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tf-8?q?Jen and GBâs New Years Eve Shows Dec. tf-8?q? 31 22-08 or 09 UT Jan. 1 on Un |
Tuesday, December 31 2024
 Subject: Jen and GB’s New Years Eve Shows Dec. 31 22-08 or 09 UT Jan. 1 on Unique R, Live stream
Hi Glenn I hope you have a happy, Ring in the 25. Thanks. From 2200 Tuesday until Wednesday 0800 or 0900, Jen's NYE music related to the time zones when the ball drops at midnight in the countries on the date line, with GB's Supersonic NYE Party Show 3 hrs from 0000. Jen's NYE Dance music: So for example if it`s 2200, the countries are Greece, N. African & S. Africa, 2300 Congo, Brazzaville, Luxembourg, Germany, Netherlands and so on, a wide assortment to chose from. All forms of dance, slow and fast, R&R and modern in the countries on the date line.
Our Live Stream: http://uk4-vn.mixstream.net:8104/index.html Our live chat room is open for you in https://libera.chat/. Click on connect, then web chat Please put in the following: For nick: name or like me radionutresss Then next line channel, that's the following: #eyeradiojd and you are in the room. email for correspondence jenur@proton.me Wish everyone on the international date line, a happy, healthy, prosperous new year. Jen & GB _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Jen's Eclectic Views & Real Deal for 12-22 is up & ready for you. |
Sunday, December 29 2024
Saturday, December 28 2024
 Although a large and complex group of sunspots appeared on the south-eastern edge of the sun last weekend, there was initially no significant increase in solar activity. This changed on Monday morning, when the new sunspot AR3932 erupted and a M8.9 flare flashed, only just short of an X flare in intensity. However, contrary to all expectations, the eruption only led to a brief shortwave blackout over Africa and the South Atlantic, which was only noticeable up to the 17 m band.
A coronal mass ejection (CME) observed in connection with the eruption did have a component directed towards the Earth in initial prediction models. However, the CME ultimately missed our planet. And the geomagnetics were mostly calm from the middle of the week onwards. There were still more active phases at the start of the week. This was caused by CME effects and a fast solar wind that shook the Earth's magnetic field.
Calm to unsettled conditions with the chance of isolated active periods are expected for the next few days, due to possible streak effects from a CME that left the sun on December 24, as well as weak, positively polarized fast solar winds from a coronal hole.
In terms of solar activity, the solar flux index will remain above the threshold of 230 units for the next seven days. In summary, this promises good DX conditions on all bands!
And what about 2025? Have we already experienced the sunspot maximum of solar cycle 25? It may already have happened, sometime between July and November, as solar activity has been trending downwards since late summer. In the last few days, however, the solar flux has increased significantly again, with many M flares raising the flux to over 250 units.
If we look at the course of several cycles, we can see that some have very active final phases. Many of the cycles have double peaks. With a little optimism, we should assume that a double peak will also occur in cycle 25 and that solar activity is currently in the small valley between two activity peaks. This would mean that cycle 25 is not yet over and will increase again in 2025.
The critical F2 frequencies in the mid-latitudes are currently quite high due to the so-called winter anomaly (see last week's report). And since the anomalies in the northern and southern hemispheres differ by six months, the peak in activity should fall in this period.
So there is good reason to hope for a happy new DX year. And that's what we wish all shortwave enthusiasts for 2025! And always trouble-free reception, until next Saturday, 73 de Tom DF5JL - with current information from DK0WCY, SWPC/NOAA, NASA, USAF 557th Weather Wing, STCE/KMI Belgium, IAP Juliusruh, SANSA South African National Space Agency, WDC Kyoto, GFZ Potsdam, Met Office UK, DL1VDL/DL8MDW/DARC-HF-Referat, FWBSt RHB / DF5JL
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
tf-8?q5BWOR] Media Broadcast B24 schedule: NDR G tf-8?q?ruà an Bord + |
Saturday, December 28 2024
 Re: 67 radio stations
GERMANY Yes, Roger is absolutely right in quoting the budget data of GermanPublic Radio ARD / ZDF etc. They have ‘put on fat - let's say in German’ over the last few decades. Especially the co-centring at NDR Hamburg and WDR Cologne bc houses in drug sport spying topics and similar political spying in elaborate journalism temas has created a big contrast to fair journalism some 50 years ago... let’s say like (US) RIAS Berlin or Bayerischer Rundfunk Munich. 73 wb df5sx wwdxc -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Roger via groups.io Sent: Friday, December 27, 2024 Subject: Re: [WOR] Media Broadcast B24 schedule: NDR Gruß an Bord Am 27.12.2024 um 22:33 schrieb Richard Langley via groups.io: > Why no Leer participation this year? Perhaps there is a very simple reason: money Public broadcasting in this country is currently being criticized for wasting a lot of money and now has to tighten its belt. Two recording locations cost more than one, and so they are limiting themselves to Hamburg. Yes, that will be it. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rundfunkbeitrag
The contribution revenue of around 8.6 billion euros in 2022 was used to finance 22 television stations, 67 radio stations and a large number of online platforms with a total of more than 25,000 permanent employees, as well as the supervisory authorities for private broadcasting (state media authorities). Deutsche Welle, on the other hand, is financed directly from taxpayers' money. roger _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Longwave(475 khz) Beacon News |
Friday, December 27 2024
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