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KOREA D.P.R. observations  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, July 12 2022


KOREA D.P.R. Today July 12 checked KRE outlets in 13-14 UT time slot,
in Hiroshima, northern Tokyo and Alaska remoted SDR server:

9434.998 KRE VoKOR En, S=9+15dB, Korean symphonic orchestra play.
11710even KRE KOR not on air today,
co-channel only CHN Mandarin from Beijing-CHN heard.
11735even KRE VoKOR Chinese, S=9+5dB, 13.00-13.57 UT
13650even KRE VoKOR Chinese, S=9+10dB, but suffer rather co-ch
underneath CRI Chinese from Urumqi-CHN.
13759.958 KRE VoKOR En towards Europe, S=9+10dB in Tokyo-JPN.
15245.241 KRE VoKOR En towards Europe, S=9 in Hiroshima-JPN.
at 13.14 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 12)


Scheda di trasmissione WRMI aggiornata l'11 luglio  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, July 12 2022


Segnalo la scheda di trasmissione WRMI è stata aggiornata ieri.

Può essere visualizzata al seguente URL:

73 da
N. Marabello,
Treviso, Italia
Ricevitore: TECSUN PL-365
Antenna: filare 6 mt.


Stations heard in Friol, NW of Spain, 06-11 July  View Printable Version 
Monday, July 11 2022

ANTARCTICA, 15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base
Esperanza,1503-1527, 09-07, songs, comments. Very weak, strong fading
audible at times.

BANGLADESH, 4750, Bangladesh Betar, Shavar, 1944-1955, 08-07, Bengali,
comments, Bangladesh songs. 35433.

BOLIVIA, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, 0028-0037, 09-07, Bolivian
flute music, Quechua, comments. 25422.

Also heard 2335-2347, 10-07, Quechua, comments. 15421.

4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0355-0450, 09-07, Brazilian songs,
program “Clube da Madrugada”. 35433.

Also heard 2342-2355, 10-07, soccer, liver matches. 25432.

6180, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 2032-2046, 08-07, program “Punto de
Encontro”, Brazilian songs. // 11780. 25422.
Also heard 2100-2118, 10-07, soccer, Campeonato Brasileiro, live match
Corinthians vs Flamengo, id. “Radio Nacional, a vitoria d0 Corinthinas
sobre Flamengo 1-0”. // 11780. 35433.

9550.1, Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, 2045-2114, 09-07, Portuguese,
religious comments. 15321.

9818.8, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 2021-2027, 08-07, religious, live
mass. 15421.

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2002-2034, 06-07, Brazilian
songs, program “Punto de Encontro”, “Radio Nacional, seu programa Punto
de Encontro”. 35433.
Also 2203-2225, 10-07, soccer, "Campeonato Brasileiro", live match
Corinthians vs Flamengo. 35433.

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 2010-2029, 06-07, Brazilian songs,
program “Aô Goias”. “Em sua Brasil Central”. 32432.

11895.2, Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, 2021-2106, 10-07, religious
songs and comments. 12321.

15190, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 2002-2019, 08-07, id. “Rede
Inconfidencia de Radio”, program “A Hora do Fazendeiro”. 25422.
Also heard 1047-1100, 10-07, Brazilian songs, comments, at 1100 id.
“Rede Inconfidencia de Radio…”, more comments. 15321.
Also 2110-2122, 10-07, soccer, “Campeonato Brasileiro”, live, Sao Paulo
vs Atletico Mineiro. 25322-

BULGARIA, 7290, IRRS, Nexus, Milano, Italy via Konstinbrod, 1830-1843,
10-07, English, "The Voice of Church", religious comments. 35433.

CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 0520-0547, 11-07, English, comments, news,
advertisements. QRM from Channel 292 with “The Overcomer Ministry” on
the same frequency. 21431.

CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, Bejucal, 0345-0401*, 09-07, Cuban songs, id.
“Radio Progreso, La Onda de la Alegría, transmitiendo desde Cuba,
territorio libre en América”, comments,  35433.

5970, Radio 208, Hvidovre, 2050-2112, 09-07, rock and other songs, id.
“Radio 208, the rock of Copenhagen”. 24422.

15700, World Music Radio, Randers, 1533-1546, 10-07, pop songs, id.
“World Music Radio”. 25422.

25800, World Music Radio, Marslet, 1008-1033, 09-07, pop and Latin
American songs, id. In Spanish, “Transmitimos las 24 horas del día los 7
días de la semana, esta es “WMR, World Music Radio…”. 35433.

ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0345-0358, 09-07, religious songs and
comments in Spanish, at 0357: “Recorriendo en territorio ecuatorio en su
compañia”. At 0358 eclipsed by Algeria on the same frequency signing on.

6030, Radio Oromiya, Addis Ababa, 1804-1845, 10-07, Vernacular comments,
East African songs. 35433.

6090, Voice of Amhara State, Addis Ababa, 1814-37, 10-07, Vernacular,
comments, East African songs. 35333.

6110, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 1756-1815, 08-07, Vernacular comments,
East African songs. 35433.

7110, Radio Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 1733-1801*, 10-07, Vernacular
comments, East African songs. 32432.

3985, Radio Bulgaria via Shortwave Service, Kall Krekel, 1730-1750,
10-07, English, news and comments about Bulgaria, songs. 15421.

6160, Shortwave Radio de., Winsen, 2004-2025, 08-07, pop and rock songs
in English, id. “Shortwave Radio”. 35433.

LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 1855-1954, 10-07, English,
religious comments, “Thank you for listening”, “The Bible”, “The Lord
Jesus Christ”, religious songs . 25422.

MALAYSIA, 9835, Sarawak FM, Kajang (presumed), 0920-1025, 11-08,
comments, Arabic songs. Barely audible. 14411.

MALI, 5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1850-1912, 09-07, English program
“English Magazine”, news and comments about Mali in English, at 1903
African songs. 35433.

MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0435-0459, 07-07,
songs, Spanish, comments “Historia Mexicana”, “Radio Educación”. 25322.

Also heard 0610- , 11-07, classical music. 24422.

5955, Sunlite Radio, Westdorpe, 0419-0446, 09-07, song in Spanish “Vamos
a la Playa” by Righeira, songs in English, id. “Sunlite, Sunlite”, song
“Ayo Technology” by Milow, “Killing mi Softly” by Fugees, id. “Sunlite”.

6140, Radio Onda, Borculo, 0633-0655, 10-07, songs in French, Brazilian
songs, id. “Radio Onda”. 25422.

4752.4, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 0027-0035, 09-07, Spanish, comments.

Also heard 2338-2347, 11-07, comments, very weak. 15411.

4755, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 0026-0037, 09-07, Peruvian songs, Spanish,
comments, advertisements. 25422.

4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2342-2358, 11-07, Strong carrier
and some comments in Spanish detected. Best on LSB. Extremely weak. 15411.

SPAIN, 6931, Indy Radio, Seville, 1952-2010, 08-07, rock and pop songs
in Spanish. 35433.

TAJIKISTAN, 4765, Takik Radio, Dushanbe, 1950-2001, 08-07, male, Tajik,
comments. 15321.

UNKNOWN, 5955, relaying Radio Caroline UK, 1840-1915*, 08-07, songs,
oldies, identification “This is Radio Caroline 648 kHz,…”, English,
comments. Transmission cut off abruptly at 1915. . Program does not
match with Sunlite Radio streaming but it matches with Radio Caroline
UK. Perhaps Sunlite transmitter relaying Radio Caroline?. 25322.

4965, Voice of Hope Africa, Lusaka, 1855-1940, 10-07, English, religious
comments and songs. 15421.

5915, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, Lusaka, 0405-0416 , 09-07, Vernacular,
comments. 25322.

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Logs in Friol, NW of Spain
Tecsun S-8800 and PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters.


Ascolto Studio Dx 993 via R.D.E. da Trieste 1584 kHz  View Printable Version 
Sunday, July 10 2022


Ciao e buone vacanze da Nino!

Ho aggiunto altre foto di Vittorio Veneto, dove ho lavorato in una
scuola per gli esami di Stato fino al 7 luglio.


Ecco i seguenti ascolti AM del 10 luglio:

1584 10/7  1106-1134 Radio Diffusione Europea, Trieste Px “Studio Dx
993” It 15522

73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso (IT)

Ant.: quadro DLF 1539 kHz


Ascolti AM Treviso 10 luglio  View Printable Version 
Sunday, July 10 2022


 5140    10/7 0600 Charleston Radio Inter., Berlin  Mx E 45554
 6070    10/7 0601 Radio Channel 292, D-Rohrbach Waal Mx E 45544
 6140    10/7 0602 Radio Onda ASBL, NL-Margraten  Mx Por 25522
 6155    10/7 0603 R. Oesterreich 1 Inter., Moosbrunn  Px D 55555
 6180    10/7 0604 Deutscher Wetterdienst,  Pinneberg  Px meteo D 45544
 7345    10/7 0605 BBC WS Radio, Ascension Nx Px E 35533
 7365    10/7 0607 HCJB Deutschland, Weenermoor Mx Px rel. R 35533
 7730    10/7 0608 WRMI Radio Ukraine Inter., Okeechobee1 Px Ua 35553
 9330    10/7 0610 WBCQ World's Last Chance, Monticello Px rel. E 45544
 9400    10/7 0611 The Overcomer Ministry, BUL-Kostinbrod Px rel. E 55555
 9610     10/7 0903 AWR Europe, Nauen Px Obiettivo DX RVS magazine It 55555
11650    10/7 0932 Radio Romania Int., Galbeni-Bac Px Rom 55555

73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: filare 6 metri


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