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Vanuatu on air again on 7260 kHz  View Printable Version 
Sunday, June 12 2022


Radio Vanuatu on air again heard via SDR Kiwi remote receivers in New Zealand. I could not check directly because I am not neither in Friol nor in Reinante . 

VANUATU, Radio Vanuatu on air on 7260, heard 0455-0710, 12-06, Island music, English, Bislama, comments, telephone calls,  mentioned "Vanatu". At 0500 slight interference from Vatican Radio with Russian program on the same frequency

.Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain


Wolfgang Bueschel observations  View Printable Version 
Saturday, June 11 2022


Checked this morning NorthAM reception condition at 02.00 UT to 04.30 UT in Edmonton Alberta and Rochester NY state this Saturday June 11:

re 5085 kHz WTWW, cannot detect usual parasitic spurs on 5072.1, 5097.9

right Glenn, no audio spurs seen/heard nearby now anymore, wb.

4765 kHz at 0200 R Progreso 50kW from former USSR Bejucal site,
NOT ON AIR, safed main power tonight ?

5024.996 on lower flank side now, CUB R Rebelde from Bauta site, much
stronger than RHC 5040 kHz, S=9+15dB, Spanish political talk,
no music at 02.43 UT, extreme 20 kHz wideband audio block.

5039.997 CUB RHC Bauta in Spanish language, only S=8 signal,
but 10 kHz wideband at 02.12 UT.

5980.005 and 6029.982 kHz ? what happened here at 02.27 and 02.58 UT,
much Cuban scratched jamming, ahead(!) of a small poor limited
6030.002 USAGM Greenville Cuban opposite Radio Marti signal ?

6060even CUB Again this faulty Bauta site tx unit of RHC Spanish sce,
poor on reduced power and bad faulty DISTORTED audio modulation
too, S=7 only at 02.30 UT on June 11.

6165even CUB Much best technical-wise Cuban signal in NoAM, RHC Bauta in
English, at 02.33 UT, S=9+25dB full power.

9805 kHz and 11930 kHz much much loud scratch jammer of Cuban origin
at 03.32 UT. ... and a lot more on the bc bands too.

RHC Spanish sce checked at 03.36 and 03.57 UT,
music program of FREE JAZZ played of Saxophone and Trumpet instrument,
noted performance:

5039.997 Bata, 6060even Bauta, 9535.002 Bejucal, 9649.996 Bejucal,
11670even Bauta til 03.57 UT switch-off,
11760 NOT ON AIR this June 11 morning,
11850even of Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW site,
and accompanied strings on 11840 and 11860 UT as always described by gh.

Nothing heard from Cuban radio on 22 mb.

But RHC Spanish on SoAM BRA ARG 160degr azimuth target outlet of 15230 kHz
was on air from Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW site, heard at 04.14 UT.

What happened at Quivican site from 03.58 UT sign-on onwards,
5999.999 kHz RHC English appeared here much late at nighttime, noted when
checked NY state SDR remotedly, and also harmonic on 11999.998 kHz too.
Excellent audio quality today. 6165 kHz Bauta site also English.

More logs of today at 02.00 UT to 04.30 UT in Edmonton Alberta and
Rochester NY state remotedly this Saturday June 11:

4775.034 PRU UNIDentified, probably R Tama Peru string, poor 02.03 UT
but covered by broadband CODAR signal on
4771 to 4799 kHz fq range.
4839.996 USA WWCR Nashville TN, S=9+20dB strength, sermon at 02.40 UT,
WWCR has always the most excellent and professional shortwave
signals of all US SW on air.
4885.027 BRA Most likely Rádio Clube do Pará acc to fq offset at 02.06UT
4939.988 CLM ? La Montana in Spanish (?), poor S=5 signal at 02.42 UT.
5010even USA WRMI Okeechobee with Radio Prague relay in Spanish language
02.30-03.00 UT, S=6 fair signal into NY state remotedly, 02.44UT

5085even USA WTWW pop music / Beatles mx program at 02.13 UT, S=9+5dB
12 kHz wideband audio block. At 02.14 UT temperature and weather
report, Nashville, 73 cC temperature, increase upper 80ties temp

cannot detect usual parasitic spurs on 5072.1, 5097.9, gh.

right Glenn, no audio spurs seen/heard nearby now anymore, wb.

5829.986 USA WTWW Lebanon TN, sermon, pastor talk, S=9+15dB at 02.18 UT
5850even USA WRMI Okeechobee FL state, VORW Radio International address
given annmt at 02.20 UT, Aoki Nagoya userlist scheduled at 02-03
UT, S=9+10dB in NY state.
5889.994 USA WWCR Nashville TN #4 px, En sermon at 02-04 UT, S=9+10dB at
02.50 UT, 10.6 kHz wideband audio block.
5935even USA WWCR #2 px, from Nashville TN, lady voice pastor sermon
S=9+25dB powerful signal, at 02.22 UT.
5938.517 BRA R Voz Missionaria, Camboriu SC, S=5 poor at 02.53 UT.
5950even USA WRMI religious sermon / talk in En, S=9+15dB in Aoki
Nagoya Dxers Circle userlist: "Truth2Ponder"px item, 02.23 UT.
5970even USA WEWN #3 program in Spanish, 'Reyes of Colombia', than
followed by guitar band and singer too, S=9 at 02.24 UT,
10.6 kHz wideband audio.
6049.993 EQA HCJB Quito in vernac, poor / fair S=7 at 02.29 and 03.00 UT
6069.988 CAN CFRX Toronto in En, S=7-8 at 02.31 UT on June 11.
6080even BOT USAGM VoA Botswana relay at 03.06 UT, but terrible audio
mixture noted, as accompanied strange strong 60 and 120 Hertz
audio tone strings heard/visible - either sideband.
6159.940 much odd fq, USA WBCQ from ME state on Canadian border,
surprisingly heard archive TOM BS roarer talk on
'Russian revolution' / 'Life of the Gospel', 02.34 UT.
6179.972 MDG Much odd fq Spanish language signal, World Christian Broad-
cast of MWV station at Mahajanga, Madagascar. S=9 at 02.37 UT.
7474.992 USA for the very first time I checked the NoAM PIRATE program
stn channel tonight, R YHWH very, very poor S=4 signal, 03.22UT.
7489.930 much odd frequency outlet, WBCQ, religious En preacher sermon,
unsympathetic roarer like BS once, S=9+15dB at 03.17 UT June 11.
7505even USA WRNO from New Orleans, preaching ladies in mixed talk
in English/Hindi heavy subcontinental accent. S=9+25dB much
powerhouse signal, 03.20 UT, 12 kHz widerange audio block.
9264.986 USA WINB Red Lion, PA, S=9+15dB at 02.00 UT and 03.14 UT too,
religious sermon.
9535.002 CUB RHC Spanish sce via 100 kW Bejucal site, px towards central
Latin AM MEX/GTM/CLM/EQA target. 03.35 UT, and
9649.996 CUB RHC Spanish sce via 50 kW Bejucal site, px towards Antilles
Suriname Guyana target. Saxophone FREE Jazz programme at 03.36 UT
later on this hour followed trumpet free jazz performance.
9667.524 BRA Rádio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu SC, S=6-7 fair at 03.24 UT.
9805 kHz CUB S=8 signal in peaks Cuban SCRATCH signal jamming, 03.32 UT.
9850even ROU RRI English sce, S=9+15dB powerful in NY remotedly, at
03.31 UT, scheduled 03.00-03.57 UT, Violine folk music, and also
11825 kHz ROU RRI Galbeni relay S=9 strong at 03.51 UT.
9974.998 USA Acc Aoki Nagoya DXC userlist should be KVOH Voive of Hope
from Rancho Simi, En sermon at S=9 signal level, at 03.27 UT.
9955even USA WRMI Okeechobee, Radio Prague Czech Republic English sce
relayed noted with pop music singer px. S=7-8 in NY state remo-
tedly at 03.28 UT. In between Spanish language station annmt of
RMI at 03.29 UT, followed by Radio Prague annmt in French
language at 03.30 UT on June 11.
11650even MDG Radio Tamazuj in Juba, mentioned Sudan many times, S=9 at
03.47 UT; scheduled 03.29-04.27 UT. Organized via MGLOB Talata
Volonondry Madagascar relay facility.
11815.024 BRA Radio Brasil Central, much poor S=3-4 at 03.49 UT June 11.
11824.959 much odd fq outlet from MDG MWV English African Pathways
at 04.01 UT. S=8-9 fair into NY state NoAM eastern USA.
MWV station at Mahajanga, Madagascar.
11870even OMA BBC London Persian language relay via ENC Al Seela relay
site S=7-8 sidelobe at 03.53 UT, scheduled 03.30-04.30 UT.
11930 kHz heavy Cuban SCRATCH signal jamming, S=8 at 03.55 UT.
12095even OMA BBC London En sce 04-05 UT, via ENC Al Seela relay site
S=8 at 04.04 UT on June 11. and
13580even same px, same site parameter of Al Seela OMA too.
13789.984 UAE BBC London in Somali lang, at 04.07 UT, S=7 sidelobe from
ENC Al Dhabbaya relay site, scheduled 04.00-04.30 UT.
15170.058 ARS Saudi Holy Quran prayer service from Riyadh site, 04.100UT
scheduled 02.50-06.00 UT, S=8-9 signal into NY state remotedly.
15220DRM digital mode transmission of ROU RRI Galbeni site in Mandarin
Chinese sce from Bucharest, S=7 in NY at 04.00-04.27 UT.
15285.017 ARS R Saudi Internat. from Riyadh bcast center, in Swahili to
EaAF target, S=7 in NY state, scheduled 04.00-06.57 UT.
15364.986 UAE USAGM Mashaal Radio in Pashto language via ENC Al Dhabaya
relay site, S=7 at 04.16 UT on June 11, 04-07 UT scheduled.
15629.836 UZB Iran International from London in Persian, via RRTM Telecom
Tashkent Uzbekistan bcast center at 04 - 16 UT, S=6 in NY state,
04.20 UT on June 11.
15720.011 NZL R NZ Pacific sce from Rangitaiki site, English, S=9+10dB,
at 04.22 UT. 11.2 kHz wideband audio block. Great propagation
signal today on June 11.
17530even MDG MWV 'The Light of Life' New Life Station, Mahajanga,
Madagascar in Mandarin S=9+5dB in NY state at 04.29 UT on
Saturday June 11.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 11)


Wolfgang Bueschel observations  View Printable Version 
Saturday, June 11 2022

Checked this morning NorthAM reception condition
at 02.00 UT to 04.30 UT in Edmonton Alberta
and Rochester NY state this Sat June 11:

report will appear later, it's breakfast time here in Europe now.

CUBA 4765 kHz at 0200 R Progreso 50kW from former USSR Bejucal site,
NOT ON AIR, safed main power tonight ?

5024.996 on lower flank side now, CUB R Rebelde from Bauta, much stronger
than RHC 5040, S=9+15dB, Spanish political talk, no music at 02.43 UT,
extreme 20 kHz wideband audio block.

5039.997 CUB RHC Bauta in Spanish, only S=8 signal,
but 10 kHz wideband at 02.12 UT.

5980.005 and 6029.982 kHz ? what happened here at 02.27 and 02.58 UT,
much Cuban scratched jamming
ahead(!) of a small poor limited 6030.002 USAGM Greenville R Marti signal ?

6060even CUB Again this faulty Bauta site tx unit of RHC Spanish sce,
poor on reduced power and bad faulty DISTORTED audio modulation too,
S=7 only at 02.30 UT on June 11.

6165even CUB Much best Cuban signal in NoAM RHC in English, at 02.33 UT
S=9+25dB full power.

9805 kHz and 11930 kHz much much loud scratch jammer of Cuban origin
at 03.32 UT. ... and a lot more on the bc bands too.

RHC Spanish sce checked at 03.36 and 03.57 UT,
music program of FREE JAZZ played of Saxophone and Trumpet instrument,
noted performance:
5039.997, 6060even, 9535.002 Bejucal, 9649.996 Bejucal,
11670 til 03.57 UT switch-off,
11760 NOT ON AIR this morning,
11850 kHz of Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW site,
and accompanied strings on 11840 and 11860 UT as described by gh.
Nothing from Cuba on 22 mb.
But RHC Spanish on SoAM BRA ARG target outlet of 15230 kHz was on air
from Quivican site, heard at 04.14 UT.

What happened at Quivican site from 03.58 UT sign-on onwards,
5999.998 kHz RHC English appeared here when checked NY state SDR
and also harmonic on 11999.998 kHz too.
Excellent audio quality today. 6165 kHz Bauta site.

7474.992 kHz for the very first time I checked the
NoAM PIRATE program stn, R YHWH very, very poor S=4 signal, at 03.22 UT.

11824.959 kHz, much odd fq outlet from MDG MWV English African Pathways
at 04.01 UT. S=8-9 fair into NoAM.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 11)


Atlantic 2000 on the air this Saturday 11  View Printable Version 
Friday, June 10 2022

Atlantic 2000 international was for the first time on shortwave the 6th of June 1982. In June 2022, we are forty years old!

For this event, we will broadcast a special anniversary show, including the songs that we played on the 6th of June 1982 for our very first transmission on shortwave.
Don't forget to listen to this special event on Saturday, June 11th, from 08:00 to 09:00 UTC, on 6070 and 9670 kHz via Channel 292.

If you want to receive our special QSL-card, send a really detailed reception report to: atlantic2000international[at]gmail.com
If you use an online receiver, please mention its real geographic location.
If you listen on our web stream or on our Podcasts, tell it to us. We can also verify a web report.

June 1982 - June 2022 - Since 40 years on Shortwave

Visit our website and listen to Atlantic 2000: http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr  


Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain


Encore - Classical Music on Shortwave - Times, Frequencies, Information, How to support  View Printable Version 
Friday, June 10 2022

Regular Broadcast times of Encore are: 
10:00 - 11:00 UTC Saturday 6070 kHz Channel 292 to Europe - Simulcast on 9670 kHz
01:00 - 02:00 UTC Sunday 7730 & 5850 kHz WRMI to Europe US and Canada (Note change from 7780 to 7730)
16:00 – 17:00 UTC Sunday 9670 kHz Channel 292 to Europe 
21:00 - 22:00 UTC Sunday 3955 kHz Channel 292 to Europe 
02:00 - 03:00 UTC Monday 5950 kHz WRMI to the US and Canada 
13:00 - 14:00 UTC Tuesday 15770 kHz WRMI to Europe, east coast of US and IcelandRTTY continues to be heard on 15770 in some areas. Suggest listening using USB or notch filter in LSB if available.
19:00 – 20:00 UTC Friday 6070 kHz Channel 292 to Europe (Note time change.)
Some additions to the website:
The Encore website is www.tumbril.co.uk where you will find:
Important information about funding of Encore - Radio Tumbril.
Up to date transmission times and frequencies
The playlists for the most recent programmes
An email link
Informal reception reports as well as those requesting eQSL cards are welcome.
You can help keep Encore on the air:
Encore is a one-man operation. WRMI and Channel 292 are very generous with their air-time but Encore still costs around 200 Dollars/Euros a month to broadcast.
If you can - send a small contribution to help Encore keep going.
There is a PayPal donation button on the homepage of the website - www.tumbril.co.uk - which folks can use if they want to. If PayPal is no good for you then send me an email and we'll sort something else out.
Thank you.
A big thanks to the folks who have donated already.
This week's Programme - First broadcast this coming Saturday on Channel 292 - starts with See, Amid the Winter's Snow sung by Kate Rusby, a sonata for two violins from Mieczyslaw Weinberg, and part of Symphony No. 4 by Tchaikovsky.
After that some motets by Poulenc, a piano quintet from Robert Schumann and Fingal's Cave by Mendelssohn.
The programme finishes with the Sonata for Flute, Viola, and Harp by Debussy.
Channel 292 can be pulled live off the internet if the reception is poor in your location. Easy to find their site with a google search.
A very good site for online SDR receivers all over the world is: http://kiwisdr.com/public/  Click the 'Map' button in the top left of the screen.
Thank you for spreading the word about Encore - Classical Music on Shortwave on Radio Tumbril.

Brice Avery - Encore - Radio Tumbril - www.tumbril.co.uk


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