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SWB issue 2039 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, October 15 2023

Highlights from this issue:
- Specialprogram från SDXF den 4 & 5 november, SDXF
- Target Listening by Harold Sellers via WOR
- [A-DX] Nur zur Info: Internetseite mit Radiobezug
- [nordx] Rundradions första steg 1912 hör och häpna
- Tropical Bands Monitor, Oct 1 edition, Anker Petersen
- International SWL contest in November and December 2023
- Microsoft has stopped renewing licenses for companies from Russia. RUS-DX
- Archive of the DX-bulletin "Signal" on the Internet. RUS-DX
- Moscow DX information bulletin for 1996. RUS-DX
- EDXC Conference - Sept 2023 - Metz (France) etc
- [WOR] BDXC-UK Communication items, Oct, Reading Meeting Report
- MARCONI ATALANTA (Type 2207C) Receiver
- DX-Nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


SWB issue 2038 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, October 01 2023

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- The SW Station in Karlsborg, Sweden
- Karlsborgs rundradiostation (nedlagd)
- [nordx] Harry Forsbloms QSL-samlingar
- [WOR] 23 AM Airchex from 1973
- Due to the pandemic and the departure of foreign brands, Russians have
become less likely to buy electronics. RUS-DX
- Opinion. And again about AM radio broadcasting (MW band). RUS-DX
- [A-DX] VLF Transmitter List (von Lionel Loudet)
- Radio Pennants, Stickers & QSLs (Open Facebook group)
- DX-Nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


SWB Issue 2037 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Monday, September 18 2023

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- End of BBC R4 LW - unforeseen consequence(?)
- [RealDX] September 2023 Pacific Asian Log now available
- Ivan compares the new RTL-SDR V4 and the Airspy Discovery HF+, SWLing
- From the Archives - DX News
- [WOR] Rebel Radio Ships
- [WOR] An American in Scotland
- [WOR] "NOT JUST LISTENING" ed. Sheldon Harvey
- [WOR] Great recollexions mainly by Frank Merrill and Mark Connelly
- [WOR] Music and radio history ramble, Mark Connelly
- Wanted: A Permanent Home for 50,000 QSL cards and Letters! Jerry Berg via
- DX-Nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


SWB issue 2036 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, September 03 2023

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- The history of " Philips " radio receivers from Eindhoven
- Philips communication receiver model BX-925A
- Philips Communication Receiver 8RO-501
- European, Private Shortwave Stations, Stig Hartvig Nielsen
- Tropical Bands Monitor 2023 as logged by DX-ers worldwide. DSWCI, Anker
- Recordings of both Radio Monte Carlo and RTL broadcasts
- Die Radiostation San Antonio de Padua in Callalli in Peru
- BOOK: A short history of radio communication receivers in functional
- [WOR] "2023 Ham Fair" broadcast on HCJB Japanese Service
- [WOR] ARRL Battles Stock Traders for Spectrum
- Re: [SDR-Radio] SDR Console NB issues
- [SDR-Radio] Perseus22 API
- FENU RADIO closes down
- Simon´s Greyline Map
- [A-DX] 28. August 1963: Philips Stellt den ersten Kassettenrekorder vor -
die Kassette bringt Musik ins Leben.
- TEXAS RADIO SHORTWAVE September 2023 Program Schedule
- GPSJam - Daily maps of GPS Interference and other harassment, nordx
- Beverage antennas ? remote [jaguarpro]
- KONG HQ transformer, Bjarne Mjelde
- R-311 "Omega" - Soviet shortwave radio. RUS-DX
- DX-Nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


SWB issue 2035 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, August 20 2023

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- [WOR] Tesla`s terrific audio/radio capabilities
- Re: [WOR] Wall Street Journal: Ham Radio Enthusiasts vs. High-Frequency
Traders: A Battle for the Airwaves
- Special transmission of Greek music. Zacharias Liangas
- Ukraine and the West are trying to destroy satellite television in the
Russian Federation - media. RUS-DX
- Where does the jamming of satellite operators of the Russian Federation
come from? RUS-DX
- KiwiSDR 2 planned
- All the Popular communications and Monitoring Time magazine collection for
Free in PDF
- On the broadcasts of the anthem of Russia on short waves. RUS-DX
- [A-DX] DLF Kalenderblatt: 90 Jahre Volksempfänger 301
- Projekt Beverage, Christoph Ratzer, A-DX
- Russian receiver PURGA-45, RUS-DX
- DX-Nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


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