ecuador (Part 2), SWLing Post - Dan Robinson reviews the new Chameleon CHA RXL Pro Wideband Magnetic Loop Antenna. SWLing Post - IRCA Reprints open to public - [WOR] Unusual Loudspeakers - BDXC: Afganistan DX Guide - WORLD OF RADIO and other GLENN HAUSER audio, text ARCHIVED - Domestic Broadcasting Survey, Anker Petersen - [WOR] Michigan ARE Tipsheet items March 31 - 2023 editions of ENDBH / GNDBH / NANDBH handbooks and CDs - JB's DeEmphasis - The Russian authorities are preparing retaliatory measures in the event that the West blocks the loading of virtual SIM cards - eSIM into smartphones. RUS-DX - DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS - BC DX QSLs Vs Ham Radio QSLs/awards, a personal view - [DXplorer] El Salvador news - [WOR] Re is AM Radio Becoming the New Shortwave? - Wellbrook Communications - In recent months, there have been constant attacks on Russian communications and broadcasting satellites. RUS-DX - Aoki - A23 Shortwave Frequency List March 30 2023 - Wellgood Loop Company - Made in Russia - NFC and RFID production: an interview with ISBC. RUS-DX - DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/2025.pdf