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11935.41 R Yameni : still clear  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, August 13 2024


11935.41  R Yemeni is still transmitting in the clear .Once again they are heard via Kuwait City with good signal at S9+15 (-55 dbm )  and Doha  with -60dbm signal and 30 db max fades . in Dohathere is a also carrier at -90dbm in exact freq 11935 ad the 2x50 HZ  audio strings below and above the RY carrier.Clear with 5 kHz wide audio  Z Liangas


Her is apart of the transcription

2011 Cent


Speaker 1:2011 Yemeni sorting for demonstrations. Protests as a result of thedeterioration of the situation. In the country, these were protests. A faceagainst the government of the regime of President. Yemeni Ali Saleh and it hascollapsed. The opposition parties under the alliance. The joint meeting inthese demonstrations. The 2011 protests were accepted with excessive force. Thesecurity and military apparatuses fell. Dozens of protesters clashed in some.Yemeni provinces as a result of the clash between. The demonstrators and thesecurity and military apparatuses and it was.

The intensityincreases as victims fall. From any decision and incidents occurred. Shocking,we came and the dream is for them. The other party congratulates him that hecaused it. But it is certain that it was deleted and fell. Many of the scandalswere the most prominent. The bloody incidents that led. To the Yemeni army,where. About 50 Yemenis were killed. From the demonstrators in March 2011. Inthe league, Sanaa, the incidents were reviewed. The Friday of Dignity causedmany.

Of thescandals in a short time. It angered a number of military and civilian leaders,so they announced their defection from the Yemeni government and the Salehregime. It was. The beginning of the Yemeni army's official formation two daysafter the Friday of Dignity, as it opens, wants to be helped. From the QassamBrigades, the Yemeni army made. Agree in the use of force between. Twoproposals. After this danger increased. The violent and violent incidentsincreased and witnessed a number of clashes between the forces. The split onesthat remained and those supported by the defectors from it. This.

The dangeremptied the Yemeni scene of. Any political intervention to stop the clashes.The truncated ones that have taken over the lives of the Yemenis, so that theYemenis find themselves finding. A tumor of explosions instead of achieving.There were attempts. In the international community, represented by cunning. Ifself-control through. Statements of the regime and other attempts from. TheUnited Nations through its envoy, but they. Did not achieve any calm on. Theground in each stage was. The speech between the internal political blocs. InYemen, it was tense and did not decide. Which party is our treasure to theother as. Neither party has proposed. For compromise solutions that stop thedire consequences. The potential protesters were carrying demands. Legitimateas President Saleh says. Himself, but he saw that.


The support ofthe Joint Meeting Bloc for the demands of the protesters is an illegitimateclimb. Two political forces are on the front. The Joint and our partners are infavor of whom. One party and the other party is the ruling party. Known as theGeneral People's Congress and its allies. This political division seems normal.But the danger was in the division. The army between the two parties as we haveindicated. And along the protests and the tug of war. Violent clashes broke outand a number of protesters were arrested. In return, explosions occurred. Hugein the presidential palace. It became clear that there were explosions thattargeted the president. Ali Saleh at the time. And a group of people werepreparing to understand. Friday prayers in a mosque in Dar. Misery in the Nahdiand Qudad area. An explosion killed a number of officials and injured others,including. Ali Saleh himself for the date of June 2, 2021 President Ali. Salehreturned home after you are present. To heal while the scene was Yemenis. Atthe height of political and military congestion. It became clear that politicsis in. Different Yemenis are fed up with two dimensions.

The army andthe emptiness of the arena from a voice. The wise man heard by all partiesmade. The country is heading towards armed confrontations. In different regionsand that was. A warning of Yemen slipping into the furnace. The apparent civilwar and that is why it came. The Gulf Initiative to save Yemen, which. Was onthe brink of war then. As we indicated, we want dear listeners. During theescalating events in Yemen. In 2011, the parties wanted July. The situationcalmed down and attempts failed. The United Nations Coalition at that time toYemen. Jamal bin Omar about achieving. An agreement between the two Yemenisuntil it engineered.

 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the GulfInitiative. And thus its effort without stopping until. It reaches a frameworkthat satisfies all. Yemen was the share of the Saudis, human beings. And strongin the first place, the agreement. Any internal conflict leads the country. Todestruction, devastation and confrontations that do not have good consequences.Secondly, finding honorable exits for all the conflicting components away. Fromstubbornness, impetuousness and future fears. Thirdly, taking the country bythe hand to build. Its institutions based on stability and calm. Insurance.Saudi Arabia has spared no effort in convincing.

The Yemeniparties and components to sign. Initiative after evasions and amendments in.The Yemeni parties are presented without officials. Gulf citizens without anysense of respect for them or their feelings. To Yemen and with Saudi follow-upand supervision. In order to cut off all paths of conflict. As for the Yemenis,this is what harmed them. The principles of the Gulf initiative, which include.Among them, the fight for unity in. Yemen and its stability and that theagreement meets.

Theaspirations of the Yemenis who desire reform. And removing manifestations ofpolitical and administrative corruption. In addition to transferring power in asafe manner that strongly avoids Yemen in. They prolong the civil war andcommit. The parties are committed to removing demonstrations and tension. Andits forms, whether on the political happy. Or the two parties and stop allforms of. Pursuit and follow-up through pledges. Guarantees given to each partyand decided. The mechanisms for implementing the Gulf initiative on. That thePresident of the Republic to support. The opposition to form a nationalinitiative government. And by fifty percent for each. Party and the formedgovernment begins to remove.

Themanifestations of tension on the security and political levels, provided thatthe House of Representatives issues the immunity law after the prosecution.President Ali Abdullah Saleh. And some of the expatriates in cases. And after amonth and a half, the initiative will be implemented. In it and after it iscompleted. And sufficient and necessary guarantees are provided to thePresident.

The lattersubmits his resignation to the House of Representatives. And the Vice Presidentbecomes the actual acting President while dealing with the political side. TheState Administration This was. The most important thing mentioned in the Gulfinitiative that was signed in. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in November. 2011between the political components, the General Popular Conference and its allieson the one hand. And the Joint Meeting and its partners on the other hand

Zacharias Liangas
PL330 + ext antennas/ RSP1a/SpyHF+D
exMusic Producer Greek Music Refuge / Dangdut  and Beyond
https://youtu.be/8VJ__oppkLs the pool
https://bit.ly/3OZixtr ; disclaimer on my writinghttps://linktr.ee/zliangas ; all my pages 
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WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1587  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, August 13 2024

The latest edition (12 August 2024) of the WORLDWIDE DX CLUB "Top News",
compiled by Wolfgang Bueschel, has been posted:


(or http://www.wwdxc.de/topnews.shtml / https://www.wwdxc.de/topnews.shtml)

It can also be downloaded as a .txt file at: http://bcdx.wwdxc.de.

Best regards,

Michael Bethge

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Jen's Eclectic Views & Real Deal for 8-11 on Unique R, Australia is up & ready for you  View Printable Version 
Monday, August 12 2024

Sent: Monday, August 12, 2024 at 12:07:51 AM UTC
Subject: Jen's Eclectic Views & Real Deal for 8-11 on Unique R, Australia is up & ready for you

Hi Glenn, I hope you are fine. Thanks.

Here's this week's cast, heard on Unique.


 Jen In The Rad.


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�tf-8?q?Rádio 9 de Julho continues in shortwave  View Printable Version 
Sunday, August 11 2024

BRAZIL Check Rádio 9 de Julho progr in 31mb at 09.55 UT on Sunday August 11:

9818.761 ... x.765 kHz Brazilan signal, variable test tone-whistle

to even 9820 kHz start at 10.00 UT
9820even 1000-1100 30N,31,32N BEI 500kW 322deg 0 218_ITU_ant

S=8 in Edmonton-AB-CAN Perseus SDR remotedly
and/or S=5 or -98dBm in KIWI set at TWR Bonaire remotedly.

Also noted Brasilian Voz Missionaria on 9664.915, S=9+15dB in Alberta,
S=8 or -81dBm fluttery in TWR Bonaire unit.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]

(wb df5 sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews August 11)

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
From: Zacharias Liangas via Hard-Core-DX
Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2024
Subject: [HCDX] Rádio 9 de Julho continues in shortwav.

9818.77 Rádio9 de Julho still in operation as heard in Brasilia
with fair QRM from CNR2 which is 20db less but still QRms due to itshigher
modulation . best reception using LSB IN Pardino the station has
higher QRM as CNR2 is 20+ db higher .
Lots of religious . 'Journalismoprogram' ended on 1055 R Voz as ID 1056 .

Zacharias Liangas
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Monitoring from LA 04-11/08/24  View Printable Version 
Sunday, August 11 2024

** 5952kHz; 04/08, checks 2120-2224 het wich supose to be  R. Pio XII(tent.), BOL (LOB).

** 7535kHz, RCW, CHL; 04/08, 2125-2135 outdoor  event coverage. Relaying R. Bio Bio, deep fades, partially readable, 35422.
- 04/08, 2248-2305 outdoor event coverage, OM ann nx px Radiograma “en Bio Bio independiente…en Radiograma…no ay posibilidad que Maduro ay reelejido…un reporto en cada acontecimiento”. Relaying R. Bio Bio, 4533.
** 6925kHz; 05/08, 0023-0033 mx “La Bamba, instr. mx, 50’s rock mx. Poorer than 7535, //7535 25222.
** 7535kHz; 09/08, 0018-0028 OM, YL, according their FB page, “Sin Filtro” px. 35433.- 11/08, 0038-0048 OM conversation by phone, YL. 35323 (LOB).

** 6185kHz, R. Educación, MEX; 05/08, 0556-0605 singing mx, YL ann, instr. mx. 25322.
- 10/08, 0739-0800 opera singer in a pop style mx, instr. mx. 25222, at 0755=35233 (LOB).

** 4820kHz, R. Senda Cristiana, PRU; 05/08, 0935-0940 OM and YL conversation, folk mx, OM and YL ann. Ham QRM, 32333.
- 06/08, 1000-1003 folk mx. 25322.
- 08/08, 0945-0950 folk mx, OM T ann, ID Fq ann. Sometimes there is so much ham that it completely block 4810 at sunrise period, 32333 (LOB).

** 3310kHz, R. Mosoj Chaski, BOL; 05/08, checks from 0931-1001 carrier on modulation off.
- 06/08, 0912-0917 OM ann, folk mx. 45433.
- 07/08, 0928-0933 folk mx, OM quechua, YL T ann SS. 45444.
- 10/08, 0904-0912 OM quechua broadcast overture ann ID, NA, OM: “Radio Mosoj Chaski…Cochabamba, Bolivia”, YL, folk mx. 45444 (LOB).

** 4775kHz, R. Tarma, PRU; 05/08, 0955-0959 broadcast overture mx. 35323.
- 08/08, 1000-1006 starting 5m late with OM ID ann. 25433.
- 06/08, 1005-1008 folk mx. 25322.
- 08/08, 0018-0028 OM talks seems to an audience. 35333.
- 08/08, 2252-2304 programme of a healer and her spiritual center SS “visita mi centro espiritual…”, TOH ID OM ann SS “…onda tropical…Tarma….”,  invitation to visit Peru “visite el Peru en America del Sur…” sports px “Cena Desportiva”. Clear, strong, 45333.
- 09/08, 0951-0956 broadcast overture mx. 35333.

** 4955kHz, R. Cultura Amauta, PRU;  09/08, 0002-0011 OM, mx. At 0011 s/ off, 15322 (LOB).

** 4940kHz, Estación 4940, VEN/CLM; 10/08, 0913-0929 OM. Very poor, 15222 (LOB).

** 7260kHz, R. Vanuatu, VUT; 05/08, 0539-0554 OM and YL seems a drama, short instr. mx, OM “R. Vanuatu”, island mx. 45333.
- 05/08, 0921-0925 OM outside. 45444.
- 06/08, 0932-0938 OM outside conversation. 35433.
- 07/08, 0915-0921 YL. 45444.
- 08/08, 0927-0933 OM, YL conversation, short mx, YL ann BOH. 45444.
- 09/08, 0922-0929 pop mx.  25322.
- 10/08, 0825-0836 OM conversation, YL, outside OM. Some hum noise underneath, very copyable, clear, 45344.
- 11/08, 0918-0923 folk choral mx, YL, short instr. mx, pop mx. 45544 (LOB)..

** 5020kHz, SIBC, SLM; 05/08, 0617-0627 instr. pop mx, singing pop mx, YL ann. Deep and short fades, 25322.
- 05/08, 0925-0929 island mx. 35333.
- 06/08, 0924-0930 OM, YL, ballad mx. Begin 25222 but at 0930=35333.
- 07/08, 0921-0926 OM. 35333.
- 08/08, 0934-0943 english pop, reggae mx. 35333.
- 09/09, pop mx, OM. 35333. 
- 10/08, 0837-0845 reggae mx, OM, YL EE. 25232.
- 11/08, 0949 off (LOB).

** 4765kHz, Tajik Radio, TJK; 05/08, 2101-0022 YL talks, at 0017 mx. 2101=15312, from 0015=25322 (LOB).

** 6050kHz, ELWA, LBR; 05/08, 0606-0611 OM religious EE “The king of kings…God for generation become”, religious mx. 45323 (LOB).

** 4965kHz, Voice Of Hope, Africa, ZMB; 05/08, 2048-2100 OM on mx, ID ann, English ballad, instr. string mx, OM Fq ann, 2100 s/off. Partially readable, 35323 (LOB).

** 6090kHz, R. Amhara, ETH; 08/08, 0340-0350 african, arabic style mx. 25322 (LOB).

** 5995kHz, R. Mali, MLI; 08/08, 2239-2249 OM FF nx px, outside talks. Smooth underneath station QRM maybe CNR, 43333 (LOB).

** 3910kHz, R. Voice Of The People, KOR; 05/08, 0941-0944 OM. No KRE jammer aud., 25222.
- 06/08, 0950-0953 female singing mx. No KRE jammer aud., 15322.
** 3930kHz; 05/08, 0944-0947 OM. No KRE jammer aud., 25332.
** 4560kHz; 05/08, 0948-0952 OM, mx, YL. No KRE jammer aud., 25222.
- 07/08, 0946-0950 female singing mx (always the same at this hour). No KRE jammer aud., 25322 (LOB).

** 6350kHz, Echo Of Hope, KOR; 06/08, 0945-0948 OM, YL seems drama. No KRE jammer aud., 44444.
** 3985kHz, 06/08, 0954-0958 OM, ballad pop mx. No KRE jammer aud., deep fades, 15222.
- 07/08, 0953-0958 pop mx, OM. No KRE jammer aud., deep and short fades, 25322 (LOB).

** 11680kHz, KCBS Pyongyang, KRE; 06/08, 1008-1012 instr. mx, female choral mx, female singing mx. QRM 11685, 33433.
- 09/08, 1000-1005 YL. 11675 QRM, 32333 (LOB).

** 3925kHz, R. Nikkei 1 J; 10/08, 0931-0935 OM. ??6055, 22422 (LOB).

** 11875kHz, KNLS, ALS; 10/08, 0801-0811 IS, OM CC. 25222.
** 9695kHz, 10/08, 0812-0822 pop mx, YL, OM EE. 9700 QRM, 32433 (LOB). 

** 3330kHz, CHU, CAN; 10/08, 0846-0852 TS, OM T ann. 25322 (LOB). 

Tecsun PL310ET

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