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Sunday, April 07 2024

Claudius Obrecht@cmobrecht·2 ΑπρBroadcast of a new edition of my mixed music show to Japan/China/Korea in DRM only:27.4.2023 UTC 12.00 on 15265 kHz DRMFrom Tashkent via Media Broadcast

Zacharias Liangas
PL330 + ext antennas/ RSP1a/SpyHF+D
exMusic Producer Greek Music Refuge / Dangdut  and Beyond
https://youtu.be/8VJ__oppkLs the pool
https://bit.ly/3OZixtr ; disclaimer on my writinghttps://linktr.ee/zliangas ; all my pages 
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Wai FM on 11665  View Printable Version 
Sunday, April 07 2024

11665 Wai FM 5/4 with regional music but with talks in standard Malaysian (no 2138) and a signal on -75 dbm in the Bandung song “ku mentara pagi," then a heavy mental song. in PHL with -65 dbm, Alessandro calling himself in wai FM before 2155, then Joget song on 2200z, and then with Kita [b]I programme for Catholics. mentioning many times, Kita [b]i.
Kitabi is the Indonesian term for the sancted books of the Christian faith.
On 6/4, I once again checked on the bands since 20z. The signal started at 203630±15 sec with a signal of -80 dbm in PHL or -65 dbm in Bandung. Checked also on Perch AU with -65dbm
On 7/4 via Jakarta with -73 but herd strong on 0639 with Christian religious programme told by male eaker, ended 0 0653 with description by YL “Tuhan Yesus” and followed by a Rohani song. 2x7 kZH wide. “Limbang FM” ID at 0658

Zacharias Liangas
PL330 + ext antennas/ RSP1a/SpyHF+D
exMusic Producer Greek Music Refuge / Dangdut  and Beyond
https://youtu.be/8VJ__oppkLs the pool
https://bit.ly/3OZixtr ; disclaimer on my writinghttps://linktr.ee/zliangas ; all my pages 
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


BBCWS 04.59-0600 UT today punching error on 5985 kHz instead - in DRM mode of 5875 kHz  View Printable Version 
Sunday, April 07 2024


11745.012 kHz Turkish jammer of Pres Erdogan pressure against

punching error too:

should read 11545.012 kHz

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
From: Wolfgang Bueschel

Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2024 9:30 AM
Subject: [WOR] BBCWS 04.59-0600 UT today punching error on 5985 kHz
instead - in DRM mode of 5875 kHz

MALI Yes also Sunday 07 RTM Bamako tx #1 center on 5995 kHz scheduled,
is OFF AIR at 06.50 UT April 07.

U.K. But nearby seen and heard via KIWI SDR DRM availability in
MA state off NY east coast remotedly power house Woofferton signal:

5985 kHz BBCWS likely WOF outlet, MA state powerhouse signal
S=9+60dB or -17dBm SWR 20.5 dB IF -5.3dB noted til 06.58 UT - then off air.

scheduled on 5875 kHz channel instead regular 04.59 to 06.00 UT

5875 0459-0600 27SE,28NW WOF 100 78 0 547 1234567 310324 271024
N = DRM mode Eng G BBC ENC 3971 DRM_EUR

Undoubtedly a PUNCHING ERROR of ENC Woofferton technician ?
x87x but x98x typed instead

Dave please help !

VATICAN STATE Vatican Radio on Sundays in Ukrainian lang mass
noted on 9710 and 11815 kHz powerhouse signal at 06.32 UT.

AUSTRIA 15560even AWR Arabic scheduled 6-7 UT
at S=9+10dB level at 06.12 UT,
via ORS Moosbrunn bcast center.

NEW ZEALAND tentat. 13690.011 much weak signal today bad propagation?
NZL Pacific scheduled on this channel, S=5-6 at 06.18 UT.

UZBEKISTAN 11519.995 kHz on lower side flank Denge Gel
Kurdish national SW radio via Tashkent site, S=9+5dB at 06.26 UT.

accompanied in 25 meterband
TURKEY 11745.012 kHz Turkish jammer of Pres Erdogan pressure against
Kurdish national folk since Osmanic empire collapse some 100 years ago,
S=9+10dB little bit stronger than UZB signal in ME target. 06.27 UT.

13635.007 TRT Turkish morning sce 06 - 13 UT, S=9+20dB at 06.14 UT.

IRAN 11730.009 IRIB Sirjan Dari px sidelobe towards AFG/IRN target
scheduled at 05.50-08.20 UT, S=9+10dB.

SAUDI ARABIA 11745.011 Saudi army radio Al-Azm, fair S=9+5dB
backlobe from Jeddanh site to ME NE and EUR at 06.31 UT.

11935even Yemen excile radio from Riyadh site also on air,
S=8 rather poor this morning due bad propagation, at 06.36 UT.

CHINA 13669.995 odd fqy on lower side, PBS Xinjiang Urumqi
in Uyghur language, S=9+5dB in Doha Qatar SDR remotedly,
at 06.22 UT also Urumqi 11885.003 kHz transmission too.
Formerly called Tibet origin area, acc some items in DXpress.

73 wb df5sx

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
From: Glenn Hauser

Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2024 1:45 AM
Subject: Glenn Hauser logs April 6, 2024

MALI. 5995, April 6 at 0632, no signal nor noise from ORTM direct.
Richard Langley says it`s also off at 1745 when hoping to record
weekly Saturday English. Wolfgang Bueschel suggests absence may be due
to Ramadan; well, it had been going and coming. Ramadan ends around
April 9 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 2345 UT April 6

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BBCWS 04.59-0600 UT today punching error on 5985 kHz instead - in DRM mode of 5875 kHz  View Printable Version 
Sunday, April 07 2024


MALI Yes also Sunday 07 RTM Bamako tx #1 center on 5995 kHz scheduled,
is OFF AIR at 06.50 UT April 07.

U.K. But nearby seen and heard via KIWI SDR DRM availability in
MA state off NY east coast remotedly power house Woofferton signal:

5985 kHz BBCWS likely WOF outlet, MA state powerhouse signal
S=9+60dB or -17dBm SWR 20.5 dB IF -5.3dB noted til 06.58 UT - then off air.

scheduled on 5875 kHz channel instead regular 04.59 to 06.00 UT

5875 0459-0600 27SE,28NW WOF 100 78 0 547 1234567 310324 271024
N = DRM mode Eng G BBC ENC 3971 DRM_EUR

Undoubtedly a PUNCHING ERROR of ENC Woofferton technician ?
x87x but x98x typed instead

Dave please help !

VATICAN STATE Vatican Radio on Sundays in Ukrainian lang mass
noted on 9710 and 11815 kHz powerhouse signal at 06.32 UT.

AUSTRIA 15560even AWR Arabic scheduled 6-7 UT
at S=9+10dB level at 06.12 UT,
via ORS Moosbrunn bcast center.

NEW ZEALAND tentat. 13690.011 much weak signal today bad propagation?
NZL Pacific scheduled on this channel, S=5-6 at 06.18 UT.

UZBEKISTAN 11519.995 kHz on lower side flank Denge Gel
Kurdish national SW radio via Tashkent site, S=9+5dB at 06.26 UT.

accompanied in 25 meterband
TURKEY 11745.012 kHz Turkish jammer of Pres Erdogan pressure against
Kurdish national folk since Osmanic empire collapse some 100 years ago,
S=9+10dB little bit stronger than UZB signal in ME target. 06.27 UT.

13635.007 TRT Turkish morning sce 06 - 13 UT, S=9+20dB at 06.14 UT.

IRAN 11730.009 IRIB Sirjan Dari px sidelobe towards AFG/IRN target
scheduled at 05.50-08.20 UT, S=9+10dB.

SAUDI ARABIA 11745.011 Saudi army radio Al-Azm, fair S=9+5dB
backlobe from Jeddanh site to ME NE and EUR at 06.31 UT.

11935even Yemen excile radio from Riyadh site also on air,
S=8 rather poor this morning due bad propagation, at 06.36 UT.

CHINA 13669.995 odd fqy on lower side, PBS Xinjiang Urumqi
in Uyghur language, S=9+5dB in Doha Qatar SDR remotedly,
at 06.22 UT also Urumqi 11885.003 kHz transmission too.
Formerly called Tibet origin area, acc some items in DXpress.

73 wb df5sx

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
From: Glenn Hauser

Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2024 1:45 AM
Subject: Glenn Hauser logs April 6, 2024

MALI. 5995, April 6 at 0632, no signal nor noise from ORTM direct.
Richard Langley says it`s also off at 1745 when hoping to record
weekly Saturday English. Wolfgang Bueschel suggests absence may be due
to Ramadan; well, it had been going and coming. Ramadan ends around
April 9 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 2345 UT April 6

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


BBCWS 04.59-0600 UT today punching error on 5985 kHz instead - in DRM mode of 5875 kHz  View Printable Version 
Sunday, April 07 2024

Checked also for no signal on 06z

MALI  Yes also Sunday 07 RTM Bamako tx #1 center on 5995 kHz scheduled,
is OFF AIR at 06.50 UT April 07.

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