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Loki: 03.11.2022 |
Friday, November 04 2022
Ohessa lokaukset edellisen 7 vuorokauden ajalta.
Ko. lokin saa myös Online Logista (log.hard-core-dx.com)
seuraavasti: klikkaa "hae", lisätty jälkeen: "2022-10-27 2200 UTC",
lisätty ennen: "2022-11-03 2200 UTC", klikkaa "Hae".
PS. Tämä on automaattinen postitus. Jos havaitset siinä virheitä, laita
minulle sähköpostia.
1260 |
18.10. |
0500- |
CZE: Rádio Dechovka . Líbeznice/Bořanovice. Lattareita etsiessä idasi tämäkin. HTE |
1530 |
15.10. |
0300- |
ROU: SRR Radio Constanța, Nufăru. Sen verran harvinainen idi korvissani, että täytyy lokata (jhy). AIH158/JHY&LN |
1368 |
31.10. |
0300- |
G: Manx Radio, Douglas. Taajuus "kiemurtelee" puolen Hertsin haarukassa. MSO |
27315 |
1.11. |
1217- |
IRL: St Mary's Church, Newmarket Parish, Newmarket, Cloyne Diocese, Co Cork. B.C.:n hautajaismessu St Maryn kirkossa. R.I.P. Striimiä on seurattu reaaliaikaisesti "Newmarket & Taur Parish - Co. Cork" Facebook -sivuilla. Ajoittain erittäin heikko kuuluvuus - ja paljon häiriöitä. IM |
27651 |
30.10. |
1210- |
IRL: Church of St. Patrick and St. Brigid, Parish of Clane & Rathcoffey, Clane, Co Kildare. 1130 UTC messu, loppui melko tasan 1215. Saivat mikrofonin kiinni 1218 UTC. Verrattu striimiin osoitteessa https://www.churchservices.tv/claneparish . Re: kuului myös 1.11. - liekä tehoa "hieman enemmän" vaiko sopiva antennin suunta? IM |
27682 |
1.11. |
1308- |
G: St Mary?s Church, Bellaghy & Ballyscullion Parish, Bellaghy, Co. Derry. P.M.:n hautajaiset, stream sivuilla "https://bellaghyparish.com/webcam/". Käyttivät kirkosta nimitystä "Bellaghy Chapel". Todella hyvä kuuluvuus, Juliusruh MUF3000 kuitenkin vain 29,1 MHz. Edellisen pilkkumaksimin aikoihin tätä on kuultu taajuudella 27681 kHz - taajuus lienee hieman ryömähtänyt? IM |
27691 |
2.11. |
1215- |
IRL: St. Agatha's Church, St. Agatha's Parish, North William Street, Co Dublin. Pitkä kahden nuorehkon naisen rukoushetki "Camera on Side Chapel". ?Holy Mary, Mother of God ??. Pääkuvassa ei ollut ketään, kynttilät paloivat kappelin alttarilla. Kummatkin toistivat lähes samat lauseet peräkkäin. En oikein ymmärtänyt hetken tarkoitusta tai prosessia - ehkä siinä siunattiin joku kirkon uusi työntekijä toimeensa ja tehtäväänsä? Mutta kuului - ja näkyi. Striimi sivuilla https://www.mcnmedia.tv/camera/st-agathas-parish . IM |
27751 |
30.10. |
1120- |
IRL: St Brigid's Church, Laragh Parish, Laragh, Co Cavan. Toinen tämän kesän kuulluista kirkkoasemista. Tarkka taajuus taisi olla 27751,5 kHz, Verrattu streamiin osoitteessa https://www.churchtv.ie/laragh/. Messu näytti olevan menossa ja ehtoollisen jakaminen. Kovin tuli heikosti, MUF kun oli vain 31,9 MHz (1118 UTC). Yllättävät kelit, MUF3000 lienee maksimissan ollut vain hieman alle 35 MHz. IM |
27881 |
30.10. |
1140- |
G: Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, Parish of Maghera, Newcastle, Co. Down. Englannista - verrattu streamiin sivuilla https://www.mcnmedia.tv/camera/our-lady-of-the-assumption-church-newcastle. Todella hyvä kuuluvuus, ei häiriöitä. Papin saarnaa tuntui olevan. Täytynee vielä nauhoituksesta varmentaa, löytyisikö myös puheID. Noin parikymmentä WPAS/CADS-asemaa kuului, mutta valitettavan lyhyen aikaa hyvin. IM |
828 |
14.10. |
2300- |
AZR: Antena 1, Monte das Cruzes. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1161 |
8.10. |
2000- |
EGY: ERTU Mid Delta R, Tanta. "Huna idhaat'll Osa-te Delte min Tanta". AIH158/JHY&LN |
576 |
8.10. |
1600- |
CHN: Yunnan Xinwen Guangbo. "Yunnan News Radio". AIH158/JHY&LN |
576 |
14.10. |
2100- |
OMA: R Sultanate of Oman, Haima. AIH158/JHY&LN |
603 |
14.10. |
2100- |
OMA: R Sultanate of Oman, Bidiyah. AIH158/JHY&LN |
612 |
14.10. |
2100- |
JOR: Jordan R, Shobak. AIH158/JHY&LN |
657 |
8.10. |
1500- |
CHN: Guǎngdōng Xīnwén Guangbo, Guǎngdōng. AIH158/JHY&LN |
657 |
8.10. |
1600- |
CHN: Hénán Xīnwén Guǎngbō. AIH158/JHY&LN |
666 |
8.10. |
1600- |
CHN: Qinghai Xīnwén Zònghé Guǎngbò. AIH158/JHY&LN |
666 |
8.10. |
0666- |
SYR: SRTV Sawt al-Shabab. Kertoi FM asemien taajuudet ja kaupungit. AIH158/JHY&LN |
675 |
26.10. |
1600- |
CHN: Nèiménggǔ Xīnwén Zònghé Guǎngbò, Hohhot. Oppikirjan mukainen standardi-idi aikamerkin jälkeen. JKZ/N |
693 |
8.10. |
1500- |
CHN: Shaanxi Xinwen Guangbo. AIH158/JHY&LN |
711 |
8.10. |
1600- |
CHN: Qīnghǎi Xīnwén Zònghé Guǎngbò, Golmud QH. AIH158/JHY&LN |
720 |
8.10. |
1500- |
CHN: CNR-16 Zhōngguó Xiāngcūn zhī Shēng, Beijing BJ. Voice of the Chinese Countryside kertoo MWList nimeksi. AIH158/JHY&LN |
738 |
8.10. |
1600- |
CHN: Xinjiang Qi Ba San Zonghe Guangbo XJ. AIH158/JHY&LN |
774 |
8.10. |
1600- |
CHN: Húběi Xīnwén Zōnghé Guǎngbō. Ei ollut enää zhi Sheng. AIH158/JHY&LN |
783 |
26.10. |
1600- |
CHN: Hǎixiá zhī Shēng, Fotan. Taiwanin klangia idissä ja sinnehän tämä Voice of the Strait lähetyksensä suuntaakin. JKZ/N |
792 |
8.10. |
1600- |
CHN: Guǎngxī Zonghe Guǎngbō. AIH158/JHY&LN |
801 |
8.10. |
2000- |
IRN: Radio Khorasan-e-Shomali, Bojnurd. AIH158/JHY&LN |
819 |
8.10. |
1500- |
CHN: Shānxī Zònghé Guǎngbò SX. AIH158/JHY&LN |
864 |
8.10. |
1459- |
J: HBC Hokkaido Hoso, Asahikawa /Muroran/Enbetsu. Tasalta ANN. AIH158/JHY&LN |
891 |
8.10. |
1600- |
CHN: Níngxià Xīnwén Guǎngbō NX. AIH158/JHY&LN |
918 |
8.10. |
1900- |
IRN: IRIB Radio Kerman, Jiroft. AIH158/JHY&LN |
954 |
8.10. |
1600- |
CHN: Anshan Xinwen Guangbo, Anshan. Niihamassa kuultu jo vuonna 2014. AIH158/JHY&LN |
972 |
8.10. |
1600- |
CHN: Henan Jingji Guangbo HA. AIH158/JHY&LN |
999 |
8.10. |
1501- |
TWN: Tiennan Guangbo Gongsi, Taipei. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1008 |
11.10. |
1600- |
PAK: R Pakistan Hyderabad. Uutiset enkuksi ja hyvinhän tuo kuului. HTE |
1026 |
8.10. |
1531- |
CHN: Guìzhōu Zònghé Guǎngbò GZ. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1062 |
8.10. |
1500- |
CHN: Guǎngdōng Zhūjiāng Jīngjì Guǎngbō GD. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1152 |
8.10. |
1502- |
CHN: Hunan Xinwen Zonghe Guangbo. Idi oli vain "Hunan Renmin Guangbo Dianshi Tai", mutta voisi olla sama kanava kuin viime vuonna. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1161 |
8.10. |
1600- |
TWN: BCC Country Network, Miaoli. Paikallisidi. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1332 |
8.10. |
1600- |
CHN: Henan Nongcun Guangbo, Lingyang. Selvä Nongcun Guangbo -idi. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1359 |
2.11. |
1400- |
CHN: Wuhan Xinwen Guangbo, Yichang. Tätä taajuutta ei yleensä tule edes Kiina-keleillä kuunneltua kun siinä on vain CNR-1 lähettimiä. Tai niin ainakin luulin kun puolella korvalla kuuntelin. Id ei kuitenkaan sopinut ja tarkemmin kuunnellessa sanoikin: "Wuhan Guangbo Dianshitai, Xinwen Guangbo". Jim näköjään kerran AIHkissa kuullut. JKZ/N |
1503 |
8.10. |
1600- |
CHN: CNR13 Uyghurche radiyo. Näitä uiguuriohjelmia löytyy nykyisin paljon. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1503 |
2.11. |
1401- |
CHN: CNR13 Uyghurche radiyo. "Uyghurche program". JKZ/N |
1548 |
28.10. |
1358- |
PHL: DZSD Super R, Dagupan. JM:n vinkistä löytyi tämä phili Niihaman tilastoihin. Sen verran tumppi on Aasia-lanka, että kohinassa vielä tähän aikaan mutta "Super Radyo D-Z-double-B" tulee sen verran tuhdisti ja kaiulla että erottuu. Releoi siis ketjun pääasemaa 594 DZBB Super Radyota. JKZ/N |
1035 |
30.10. |
1303- |
NZL: Newstalk ZB, Wellington. Tämä tuli livenä. Mainoksia ja 13:05 säätiedotusta. Kuului toki myös 2.11. Aihkissa on tehty Japen kanssa infra-
parannuksia: sähkökytkentähommia, majoituskapasiteetin lisäys 3-->4 henkilöä sekä kaikenlaista muuta pientä. AIH160/JIS&JSN |
1107 |
1.11. |
1725- |
NZL: Today FM, Bay of Plenty. Nousi hyvällä forssilla tähän aikaan. Mainoksia Bay of Plentyyn. Mustaus sen takia, että on vaihtanut nimeään. AIH160/JIS&JSN |
1548 |
2.11. |
1600- |
AUS: 4QD Emerald QLD. Britit häiritsivät, SAWA'sta ei pihaustakaan, ja fanfaari soi. SJP/MAA |
580 |
8.10. |
0357- |
CAN: CHAH Edmonton AB. "My Radio 580 AM". AIH157/JHT&LAL |
600 |
8.10. |
0359- |
CAN: CJWW Saskatoon SK. "Legendary Country". AIH157/JHT&LAL |
740 |
31.10. |
0459- |
CAN: CBX Edmonton AB. Paikallis-ID. MSO |
770 |
8.10. |
0400- |
USA: KATL Miles City UT. AIH157/JHT&LAL |
770 |
8.10. |
0700- |
USA: KTTH Seattle WA. AIH157/JHT&LAL |
790 |
8.10. |
0359- |
920 |
1.11. |
0500- |
CAN: CFRY Portage la Prairie MB. MSO |
920 |
15.11.21 |
0019- |
CAN: CKNX Wingham ON. "Serving Midwestern Ontario for over 90 years, this is CKNX" Vanhoja pitää kaivella kelien puutteessa. Uusi Keuruulla. JTA/Keu |
970 |
1.11. |
0459- |
ALS: KFBX Fairbanks. Sivuaa 12 vuoden takaista kaudenaloitusennätystään täälläpäin. Parit idit koht. hyvällä kuuluvuudella, tyttöjen laulu-ID
tuli sitten jo vähän heikommin. Korvasin rx:ään tulevan kaapelin kolme plugia/adapteria yhdellä "sokeripalalla", koska
ne olivat
aiheuttaneet jatkuvaa riesaa löysillä liitoksillaan. Tuntui heti kuin sinkut olisi voimistuneet... MR vinkkasi tästä
yksinkertaisesta remontista. 2-3Hz plussalla. MSO |
1050 |
1.11. |
0500- |
CAN: CJNB North Battleford SK. Kutsu-ID by YL tuntui oudolta eikä ihme, kun en sitä ole aiemmin lokannut. Suuntakuvio kyllä sojottaa sopivasti tännepäin.
on melko tarkka. MSO |
1240 |
11.10. |
0400- |
USA: KICD Spencer IA. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1360 |
18.10. |
0501- |
USA: WHNR Cypress Gardens FL. "This is Boss Hogg Radio Network" ja jatkoi siitä ketjun asemien infoilla. Kiitos TK infosta ja etsin lähinnä perulaista :). ARS |
1400 |
29.10. |
0600- |
+ |
USA: WJET Erie, PA. Myrskykelit menossa, ennen tasaa bandi lähes tyhjä, tasaksi hetken nousu ja sitten taas bandi tyhjeni. Hyvin ajoitettu
muutaman minuutin loppunosto peditionin viime metreille. Tasan idissä mainitsee niin WJETin kuin repeaterinsä W244DX, eli
on selvästikin DX-asema. AIH159/MTM&JMS |
1410 |
11.10. |
0401- |
CAN: CJWI Montreal QC. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1440 |
2.11. |
0500- |
CAN: CKJR Wetaskiwin AB. Heikosti tuli. MSO |
1440 |
14.10. |
2302- |
USA: WVEI Worcester, MA. "From WEEI studios...". AIH158/JHY&LN |
1440 |
18.10. |
0445- |
USA: WWCL Leigh Acres FL. Tästä on tullut todellinen hilse. SARV/JIH&JEÖ |
1450 |
14.10. |
2301- |
CAN: CFAB Windsor NS. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1550 |
15.12.21 |
1230- |
USA: KAPE Cape Girardeau MO. "KAPE Radio 95.7". AIH147/PW&TIK |
1560 |
15.10. |
0000- |
USA: KGOW Bellaire TX. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1560 |
15.10. |
0100- |
USA: KLNG Council Bluffs IA. "You're listening to radio that changes the way you live, 1560 AM KLGN Council Bluffs Omaha, a local communications
station.". AIH158/JHY&LN |
1570 |
28.10. |
0131- |
USA: KMCD Fairfield IA. Mukava kantrimusa herätti ja tulihan myös id "Your Hometown Station 1570 AM KMCD Fairfield". TJV/ IVA |
1570 |
14.10. |
2321- |
USA: WUBG Methuen MA. "103.7 FM y 1490 AM, La Mezcla de Boston". AIH158/JHY&LN |
1570 |
15.10. |
0023- |
USA: WVTL Amsterdam NY. Classic Country. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1590 |
14.10. |
2300- |
USA: WARV Warwick RI. "Life Changing Radio". AIH158/JHY&LN |
1600 |
14.10. |
2330- |
USA: WAAM Ann Arbor MI. Idejä kirjaimia tavaamatta... AIH158/JHY&LN |
1610 |
15.10. |
0000- |
CAN: CHHA Toronto ON. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1610 |
14.10. |
2300- |
CAN: CHRN Montreal QC. "Radio Humsafar". AIH158/JHY&LN |
1620 |
15.10. |
0000- |
USA: KOZN Bellevue NE. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1650 |
15.10. |
0001- |
CAN: CINA Mississauga ON. Kertoi olevansa myös Radio Toronto. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1690 |
15.10. |
0045- |
CAN: CJLO Montreal QC. Torontolainen soitteli taustalla kreikkalaista musiikkia. AIH158/JHY&LN |
9500 |
24.10. |
0606- |
ALS: HAARP, Galena AK. JP |
750 |
13.10. |
0230- |
ARG: LR203 AM 750, Quilmes Oeste BA. "Donde quiera que estés" ohjelma, jota veti Alejandro Ajo. MWListin mukaan lähetin uudessa paikassa, entinen oli Lomas
del Zamora. Paikkojen väli on reilut 10 km, autolla 16 km ja vie aikaa 46 minuuttia. AIH158/JHY&LN |
930 |
31.10. |
0400- |
URG: CX20 Radio Monte Carlo, Montevideo. Edes yksi asema tasatunnilla ja seuraavalla 1230 Dos. Joten lanka ei ehkä poikki, vaikka nämä kyllä näyttävät kuuluvan liki ruuvimeisselillä?! ARS |
970 |
29.10. |
0430- |
PRG: ZP9 Universo 970, Asunción. Kolmisen tuntia feidaillen kuuluvissa kuivakalla puheohjelmalla, eikä idaillut tasatunnilta. Se ainoa tuli sitten kuin kaivosta ja JEÖ joutui varmentamaan, Tnx! ARS |
970 |
3.11. |
0258- |
PRG: ZP9 Universo 970, Asuncion. Nyt tuli komeasti "Universo, todas las caras de la realidad". ARS |
970 |
13.10. |
0300- |
PRG: ZP9 Universo 970, Asunción. Ohjelmassa myös asemalla "Viajes de Radio", jota veti Toni Roberto. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1010 |
29.10. |
0346- |
ARG: LV16 Radio Rio Cuarto, Rio Cuarto. ARS |
1010 |
13.10. |
0300- |
ARG: LV16 Radio Rio Cuarto, Rio Cuarto, BA. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1010 |
13.10. |
0200- |
B: ZYH448 R Bahia AM, Salvador BA. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1010 |
18.10. |
0420- |
PRU: OAX4U Radio Cielo, Lima. SARV/JIH&JEÖ |
1070 |
12.10. |
0300- |
B: ZYI673 Difusora R Cajazeiras, Cajazeiras PB. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1080 |
13.10. |
0400- |
PRG: ZP25 R Monumental, Asunción. AIH158/JHY&LN |
1110 |
18.10. |
0430- |
PRU: OAZ4W R Feliz, Lima. SARV/JIH&JEÖ |
1140 |
29.10. |
0459- |
CHL: CB114 R Nacional de Chile, Santiago. Lie kuulunut useamminkin, kun vasta nyt sain päähäni tarkistaa huminan aiheuttajan. Sieltähän tämä .13 yläsplitiltä osin hyvin kuuluikin. ARS |
1160 |
18.10. |
0432- |
PRU: OAX4C Onda Cero, Lima. SARV/JIH&JEÖ |
1180 |
18.10. |
0430- |
1270 |
29.10. |
0400- |
ARG: LRA20 R Nacional, Las Lomitas. ARS |
1270 |
3.11. |
0259- |
ARG: LRA20 R Nacional, Las Lomitas. Vaikka tullutkin yleiseksi, niin pakko tämä on lokata, kun taas paikallisidi taajuuksineen ja täysin yksin taajuudella. ARS |
1290 |
29.10. |
0401- |
ARG: LRJ212 Radio Murialdo, Villa Nueva de Guaymallén. ARS |
1300 |
30.10. |
0503- |
PRU: OAX4M Radio Dios es Amor, Comas. "La Cadena Nacional Radio Dios es Amor....Programa La Voz de Liberación". Eli ei kai näitä mitään järkeä ole nimetä ohjelman eli LV Libin mukaan? ARS |
1360 |
21.10. |
0300- |
PRU: OBM2A Radio Capuli, Julcán. Olin tehnyt klipin idistä, jota en saanut sopimaan mihinkään taajuuden asemaan. Tänään sitten TK WhatsApp-ryhmässä kertoi tämmöisen aseman lokatun uudessa MV-Ekossa ja siellähän se klippi oli tehtynä kovalevyllä :) Hyvää palvelua, kiitos vaan. JKZ/N |
1370 |
18.10. |
0503- |
CLM: HJBO Emisora Minuto de Dios, Barranquilla. HTE |
1380 |
18.10. |
0502- |
PRU: OCY4U R Nuevo Tiempo, Lima. HTE |
1400 |
25.10. |
0430- |
EQA: HCFL2 Radio Zeta Uno, Guayaquil. Hyvin ylsplitillä 1400.140v. SARV/JIH&JEÖ |
1480 |
5.5. |
0106- |
PRU: OAZ7G R Espinar, Espinar. Kovalevyä siivotessa löytyi uusi asema. HTE |
1520 |
1.11. |
0400- |
EQA: HCRI5 La Voz de Guamote, Guamote. Idasi ja laittoi himnon soimaan. ARS |
1540 |
18.10. |
0404- |
PRU: OCX7V Radio Lorena, Cusco. SARV/JIH&JEÖ |
88.000 |
10.6. |
1754- |
HNG: Radio Plusz. Marcali -tx, puheID - tukevasti häiriöissä, 60 kW YLE Espoo taajuudella 87,9 MHz. IM |
88.200 |
11.6. |
1613- |
ALB: Radio Fier. Fier -tx, PI:4D7F. IM |
88.200 |
10.6. |
1755- |
SVK: Radio Best FM. Nitra -tx, PI:5355, PS:BEST FM. IM |
88.300 |
10.6. |
1732- |
HNG: Maria Radio Nefelejcs. Komarom -tx, PI2:BACC, PS:MARIA R. Tehoa 1 kW. IM |
88.500 |
10.6. |
1702- |
BUL: BNR Radio Varna. Nesebar -tx, PI:8233, PS:RADIO VARNA. IM |
88.500 |
10.6. |
1739- |
CZE: Kiss. Valasske Mezirici tai Vsetin -tx, PI:23A0, PS:KISS. Tehoa kummallakin 100 W. IM |
88.700 |
10.6. |
1701- |
BIH: Radio Antena. Tesanj -tx, PI:FE00, PS:*ANTENA*. IM |
88.700 |
10.6. |
1732- |
F: Cherie FM. Gray -tx, PI:F224, PS:CHERI ... .Tehoa 1 kW. IM |
89.200 |
10.6. |
1755- |
D: SWR2. Ulm -tx, PI:D3A2, PS:SWR2 . IM |
89.400 |
16.6. |
0650- |
SVN: Radio Rogla. Slovenske Konjice -tx. Idi avautui kun file oli hautunut laatikossa muutaman kuukauden. JHY |
89.600 |
10.6. |
1657- |
D: Bayern 2. Bamberg -tx, PI:D312, PS:Bayern 2. IM |
89.900 |
11.6. |
1620- |
ROU: Radio Guerrilla. Resita -tx, PI:E0D8, PS: GUER... , tehoa 100 W. IM |
89.900 |
7.6. |
1710- |
RUS: Nashe Radio, Sarov (NN). Mainosnumero 9-90-90. AihR/VJR&JMS |
89.900 |
7.6. |
1624- |
RUS: Radio Tvoya Volna, Moskva (MO). Mainosti "Sto Filtr" autopikahuoltoa Moskovan ulitsa Zorgella. AihR/VJR&JMS |
90.200 |
7.6. |
1600- |
RUS: Radio Dacha, Bryansk (BR). "V Bryanske 7 chasov vechera". AihR/VJR&JMS |
90.900 |
9.6. |
1721- |
I: Play Capital. Bomba tai Casacalenda -tx, PI:5F6E, PS: PLAY CAPITAL . IM |
91.200 |
9.6. |
1736- |
ALB: Radio Club FM. Lushnje tai Fier -tx, PI:9281, PS:CLUB FM. IM |
91.300 |
10.6. |
1805- |
HRV: HRT-HR 1. Ehkä Mirkovica -tx, PI:C201, PS:HRT-HR1. Aloitteli englanninkielisiä uutisia. IM |
91.400 |
10.6. |
1800- |
CZE: Radio Jih Cimbalka. Hodonin -tx, PI:24A6, PS:JIH CIM Tehoa 500 W, balkanilaista kansanmusiikkia tuntui soittelevan. IM |
92.200 |
11.6. |
1612- |
GRC: Radio Eninumerosi 92.2. Katerini -tx, puheID ... mono-lähetys, ei RDS-koodia. IM |
92.600 |
9.6. |
1721- |
SVK: Radio Jazz. Bratislava -tx, PI:5349, PS:JAZZ . IM |
94.200 |
6.8. |
1030- |
I: Radio Bellla e Monella, Padova. Cinto Euganeo (pd) -tx. Mainoksia Padovan naapuriin (Cittadella). PI-koodi vaihtui mainosten ajaksi 5370-->5570. PUL |
95.500 |
6.8. |
1105- |
I: R101. Serramazzoni (mo) -tx. PI-ID: 5215. Myös audio-IDejä. PUL |
96.200 |
6.8. |
1106- |
I: Canzoni e Sorrisi. Marano sul Parano (mo) -tx. Harvemmin kuullulla audio-IDillä. PUL |
96.800 |
6.8. |
1050- |
I: Radio Stella. Serramazzoni (mo) -tx. Audio-ID. PUL |
97.000 |
6.8. |
1030- |
HOL: Battum FM, Bathmen. Joskus (itse asiassa useimmiten) on vaikeata, mutta niin mielenkiintoista selvitellä näitten hollantilaisten
maapiratttien identiteettiä. Musiikista - schlaagereita vuosien takaa - kyllä heti arvasi minkälaisesta asemasta on
kyse. Mutta tämä(kään) ei audio-IDiä antanut, ei sitten millään. Eli ID piti saada selville RDS:stä. Onneksi aika
usealla Hollannin piraatilla on RDS käytössä, ja vieläpä sieltä herkemmästä päästä. Tämä posautti tauluun hetimiten PI-
koodin 2103, joka tietenkään ei auttanut mitään. Asema onneksi feidaili pitemmän aikaa, ja silloin tällöin sinkku nousi
RDS-tasolle, ja PS- sekä RT koodit paljastuivat osittain. PS oli (niin kuin hollantilaisilla tapana on) dynaaminen ja
monenlaista tekstiä putkahteli esiin. Varmaan siellä luurasi myös aseman nimikin, mutta ei heti sattunut kohdalle.
Pelastuksen toi RT, jossa oli selvä ID: "DIT IS DE BATTUM FM REACTIES [puhelinnumero]". Ja vihdoista viimein PS-lottokin
toi täysosuman: "BATTUMFM". Asema on ollut toiminnassa
ainakin toistakymmentä vuotta eri FM-taajuuksilla. Ja nyt tässä. Ei löytynyt aikaisempia lokauksia Suomessa. PUL |
97.100 |
6.8. |
1042- |
BEL: Maximum FM. Liège -tx. Mainos ja jingle-ID. Ranskankielinen. PUL |
97.100 |
6.8. |
1102- |
G: Metro Radio. Burnhope -tx. Uutiset ja sääennustus koillis-Englantiin. Jingle-IDejä. PUL |
97.100 |
6.8. |
1033- |
I: Radio Kiss Kiss. Capannori (lu) -tx. Jingle-ID. PUL |
97.300 |
9.6. |
1719- |
I: Antenna Adriatica. Termoli -tx, PI:5040, PS: vain ANTE ... AD ...saatiin näkyville. IM |
97.500 |
6.8. |
1103- |
I: Radio International. Fiorano Modenese (mo) -tx. Audio-IDejä. PUL |
97.500 |
6.8. |
1028- |
I: Radio Sound, Ferrara (fe). Mainosten aikana PI oli (FMlististä poiketen) 5AA1 ja muutoin 58A1. PUL |
97.800 |
6.8. |
1027- |
I: Radio Piterpan Padova. Galzignano Terme (pd) -tx. PIPS-ID: 5373/"PITERPAN". Mainosten aikana PI muuttui regionaaliksi: 5573. PUL |
97.900 |
15.6. |
1900- |
+ |
RUS: Radio Mir, Yekaterinburg (SV). "V Yekaterinburge polnoch". AihR/VJR&JMS |
98.000 |
6.8. |
1033- |
HOL: RADIONL. Hengelo -tx. Audio-IDejä ja sää. PUL |
98.100 |
6.8. |
1033- |
HOL: Qmusic Limburg. Eys -tx. Jingle-ID. PIPS-ID: 83C8/"Qmusic"-->"Limburg". PUL |
98.200 |
6.8. |
1029- |
I: PaneBurroMarmellata. Bologna (bo) -tx. Jingle-ID. PUL |
98.500 |
6.8. |
1028- |
I: Virgin Radio. Bologna (bo) -tx. PI-ID 5241. Myös audio-ID. PUL |
98.600 |
6.8. |
1038- |
I: m2o. Buti (pi) -tx. PI-ID: 5233. Myös jingle-ID. Harvinaisemmasta Pisan maakunnasta. PUL |
98.700 |
6.8. |
1041- |
HOL: NPO Radio 4. Hulsberg -tx. PIPS-ID: 8204/"RADIO 4". Soitti Tapiola Sinfoniettaa. PUL |
98.700 |
6.8. |
1025- |
I: Radio Wow, Padova. Teolo (pd) -tx. Jingle-ID. PIPS-ID: 5359/"# WoW". Mainosten aikana PI --> 5759. PUL |
98.800 |
6.8. |
1038- |
I: Radiofreccia. Serramazzioni (mo) -tx. PI-ID: 5293. Lisäksi audio-slogan: "Radiofreccia - libera come noi". PUL |
99.500 |
6.8. |
1035- |
I: Radio Stop. Buti (pi) -tx. Audio-ID. Kuului samaan aikaan kuin saman maston m2o (98.6). PUL |
101.400 |
6.8. |
1855- |
+ |
E: R Alhendín FM, Alhendín (and-gr). PI: E032. Harmillisesti vain musiikkia a la Pedro Guerra. Espanjalaiset samaan aikaan myös taajuuksilla 100.6 (futispeli)
ja 101.5
(pelkkää höpötystä). VEH |
6865 |
31.10. |
0000- |
USA: X-FM / Radio Illuminati. USB. Todella vahva sinkku ja luettava audio. Hyvät juontajat. "On C-QUAM Stereo. This is X-FM. Shortwave" oli väite.
"The best alternative and modern rock you can find. Here on X-FM". HKU/PaiR |
6925 |
31.10. |
0104- |
USA: WDOG. LSB. "This is W-D-O-G" ja koiran haukuntaa vähän väliä. Siis kautta aikain ekaa kertaa sain myös koiran antaman idin! HKU/PaiR |
6950 |
31.10. |
0145- |
USA: Voice of Abnormal. USB. "The Voice of The Abrnormal - Right here - Worldwide". HKU/PaiR |
2177 |
29.10. |
0035- |
CNR: Las Palmas Radio. GMDSS. VHI |
2187.5 |
1.11. |
1629- |
EGY: Kosseir Radio. GMDSS. VHI |
28287 |
1.11. |
1445- |
G: GB3XMB/B. Clitheroe -tx, (nr. Waddington), loc 1083SV, tehoa 10 W. IM |
| ___________________________________________________________________________________
DX mailing list
Dual DX Test-- THIS WEEKEND-- KJJR 880 Whitefish, MT & KSEN 1150 Shelby, MT |
Friday, November 04 2022
Jos tulevana viikonloppuna on NA keliä, kannattaa tsekata nämä DX testit. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Phil Bytheway <phil.bytheway@gmail.com>Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 7:48 PM Subject: Fwd: [UltralightDX] Dual DX Test-- THIS WEEKEND-- KJJR 880 Whitefish, MT & KSEN 1150 Shelby, MT To: < DXM.EiC@gmail.com>
The Courtesy Program Committee (CPC) of the National Radio Club and International Radio Club of America are proud to kick off the 2022-2023 season with another “Dual DX Test” this weekend.
Chief Engineer Todd Clark will be doing maintenance testing starting on Saturday, November 5th at 12:01 AM Mountain Time (0601 UTC) when KJJR, 880 AM, will be testing on daytime power and pattern. 10,000 watts. Programming will consist of sweep tones, Morse Code IDs, 1 kHz “long duration tones,” etc. The test will last two hours, until 02:00 AM Mountain Time.
Part two of the dual test is the next day, Sunday, November 6th, at 12:01 AM Mountain Time (0601 UTC) when KSEN, 1150 AM, will be testing on daytime power and pattern. 10,000 watts. Programming will consist of sweep tones, Morse Code IDs, 1 kHz “long duration tones,” etc. The test will last two hours, until 02:00 AM Mountain Time.
** Most of the United States will “fall back” one hour into Standard Time at 0200 local times on Sunday, November 6th. This will not affect the test since KSEN is in the Mountain Time Zone. The test ends just as time changes.
We thank Todd Clark for getting the season off to a great start.
At the station’s request, the Courtesy Program Committee will be responsible for verifying reception reports and issuing QSLs. All reception reports should be emailed to:
The new QSL rules for CPC-coordinated tests will be in effect for this test. Please read them carefully.
- DX Tests are arranged by the Courtesy Program Committee of the National Radio Club (NRC) and the International Radio Club of America (IRCA.) Both clubs offer low-cost, online-only memberships. It is appropriate that those seeking QSLs should support the clubs financially. Please indicate in your request which club you are a member of. It may improve the response time for your QSL.
- QSL requests for DX Tests where the CPC will issue QSLs must be received within 30 days of the test.
- A brief recording of at least two (2) minutes must be submitted. .MP3, .wav, or .MP4 video formats accepted. No written reports unless accompanied by a recording.
- No remote receivers (Internet-based) will be accepted for QSLs. The exceptions to this rule are as follows:
A.) If you constructed the remote receiver, maintained it, or contributed money towards those purposes, you may use it to submit reception reports. Examples would be DXers who built remote receivers in low-noise locations but operate from home.
B.) Internet-based receivers you don’t own are only acceptable if they are more than 500 miles from the transmitter of the test station. You must fully disclose which receiver was used, including its URL. If the owner is known, please provide their name so they may receive credit. Include the distance of the receiver in miles from the transmitter site.
C.) Only one QSL will be issued per DXer, even if they operate multiple remote receiver sites or use more than one remote receiver at distances of 500 miles to receive the station.
- QSLs will be issued only after the conclusion of the 2022-2023 DX Season. Generally, this will occur in April. We will send out group emails when QSLs are issued.
- Unpaid volunteers perform all work in verifying reports and sending you a QSL. We all have jobs, spouses, kids, and lives. Be patient. Be nice.
Les Rayburn, N1LF 121 Mayfair Park Maylene, AL 35114 EM63nf
NRC & IRCA Courtesy Program Committee Chairman Member WTFDA, MWC
Perseus SDR, AirSpy + Discovery, SDRPlay RSP Duo, Sony XDR-F1HD [XDR Guy Modified], Korner 9.2 Antenna, FM-6 Antenna, Kitz Technologies KT-501 Pre-amps, Quantum Phaser, Wellbrook ALA1530 Loop, Wellbrook Flag, Clifton Labs Active Whip.
“Nothing but blues and Elvis, and somebody else’s favorite song…”
Groups.io Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#34329) | Reply To Group | Reply To Sender | Mute This Topic | New Topic Your Subscription | Contact Group Owner | Unsubscribe [phil.bytheway@gmail.com] _._,_._,_
DX mailing list
Dual DX Test-- THIS WEEKEND-- KJJR 880 Whitefish, MT & KSEN 1150 Shelby, MT |
Friday, November 04 2022
Jos tulevana viikonloppuna on NA keliä, kannattaa tsekata nämä DX testit. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Phil Bytheway <phil.bytheway@gmail.com>Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 7:48 PM Subject: Fwd: [UltralightDX] Dual DX Test-- THIS WEEKEND-- KJJR 880 Whitefish, MT & KSEN 1150 Shelby, MT To: < DXM.EiC@gmail.com>
The Courtesy Program Committee (CPC) of the National Radio Club and International Radio Club of America are proud to kick off the 2022-2023 season with another “Dual DX Test” this weekend.
Chief Engineer Todd Clark will be doing maintenance testing starting on Saturday, November 5th at 12:01 AM Mountain Time (0601 UTC) when KJJR, 880 AM, will be testing on daytime power and pattern. 10,000 watts. Programming will consist of sweep tones, Morse Code IDs, 1 kHz “long duration tones,” etc. The test will last two hours, until 02:00 AM Mountain Time.
Part two of the dual test is the next day, Sunday, November 6th, at 12:01 AM Mountain Time (0601 UTC) when KSEN, 1150 AM, will be testing on daytime power and pattern. 10,000 watts. Programming will consist of sweep tones, Morse Code IDs, 1 kHz “long duration tones,” etc. The test will last two hours, until 02:00 AM Mountain Time.
** Most of the United States will “fall back” one hour into Standard Time at 0200 local times on Sunday, November 6th. This will not affect the test since KSEN is in the Mountain Time Zone. The test ends just as time changes.
We thank Todd Clark for getting the season off to a great start.
At the station’s request, the Courtesy Program Committee will be responsible for verifying reception reports and issuing QSLs. All reception reports should be emailed to:
The new QSL rules for CPC-coordinated tests will be in effect for this test. Please read them carefully.
- DX Tests are arranged by the Courtesy Program Committee of the National Radio Club (NRC) and the International Radio Club of America (IRCA.) Both clubs offer low-cost, online-only memberships. It is appropriate that those seeking QSLs should support the clubs financially. Please indicate in your request which club you are a member of. It may improve the response time for your QSL.
- QSL requests for DX Tests where the CPC will issue QSLs must be received within 30 days of the test.
- A brief recording of at least two (2) minutes must be submitted. .MP3, .wav, or .MP4 video formats accepted. No written reports unless accompanied by a recording.
- No remote receivers (Internet-based) will be accepted for QSLs. The exceptions to this rule are as follows:
A.) If you constructed the remote receiver, maintained it, or contributed money towards those purposes, you may use it to submit reception reports. Examples would be DXers who built remote receivers in low-noise locations but operate from home.
B.) Internet-based receivers you don’t own are only acceptable if they are more than 500 miles from the transmitter of the test station. You must fully disclose which receiver was used, including its URL. If the owner is known, please provide their name so they may receive credit. Include the distance of the receiver in miles from the transmitter site.
C.) Only one QSL will be issued per DXer, even if they operate multiple remote receiver sites or use more than one remote receiver at distances of 500 miles to receive the station.
- QSLs will be issued only after the conclusion of the 2022-2023 DX Season. Generally, this will occur in April. We will send out group emails when QSLs are issued.
- Unpaid volunteers perform all work in verifying reports and sending you a QSL. We all have jobs, spouses, kids, and lives. Be patient. Be nice.
Les Rayburn, N1LF 121 Mayfair Park Maylene, AL 35114 EM63nf
NRC & IRCA Courtesy Program Committee Chairman Member WTFDA, MWC
Perseus SDR, AirSpy + Discovery, SDRPlay RSP Duo, Sony XDR-F1HD [XDR Guy Modified], Korner 9.2 Antenna, FM-6 Antenna, Kitz Technologies KT-501 Pre-amps, Quantum Phaser, Wellbrook ALA1530 Loop, Wellbrook Flag, Clifton Labs Active Whip.
“Nothing but blues and Elvis, and somebody else’s favorite song…”
Groups.io Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#34329) | Reply To Group | Reply To Sender | Mute This Topic | New Topic Your Subscription | Contact Group Owner | Unsubscribe [phil.bytheway@gmail.com] _._,_._,_
DX mailing list
Dual DX Test-- THIS WEEKEND-- KJJR 880 Whitefish, MT & KSEN 1150 Shelby, MT |
Friday, November 04 2022
Jos tulevana viikonloppuna on NA keliä, kannattaa tsekata nämä DX testit. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Phil Bytheway <phil.bytheway@gmail.com>Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 7:48 PM Subject: Fwd: [UltralightDX] Dual DX Test-- THIS WEEKEND-- KJJR 880 Whitefish, MT & KSEN 1150 Shelby, MT To: < DXM.EiC@gmail.com>
The Courtesy Program Committee (CPC) of the National Radio Club and International Radio Club of America are proud to kick off the 2022-2023 season with another “Dual DX Test” this weekend.
Chief Engineer Todd Clark will be doing maintenance testing starting on Saturday, November 5th at 12:01 AM Mountain Time (0601 UTC) when KJJR, 880 AM, will be testing on daytime power and pattern. 10,000 watts. Programming will consist of sweep tones, Morse Code IDs, 1 kHz “long duration tones,” etc. The test will last two hours, until 02:00 AM Mountain Time.
Part two of the dual test is the next day, Sunday, November 6th, at 12:01 AM Mountain Time (0601 UTC) when KSEN, 1150 AM, will be testing on daytime power and pattern. 10,000 watts. Programming will consist of sweep tones, Morse Code IDs, 1 kHz “long duration tones,” etc. The test will last two hours, until 02:00 AM Mountain Time.
** Most of the United States will “fall back” one hour into Standard Time at 0200 local times on Sunday, November 6th. This will not affect the test since KSEN is in the Mountain Time Zone. The test ends just as time changes.
We thank Todd Clark for getting the season off to a great start.
At the station’s request, the Courtesy Program Committee will be responsible for verifying reception reports and issuing QSLs. All reception reports should be emailed to:
The new QSL rules for CPC-coordinated tests will be in effect for this test. Please read them carefully.
- DX Tests are arranged by the Courtesy Program Committee of the National Radio Club (NRC) and the International Radio Club of America (IRCA.) Both clubs offer low-cost, online-only memberships. It is appropriate that those seeking QSLs should support the clubs financially. Please indicate in your request which club you are a member of. It may improve the response time for your QSL.
- QSL requests for DX Tests where the CPC will issue QSLs must be received within 30 days of the test.
- A brief recording of at least two (2) minutes must be submitted. .MP3, .wav, or .MP4 video formats accepted. No written reports unless accompanied by a recording.
- No remote receivers (Internet-based) will be accepted for QSLs. The exceptions to this rule are as follows:
A.) If you constructed the remote receiver, maintained it, or contributed money towards those purposes, you may use it to submit reception reports. Examples would be DXers who built remote receivers in low-noise locations but operate from home.
B.) Internet-based receivers you don’t own are only acceptable if they are more than 500 miles from the transmitter of the test station. You must fully disclose which receiver was used, including its URL. If the owner is known, please provide their name so they may receive credit. Include the distance of the receiver in miles from the transmitter site.
C.) Only one QSL will be issued per DXer, even if they operate multiple remote receiver sites or use more than one remote receiver at distances of 500 miles to receive the station.
- QSLs will be issued only after the conclusion of the 2022-2023 DX Season. Generally, this will occur in April. We will send out group emails when QSLs are issued.
- Unpaid volunteers perform all work in verifying reports and sending you a QSL. We all have jobs, spouses, kids, and lives. Be patient. Be nice.
Les Rayburn, N1LF 121 Mayfair Park Maylene, AL 35114 EM63nf
NRC & IRCA Courtesy Program Committee Chairman Member WTFDA, MWC
Perseus SDR, AirSpy + Discovery, SDRPlay RSP Duo, Sony XDR-F1HD [XDR Guy Modified], Korner 9.2 Antenna, FM-6 Antenna, Kitz Technologies KT-501 Pre-amps, Quantum Phaser, Wellbrook ALA1530 Loop, Wellbrook Flag, Clifton Labs Active Whip.
“Nothing but blues and Elvis, and somebody else’s favorite song…”
Groups.io Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#34329) | Reply To Group | Reply To Sender | Mute This Topic | New Topic Your Subscription | Contact Group Owner | Unsubscribe [phil.bytheway@gmail.com] _._,_._,_
DX mailing list
Dual DX Test-- THIS WEEKEND-- KJJR 880 Whitefish, MT & KSEN 1150 Shelby, MT |
Thursday, November 03 2022
Jos tulevana viikonloppuna on NA keliä, kannattaa tsekata nämä DX testit. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Phil Bytheway <phil.bytheway@gmail.com>Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 7:48 PM Subject: Fwd: [UltralightDX] Dual DX Test-- THIS WEEKEND-- KJJR 880 Whitefish, MT & KSEN 1150 Shelby, MT To: < DXM.EiC@gmail.com>
The Courtesy Program Committee (CPC) of the National Radio Club and International Radio Club of America are proud to kick off the 2022-2023 season with another “Dual DX Test” this weekend.
Chief Engineer Todd Clark will be doing maintenance testing starting on Saturday, November 5th at 12:01 AM Mountain Time (0601 UTC) when KJJR, 880 AM, will be testing on daytime power and pattern. 10,000 watts. Programming will consist of sweep tones, Morse Code IDs, 1 kHz “long duration tones,” etc. The test will last two hours, until 02:00 AM Mountain Time.
Part two of the dual test is the next day, Sunday, November 6th, at 12:01 AM Mountain Time (0601 UTC) when KSEN, 1150 AM, will be testing on daytime power and pattern. 10,000 watts. Programming will consist of sweep tones, Morse Code IDs, 1 kHz “long duration tones,” etc. The test will last two hours, until 02:00 AM Mountain Time.
** Most of the United States will “fall back” one hour into Standard Time at 0200 local times on Sunday, November 6th. This will not affect the test since KSEN is in the Mountain Time Zone. The test ends just as time changes.
We thank Todd Clark for getting the season off to a great start.
At the station’s request, the Courtesy Program Committee will be responsible for verifying reception reports and issuing QSLs. All reception reports should be emailed to:
The new QSL rules for CPC-coordinated tests will be in effect for this test. Please read them carefully.
- DX Tests are arranged by the Courtesy Program Committee of the National Radio Club (NRC) and the International Radio Club of America (IRCA.) Both clubs offer low-cost, online-only memberships. It is appropriate that those seeking QSLs should support the clubs financially. Please indicate in your request which club you are a member of. It may improve the response time for your QSL.
- QSL requests for DX Tests where the CPC will issue QSLs must be received within 30 days of the test.
- A brief recording of at least two (2) minutes must be submitted. .MP3, .wav, or .MP4 video formats accepted. No written reports unless accompanied by a recording.
- No remote receivers (Internet-based) will be accepted for QSLs. The exceptions to this rule are as follows:
A.) If you constructed the remote receiver, maintained it, or contributed money towards those purposes, you may use it to submit reception reports. Examples would be DXers who built remote receivers in low-noise locations but operate from home.
B.) Internet-based receivers you don’t own are only acceptable if they are more than 500 miles from the transmitter of the test station. You must fully disclose which receiver was used, including its URL. If the owner is known, please provide their name so they may receive credit. Include the distance of the receiver in miles from the transmitter site.
C.) Only one QSL will be issued per DXer, even if they operate multiple remote receiver sites or use more than one remote receiver at distances of 500 miles to receive the station.
- QSLs will be issued only after the conclusion of the 2022-2023 DX Season. Generally, this will occur in April. We will send out group emails when QSLs are issued.
- Unpaid volunteers perform all work in verifying reports and sending you a QSL. We all have jobs, spouses, kids, and lives. Be patient. Be nice.
Les Rayburn, N1LF 121 Mayfair Park Maylene, AL 35114 EM63nf
NRC & IRCA Courtesy Program Committee Chairman Member WTFDA, MWC
Perseus SDR, AirSpy + Discovery, SDRPlay RSP Duo, Sony XDR-F1HD [XDR Guy Modified], Korner 9.2 Antenna, FM-6 Antenna, Kitz Technologies KT-501 Pre-amps, Quantum Phaser, Wellbrook ALA1530 Loop, Wellbrook Flag, Clifton Labs Active Whip.
“Nothing but blues and Elvis, and somebody else’s favorite song…”
Groups.io Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#34329) | Reply To Group | Reply To Sender | Mute This Topic | New Topic Your Subscription | Contact Group Owner | Unsubscribe [phil.bytheway@gmail.com] _._,_._,_
DX mailing list
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