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Glenn Hauser logs October 10, 2023   
Wednesday, October 11 2023

** CUBA. 15140, Oct 10 at 1527, RHC S7/8 of dead air, or maybe trace
of JB modulation; while // 11760 is nominal. Something`s always wrong
at RHC. The Other Side:

``The regime ignores international experts' appeals regarding
discrimination against women --- 'The regime acts like any male
chauvinist, disdaining the voice of women, denying an increasingly
dramatic problem,' complains feminist activist Ileana Álvarez.
Ángeles Rosas Madrid 06 Oct 2023 - 17:03 CEST...``
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** FRANCE. 13735 & 15300, Oct 10 at 1528, no signals detected direct
from MiniTransAt, but inconclusive. I suppose there be no need for new
weather and standings info during their lengthy hiatus at Canarias;
but maybe will keep daily 15 UT broadcasts going anyway with fill
music? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** PERU. 4930v, new Peruvian, so far no luck hearing it as reported
via the WOR iog:

``Tent. reactivation Radio Sur Andina 4930.6 kHz. Hi, 4930.6 tent.
Radio Sur Andina. Sicuani, Perú. 6 oct 2346-0000*. Noted a stable
signal some low strong with peruvian instrumental music. Not listen
any identification, at 0000 utc off the air without S/Off. Some
Peruvian DXers mention that it must be this station. I heard activity
on that frequency since the beginning of the month. The web page
radiosurandina.com it`s off but in Facebook page RadioSurAndina shows
Radio TV Pitumarca some logo's mention "OCT 4930 kHz" as Radio TV
Pitumarca canal 11. Good DX, Rafael Rodríguez R., Bogotá D.C. -

``As soon as I post this, about 2345 Oct 7, no sign of it 24 hours
later into Brasil or Bonaire SDRs. OCT on the page would mean onda
corta tropical rather than octubre. Glenn``

``Subject: New Peruvian station --- Hi Glenn: It`s me César Pérez
Dioses from Chimbote, Perú. Reactivated Peruvian station on 4930 khz,
Radio Pitumarca from Sicuani, Cuzco through Radio Sur Andina, a
partner station from the same owner. Received her in Chimbote with
good signal with folk music, ads, ID as Radio Pitumarca "La voz del
pueblo" Voice of the People. From 0930 UT /04.30 am Monday morning in
Peru. Have a good day, Cesar``

Just tried it via Bonaire SDR at 0125 Oct 10 - nothing but huge noise
4930-4935 but not on the lower side. I wonder when new station signs
off (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ROMANIA [and non]. 11800, Oct 10 at 2219, horrible mix of English
and Japanese at equal levels, S8/S9, since RRI is supposedly only for
Europe altho 300 degrees USward, and NHK at 235 degrees for SE Asia,
but directly backward at 55 degrees would be USward (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** TURKEY. 11785, Oct 10 at 2200, not off the air, VOT timesignal only
a couple seconds fast, and English to us fair direct, but accented
English and fading would make it a chore to try to follow (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 28202.5 CW, Oct 10 at 2221, many VVVs and KA3BWP/B ... per
WI5V roster: ``28.2025 KA3BWP C STAFFORD, VIRGINIA # 5W, VERTICAL new
13 Sept 09``. QRZ.COM:

``KA3BWP USA flag USA, Joseph P. McGinley, JOSEPH P "J.P." MC GINLEY,
46 SCOTLAND CIR, STAFFORD, VA 22554 USA. Licensed since 1978, 10 meter
propagation beacon 28.2025, Keying with an Arduino Duemilanove``

``Love our Golden Retrievers, Snoopy (on left) & Kasper RIP (on right)
And of course more dog pictures, because they're better than most of
my relatives & every boss I've had.`` Also in regulars not relogged
but displaying wide geographical dispersion: XE1JAL/B and K6FRC/B
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2211 monitoring: ``From: Richard
Lemke, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, the desk of Richard’s listening
Post, Radio: JRC NRD-535 HF, Antenna: random long wires in the trees.
Dear Glenn: Update, I did hear 5850 kHz, 9395 kHz, confirming WOR

5850, 0130, 0131, 0159 (55433), 0159, October 7 UTC 2023 [Sat]
9395, 0030 (45443), confirming #2211, 0059, October 10 UTC 2023 [Tue]
73’s, Richard, October 10, 2023 9:40 am``

Confirmed UT Tuesday October 10 at 0030 on WRMI 9395, S9+15/20 into
Maryland SDR.

Also confirmed NEW time of 0330 UT Tuesday October 10 on WRMI 7780,
S6/S8 noisy into Bonaire SDR; at 0339 S9+5/15 into Louisiana; at 0345
three short blasts from the nasty ute in addition to at the outset.

Also confirmed at last NEW time of 1300 UT Tuesday October 10 on WRMI
9955, as checked just in time at 1325, only fair reception. Next:

2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB
1030 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB [previous #2210]
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW

Thanks this week for generous financial support from Richard Langley,
Fredericton NB, in US funds but not necessarily, via PayPal to
woradio at yahoo.com

Or via MO or check on a US bank to:
Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5085, continued from last report on reactivated WTWW, UT Tue
Oct 10: preacher continues with visual references, evidently a sermon
before an audience, but no reaxion heard from them; 0054 `Mighty
Fortress` hymn, and then outro as from ``Trinity Chapel in southwest
Virginia``, https://trinitychapelvirginia.com/ so it`s NOT PPP but
BBB, or rather just BB as Bob Biermann has now ``retired`` from his
bishop job per the Our Pastor page: nothing there yet about being on

So BB has a new radio program. But at 0059 ID as ``Ancient Word Radio
on WTWW 5085`` And 0100 into BB`s `Truth2Ponder` mixing far-right
politix with religion, like all over WRMI. Recheck at 0205 I hear an
unknown different voice. Evidently BB is subleasing to other gospel
huxters. Call from George McClintock confirms they are underway, and
expects BB to add more and more time soon including 9475 in daytime.
Recheck 0409, it`s already off 5085 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 15555 LSB, Oct 10 at 1529, noisy WJHR with gospel huxter on
LSB instead of usual USB; why? Not always audible, depending on
sporadic E boost? and/or whether really on the air (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** VANUATU. 9960, Oct 10 at 0640, R. Vanuatu on surprise new
frequency, first heard 24 hours ago as unID. Now I`m hearing ``island
music``, YL DJ with IDs in passing at 0643, 0646.5, 0654. Tunes
included 0643 ``Country Roads`` about West Virginia, morphing into ``I
Only Love You``. 0659.5* cuts off air just like 7260 used to do for
frequency change. With USB tuning, WRMI 9955 TOMBS weak enough now not
to be a problem.

At first I suspected 4th harmonic of 2485, except that does not quite
compute: would land on 9940. And if already on lowest frequency at
nightfall, where to move but up? Nothing heard on other exact
multiples of 2485 or 2490. Choice of 9960 maybe due to harmonic
resonance of antenna and/or transmitter. Following my unID log last
night, here`s what led up to the above, and following:

``[WOR] 9960, What is on now? Last night after 0600 UT I had a very
weak broadcaster aside TOMBS/WRMI 9955. Tonight at 0521 UTwente locks
onto 9959.999 but not audible. Nothing showing at remotes in
Khabarovsk or Negros. At 0532 I am again detecting it direct, JBA
talk. Glenn Hauser, OK``

Oct 10 at 0610: ``I'm hearing Vanuatu with a good signal here in
Marahau, New Zealand, with news at 06:00 UTC - now into music. 73
Chris Mackerell``

Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, California: ``Radio Vanuatu with a
new frequency of 9960; thanks to Glenn and Chris Mackerell for the
timely alert in WORiog; drove to the beach in time to catch 0656-0658*
UT, on Oct 10. Fairly readable with promo for BBC on 104 FM in Port
Vila, Visa debit card (both spots in English), etc.; about ten seconds
to change frequency to 3945 (*0658) and into the news till 0718.
-- my 9960 audio``

Wolfgang Bueschel:
``FMO is from NZ, in B-23 requested also on 9960 kHz channel
2485 1000 1900 56,51 PVL 10 0 0 400 Bis VUT VBT RNZ
3945 0700 1000 56,51 PVL 10 0 0 400 Bis VUT VBT RNZ
3945 1900 2400 56,51 PVL 10 0 0 400 Bis VUT VBT RNZ
5040 2000 2300 56,51 PVL 10 0 0 400 Bis VUT VBT RNZ
7260 0100 0700 56,51 PVL 10 0 0 400 Bis VUT VBT RNZ
9960 0100 0700 56,51 PVL 10 0 0 400 Bis VUT VBT RNZ
291023-310324`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 13834.5 USB, Oct 10 at 1525, 2-way in Spanish INTRUDING
into the 22m SWBC band (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 2325 UT October 10


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