5/7 7290 Nabire just marginal if any in Forster .no signal on hunter valley times around 0825 5045 Great signal on 0837from bay islands at -70dbm with goods uin H V . tested in Brisbane wtith faiar in freeman’s with -56dbm at 25dbm SNR and hunter valley with -85dbm clear SNR Mostly rock music
6/7 7290.92 Nabire today quite poor at -100 dbm with strong QRM from the VK relay service pls a pirate on 7295L the Forster today has some reception gaps NO Island bay today that time 5045 , 9870 SW Australia again with the harmonic , 2310 off . 5020 Solomons relatively poor on the Hunters #2 antenna with sudden s/off at 0710 https://zliangaslogs.wordpress.com/2024/07/08/ksdr-logs-1-8-7/ Zacharias Liangas PL330 + ext antennas/ RSP1a/SpyHF+D exMusic Producer Greek Music Refuge / Dangdut and Beyond https://youtu.be/8VJ__oppkLs the pool https://bit.ly/3OZixtr ; disclaimer on my writinghttps://linktr.ee/zliangas ; all my pages _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/