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VoA and RFA QSLs  View Printable Version 
Thursday, April 13 2023


Am 12.04.2023 um 18:04 schrieb Artur Fernandez Llorella:

I have got the same experience. Easy and fast answer from RFA but no
answer from VOA e-mail address. I don't know the reason.

Thanks, Artur, James and Harald, you know, there are also email
addresses like this: "manager_thailand@....". If I remember correctly,
they answered a few times. Does anyone know where these people work, in
Washington or the designated countries?

Maybe the usagm@gov address is one of those notorious community
addresses where different people have access but no one is really
responsible. Perhaps I send a follow up to manager_saipan, because
broadcasts are also aired from there, on short wave.

vy 73! Frank

Frank Helmbold DB9DT, Radio Amateur and SWL
Rotenburg(Wuemme) in Northern Germany, JO43rc
AM: Elad FDM-S2 with SDR-Console V3, terminated deltaloops west and east
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VoA and RFA QSLs  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, April 12 2023


Radio Free Asia QSL cards arrived in Germany after 37 to 41 days after
sending them to QSL@rfa.org

What about Voice of America? Still nothing after sending a reception
report to QSL@usagm.gov 3 months ago. Has anyone had a different
(better) experience recently?

Is there a special email address for VoA in South Korea, Daebu 1188 kHz?

Thanks, vy 73! Frank

Frank Helmbold DB9DT, Radio Amateur and SWL
Rotenburg(Wuemme) in Northern Germany, JO43rc
AM: Elad FDM-S2 with SDR-Console V3, terminated deltaloops west and east

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


VoA and RFA QSLs  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, April 12 2023

I've heard that VOA only sends out QSL cards about once a year now, and that it can be hit or miss on who they send them to. Really unfortunate.

Sorry but no info on VOA South Korea.

Good luck.


Jim - Memphis, TN

> On 04/12/2023 9:56 AM Frank Helmbold DB9DT <db9dt@gmx.de> wrote:
> Radio Free Asia QSL cards arrived in Germany after 37 to 41 days after
> sending them to QSL@rfa.org
> What about Voice of America? Still nothing after sending a reception
> report to QSL@usagm.gov 3 months ago. Has anyone had a different
> (better) experience recently?
> Is there a special email address for VoA in South Korea, Daebu 1188 kHz?
> Thanks, vy 73! Frank
> --
> Frank Helmbold DB9DT, Radio Amateur and SWL
> Rotenburg(Wuemme) in Northern Germany, JO43rc
> AM: Elad FDM-S2 with SDR-Console V3, terminated deltaloops west and east
> _
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VoA and RFA QSLs  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, April 12 2023


Radio Free Asia QSL cards arrived in Germany after 37 to 41 days after
sending them to QSL@rfa.org

What about Voice of America? Still nothing after sending a reception
report to QSL@usagm.gov 3 months ago. Has anyone had a different
(better) experience recently?

Is there a special email address for VoA in South Korea, Daebu 1188 kHz?

Thanks, vy 73! Frank

Frank Helmbold DB9DT, Radio Amateur and SWL
Rotenburg(Wuemme) in Northern Germany, JO43rc
AM: Elad FDM-S2 with SDR-Console V3, terminated deltaloops west and east

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


LRA 36 eQSL received  View Printable Version 
Friday, April 07 2023


Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

ANTARCTICA, 15476usb, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base
Esperanza, received PDF eQSL in 63 days.

Reception report sent to: lra36nacional@gmail.com
lra36nacional at gmail.com <mailto:lra36nacional gmail.com>
Link to my eQSL:
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