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Glenn Hauser log+ May 21-22-23, 2023   
Tuesday, May 23 2023


Hi Glenn, My latest Hitlist update.

1) Algeria - Ifrikya FM: Added entry for this new station to list
(with web home page, facebook page and YouTube Livestream link)

2) Germany - SM Radio Dessau: Added entry to list (Thanks in part to
Rafael Martinez for the tip)
The next update is scheduled for late June

Best wishes and 73, Alan Roe

** CANADA. 6754 USB, May 22 at 0648, NO signal from CHR, Trenton
Military VOLMET night frequency, just like 15034 day frequency also
AWOL lately.

At least we still have Gander on 3485, 6604, 10051, 13270, all USB
confirmed May 23 into Maryland SDR announcing correct! time 0020z.
Broadcasts start at :20 and :50 past each hour, for how long? (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 11760, May 22 at 0643, S9+20 of almost dead air except for
trace of sup/torted modulation, English? And squeal, and noise field
surrounding plus/minus 25 kHz. Something`s very wrong at RHC. No other
frequencies found on any band (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** EGYPT. Reply via the WOR iog to my May 20 log on 9440:

``Hi Glenn, Actually, Radio Cairo English service made one of its rare
appearances on May 21, starting at 2115. The broadcast was clear and
the modulation level was good. There was a news round-up followed by
"Feature" which discussed the anniversary of the establishment of the
Egyptian Geographic Society on May 19, 1875. This was followed by
another short programme, but the announcer had a very strong local
accent and spoke so quickly, that I could not grasp what she was
saying. There was News headlines at 2130 followed by "History of
Egypt" discussing Deir-al-Medina - "the Place of Truth", an ancient
Egyptian workmen's village. Sadly, the broadcast cut off abruptly at
2138 and did not return, so I gave up listening at about 2145.

Of the other languages, German on 9410 at 1900 is co-channel to BBC
Dhabayya and Albanian has CRI co-channel on 9490 at 1500, but the
Albanian release has been off air for many weeks now.

The transmitter with the loud hum is now replaced by another unit from
5th - 11th May and from 17th May onwards. This third transmitter has a
buzzing sound, but it is lower level and I find it quite tolerable,
provided that they set the modulation level sufficiently high. I had
e-mailed them requesting that this alternative transmitter be used
from now on.

There is still the problem of many transmissions being off air or cut
off before time. I am beginning to wonder if there might be problems
with the electrical grid in Egypt, causing unexpected power outages.
Maybe our Egyptian contributor Tarek Zeidan can clarify the

[later:] Albanian service returned to the air May 22 at 1500 on 9490.
Still with CRI co-channel but interference only slight. Radio Cairo
modulation level and audio quality was good. Will this situation
continue or will things deteriorate again in the coming days? Alan
Holder, G4ZBH, Isle of Wight, U.K.``

Tnx, Alan. Despite all the other problems, when on, 9440 would
consistently read out as minus 5 Hz on 9439.995 into UTwente. It would
be helpful to find what that be now (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SPAIN. 17855, Monday May 22 at 2208, SNR token English VG direct,
other frequencies not checked. Interviews with people involved in
Madrid International Dance Festival - sorely lacking any visual
element. O well (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 11785, May 22 at 2229 check, VOT English is not off the air
today, but poorly received direct with splash from 11780 Brasil; not
to mention the heavy accents (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2191 monitoring: confirmed Sunday
May 21 at 2000 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz only - no show on
918 or 207 for months: still possible? S9+10/15 into nearby Noale SDR,
with lite CCI presumably Smooth Radio, Brighton, England, UQKOGBANI.
BUT: suddenly stops at 2025, soon replaced by fill music. I am
confident there is nothing wrong with my file to cause that.

Also confirmed, UT Monday May 22 at 0030 on WRMI 7780, S5/S7 into an
Athens, GA SDR, as always blasted by external noise transmitter for
first 14 seconds and some brief bits later. Better into boastful
Louisiana SDR at S7/S9, closer to southwesterly azimuth from Okee.

Also confirmed, UT Monday May 22 at 0259 from WBCQ Area 51, 6160 minus
68 Hz = 6159.932, S9+10/25 into NH SDR despite degraded propagation
conditions. Unlike last week when this airing was pre-empted without
notice or explanation later. Next:

0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial
support is appreciated; thanks this week to Doug Brown, London, Ont.,
for a generous US$ check to Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702,
USA, ``Thanks, Glen[n] for all you do for this great hobby of ours``

Or via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to woradio at yahoo.com
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 7730, May 22 at 0651, NO signal from WRMI-2 recently
reactivated as 24/7; and 7780 WRMI-13 but a JBA carrier during
degraded propagation. Could QRP 7730 still have been radiating?

Another check at 2308: no signal on 7730 nor 7780, while 7570 is only
S7/S9 and noisy. Yet lower frequencies are detectable: 5800, 5850,
5950. The nines are good: 9395 S9+20 with that guy visiting from Akron
interviewed on `Viva Miami` as per System G sked; 9455 with moanin` &
groanin` hour on TOMBS // 15770; 9955 weaker in Portuguese mentioning
Rádio Nacional de Brasília amid jamming. Of these, only 7780 is
scheduled not to be on air, until *0000. 9955 does not match as the
pro-Taiwan `Freedom Synergy Radio` is supposedly 23-24 UT M-F on
System G.

0008 check May 23: 7780 on now into Louisiana SDR, not 7730 there nor
into Maryland. Nothing on WRMI FB about this situation, but I see only
by consulting disgraced FB would we have known what`s now history 3
days ago: ``WRMI is broadcasting live from the Dayton Hamvention in
Dayton, Ohio today (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday) from 1500-2200 UTC
on 9395 kHz`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0025 UT May 23
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