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Ascolti AM Treviso 29 maggio  View Printable Version 
Sunday, May 29 2022

5140 29/5 0451 Charleston Radio Inter., Berlin Mx E 45554
5780 29/5 0452 Harmony Radio, BEL-Waterloo Mx E 35533
5920 29/5 0453 HCJB Deutschland, Weenermoor Px rel. D 25522
6070 29/5 0454 Radio Channel 292, D-Rohrbach Waal MX E 35543
6155 29/5 0500 R. Oesterreich 1 Inter., Moosbrunn Nx D 55555
6195 29/5 0501 BBC WS Radio, Ascension Nx E 45544
7260 29/5 0502 Vatican Radio, CVA-S. Maria Galeria Px rel. R 45554
7285 29/5 0503 Radyo Denge Welat BUL-Kostinbrod Px Kur 55555
7355 29/5 0504 NHK WORLD-R. Japan, F-Issoudun Nx E 55555
7730 29/5 0505 WRMI Radio Ukraine Inter., Okeechobee1 Px E 45554
9265 29/5 0506 WINB -The Overcomer Ministry, Red Lion Px rel. E 45544
9330 29/5 0507 WBCQ World's Last Chance, Monticello Px rel. E 55555
9400 29/5 0508 The Overcomer Ministry, BUL-Kostinbrod Px rel. E 55555
9610 29/5 0901 AWR Europe, Nauen Px Obiettivo DX RVS magazine It 55555

73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: filare 6 metri


Log Roberto Pavanello  View Printable Version 
Sunday, May 29 2022


981 23/5 23.05 RAI R. 3 Classica - Trieste IT MX suff.
1035 26/5 23.00 R. Lyca Dilse - London EE NX buono
1044 22/5 22.34 R. San Sebastian - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1053 25/5 22.03 COPE - Castellon SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1116 23/5 22.33 R. Pontevedra - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1179 24/5 22.34 R. Valencia - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1404 23/5 23.10 R. Ukraine 1 - Izmail Ucraino talk suff.
1611 23/5 22.45 R. Augusta - EE MX suff.
1638 23/5 22.40 R. Bluebird - Dutch ID e MX buono
4775 27/5 22.45 R. Tarma - SS MX suff.
4870 27/5 22.40 R. Mystery 21 - EE MX ottimo
4885 23/5 22.50 R. Clube do Parà - Belem PP talk suff.
5140 22/5 16.20 Charleston R. Int. - EE MX ottimo
5990 29/5 09.25 R. Blackstone - EE MX suff.
5995 28/5 22.40 R. Mali - Bamako FF MX afro buono
6045 27/5 15.10 R. Telstar - EE MX ottimo
6085 24/5 16.30 R. Mi Amigo Int. - EE MX buono
6205 27/5 16.30 KBC - EE MX buono
6210 28/5 16.50 R. King SW - EE MX buono
6280 25/5 22.15 R. Panda - EE MX buono
6931 26/5 23.05 Indy R. - Sevilla Ucraino relay Ukraina R.1 buono
6950 29/5 08.55 Zenith Classic Rock - EE MX suff.
6985 27/5 16.30 The Vault - EE MX suff.
7770LSB 28/5 16.30 R. JVG - EE MX buono
9610 29/5 09.00 AWR - Firenze IT Obiettivo DX by Roberto Scaglione ottimo
10000 22/5 16.30 Italcable - Viareggio IT MX e segnale orario suff.
11780 26/5 23.10 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP talk suff.
11815 28/5 22.45 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP MX suff.

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia


Stations heard in Friol, NW of Spain  View Printable Version 
Sunday, May 29 2022


ANTARCTICA, 15476usb, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 1521-1557, 28-05, female, comments, songs. Extremely weak and strong fading.

BOLIVIA, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, 0125-0136, 28-05, Quechua, comments. 15321.

5938.5, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 0640-0653, 28-05, religious songs, Portuguese, id. “Você
está ouvindo Radio Voz Missionaria, transmitindo de Santa Catalina...”. QRM on 5935. 22422.

6180, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2030-2046, 27-05, Portuguese, comments, Brazilian songs. // 11780. 25322.

9550.1, Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, 2007-2035, 27-05, Portuguese, religious songs and comments. 15321.

9667, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 2035-2047, 27-05, religious comments and songs, Portuguese. 32432.

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2003-2023, 27-05, Brazilian songs, Portuguese, comments, “Aló Amazonia, aló Brasil”, 35433.

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 2003-2021, 27-05, Brazilian songs. 23422.
Also 0550-0625, 28-05, Brazilian songs, id. “Radio Brasil Central”, program “Madrugada Musical”. 35433.

15189.9, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 1950-2013, 27-05, Brazilian songs, Portuguese, comments,at 2000 id. “Radio Inconfidencia AM 870, ondas curtas 49 metros 6010 kHz, 19 metros 15190 kHz, emisora da Rede Inconfidencia de Radio, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerias, Brasil”, “A Hora do Fazendeiro”. 25422.

CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 0425-0506, 28-05, English, news, comments, advertisements. Strong QRM from Channel 292 on the same frequency. 21421.

COLOMBIA or VENEZUELA, 4940, Unknown relaying Fuerza de Paz, 0405-0512, 28-05, Spanish, religius comments and songs. 25322.

4765, Radio Progreso, Bejucal, 0348-0359*, 28-05, Spanish, comments. 35433.

5025, Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 0538-0610, 28-05, program “Nosotros”, “Música cubana de todos los tiempos” Cuban songs, at 0559 “Lo que necesitas para estar al día, las noticias”, news, at 0601 id. “Rebelde La Habana, emisora de la revolución”, program “A Esta Hora”. 45444.

5970, Radio 208, Hvidovre, 0435-0448, 28-05, rock songs. 15321.

15700, World Music Radio, Randers, 1405-1517, 28-05, Brazilian song, id. “World Music Radio”, pop songs. 25322.

25800, World Music Radio, Marslet, 1004-1022, 28-05, pop and Latin American songs. Strong fading. 15411.

ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0350-0359, 28-05, Spanish, comments, id. “HCJB”. At 0358 eclipsed by Algeria on the same frequency. 35433.

ERITREA, 7140, Voice of the Broad Masses, Asmara, 1710-1733, 27-05, female, Vernacular, comments. Ham QRM. 22422.

ETHIOPIA, 7110, Radio Ethiopia, Geja Dera, 1714-1733, 27-05, female, male, Vernacular comments. Ham QRM. 33433.

MALI, 9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1645-1740, 27-05, African songs, Vernacular comments. 35433.

NETHERLANDS, 5955, Sunlite Radio, Westdorpe, 1815. , 27-05, pop songs in English, oldies, id. “Sunlite”. 25422.
Also heard 0520-0615, 28-05, pop songs, oldies, id. “Sunlite”. 24422.

NEW ZEALAND, 9700, Radio New Zealand International, Rangitaiki, 0850-0920, 28-05, songs, English, comments, program “Saturday Night”. 25322.

PERU, 4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 0123-0136, 28-05, Spanish, comments, Peruvian songs. 25322.

SPAIN, 6930.9, Indy Radio, Seville?, 1525-1547, 27-05, relaying Ukrainian Radio, news, comments, Ukrainian. 35433.

4965, Voice of Hope Africa, Lusaka, 2018-2027, 27-05, English, religious comments. 15321.

5915, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, Lusaka, 1859-2005, 27-05, Vernacular, comments. 23422.

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Logs in Friol, NW of Spain
Tecsun S-8800 and PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters


LRA 36 on air  View Printable Version 
Saturday, May 28 2022

ANTARCTICA, 15476usb, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base
Esperanza, 1521-1527 , 28-05, female, comments, songs. Extremely weak
and strong fading, audible at times.

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Logs in Friol, NW of Spain
Tecsun S-8800 and PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters.


LRA 36 news  View Printable Version 
Saturday, May 28 2022


Yesterday Friday I contacted with the station via Whatsapp, here my message:

"Buenas tardes, el miércoles 25 no salieron al aire, por favor, podrían
decirme si saldrán mañana sábado?"

Y aquí la respuesta: "Hola buenas noches. Si salió el programa el
miércoles y mañana también sale a las 1200-1300 horas."

According to them, the program was on the air the past Wednesday.


Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain


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