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Glenn Hauser logs December 14, 2023   
Friday, December 15 2023

** TURKEY [and non]. 5960.005, continued from previous report:
extraneous German hour from VOT plays completely until chopoff at
0058* Dec 14 during IS, as if intentional, once IS has apparently
started IDs in Portuguese, prior to another unfulfilled extraneous
hour at 0100, in this case a language never supposed to be on SW; VG
into UTwente, uncovering Xinjiang ChiCom service, std denunciation
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2221)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2220 monitoring: ``From: Richard
Lemke, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, the desk of Richard’s listening
Post, Radio: JRC NRD-535 HF, Antenna: random long wires in the trees.
Dear Glenn: Update, confirming WOR #2220, This time of year the
Christmas lights, QRN, WRMI, 9395 kHz:
0030, 0044, 0058 (45343), 0059, QRN, December 13 UTC 2023 [Wed]
0130, 0144, 0159 (45433), QRN, [Thu]
0231 (45443), 0258 (45343), QRN, 0259, December 14 UTC 2023 [Thu]
(Lemke, Richard -AB) 73’s, Richard``

Confirmed UT Thursday December 14 at 0130 on WRMI 9395, S9+5/20 into
Illinois SDR.

Also confirmed UT Thursday December 14 at 0130 on WRMI 5010, S9/+10
into Bonaire SDR where it`s aimed.

Also confirmed UT Thursday December 14 at 0230 on WRMI 9395, S9+14/27
into Missouri SDR.

Not reconfirmed Thu Dec 14 at 1525 on WRMI 9955, despite showing on
their sked at 1500 Thu; rather does appear at unsked time 24 h

WORLD OF RADIO 2221 contents: Antarctica, Ascension, (China), Cuba,
Europe, (Finland), (France), Germany, India, Korea North, (Korea South
non), Mongolia, Romania, Solomon Islands, Sweden, (Tajikistan), Tibet
non, Turkey, USA, (Uzbekistan), (Vatican non); also: publications, RIP
David Zantow, holiday programming, WSPR, smart meters; propagation
outlook - (countries mentioned along with others not in order)

WOR 2221 available from 0138 UT Friday December 15:
(mp3 stream) https://www.w4uvh.net/wor2221.m3u
(mp3 download) https://www.w4uvh.net/wor2221.mp3

Or via http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html
Also linx to podcast services.

2130 UT Friday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy
2300 UT Friday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also webcast, phonecast; jammed?]
0130 UT Saturday WRMI 5850 to NW
2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0100 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]
0330vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0600]
1130 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 [also webcast, phonecast; jammed by Cuba?]
2100 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to SW
1400 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]
0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1200 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB or 3210-USB
1230 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB or 3210-USB [previous #2220]
1500 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [unsked but confirmed last 2 weeks]
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW or 5130v?
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S
0230 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW

As noncommercial services, financial support appreciated, via PayPal,
not necessarily in US funds, to woradio at yahoo.com

One may also contribute via MO or check on a US bank to:
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 1130, Dec 14 at 0744 UT, super-cheater KLEY Wellington KS,
YL weather she precedes and follows with this branding I`ve never
heard before: ``Super Hits 1130 AM and 104.1 FM``. The station
obviously running 250X its authorized nite power of one watt (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2221)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Dec 14 at 0448:
only 891, surely Algeria. Repeated bandscans might encounter a few
others with enough signal to detect, vs. variable supersplash from NAm
10/kHz stations, and their own fading, which tends to be quite slow if
unimpeded (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1218.1 approx., JBA carrier hetting 1220.0 stations.
Reminds me of 2011/2013y era when KMVL Madisonville TX was on 1219.84
and/or its co-channel experimental booster. Current mwoffsets shows
only one lower than that, WERT Van Wert OH on 1219.5 as of 2023-08-12
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0149 UT December 15


Glenn Hauser logs December 14, 2023 | 0 comments |
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