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Encore - Classical Music on Radio Tumbril - Seasonal Time Changes, Frequencies, Info |
Friday, April 15 2022
Broadcast times of Encore are:
10:00 - 11:00 UTC Saturday 6070 kHz Channel
292 to Europe - Simulcast on 9670
- 02:00 UTC Sunday 7730 & 5850 kHz WRMI to
Europe US and Canada (Note change from 7780 to 7730)
16:00 – 17:00 UTC Sunday 9670 kHz Channel 292 to
- 22:00 UTC Sunday 3955 kHz Channel 292 to
- 03:00 UTC Monday 5950 kHz WRMI to the
US and Canada
- 14:00 UTC Tuesday 15770 kHz WRMI to
Europe, east coast of US and Iceland. RTTY continues to
be heard on 15770 in some areas. Suggest
listening using USB or notch filter in LSB if
19:00 – 20:00 UTC Friday 6070 kHz Channel
292 to
Europe (Note
time change.)
Some additions to
the website:
information about funding of Encore -
Radio Tumbril.
Up to
date transmission times and frequencies
playlists for the most recent programmes
email link
reception reports as well as those requesting
eQSL cards are welcome.
You can help keep Encore on the air:
Encore is a one-man operation. WRMI
and Channel 292 are very generous with their
air-time but Encore still costs around 200
Dollars/Euros a month to broadcast.
If you can - send a
small contribution to help Encore keep going.
There is a PayPal
donation button on the homepage of the website
- www.tumbril.co.uk - which
folks can use if they want to. If PayPal is no
good for you then send me an email and we'll
sort something else out.
Thank you.
A big thanks to the
folks who have donated already.
This week's Programme
- First broadcast this coming Saturday on
Channel 292 - starts with some
of the suite for the ballet Swan Lake by
Tchaikovsky, part of one of Bach's Brandenburg
Concertos, and then two interpretations of other
people's work by contemporary US composer
Caroline Shaw.
that we'll listen to a cello sonata from Claude
Debussy and the Octet in E Flat Major by
292 can be pulled live off the internet if the
reception is poor in your location. Easy to find
their site with a google search.
A very
good site for online SDR receivers all over the
world is: http://kiwisdr.com/public/ Click
the 'Map' button in the top left of the screen.
Thank you
for spreading the word about Encore - Classical Music on
Shortwave on Radio Tumbril.
SWLDXBulgaria News, April 6-12 |
Tuesday, April 12 2022
COLOMBIA Fair to good signal of La Montana Colombia on 4940 kHz via Maicao, April 6
from 0430 on 4940 MIA 001 kW / non-dir to SoAm Spanish via SDR Half Moon Bay CA, USA
CUBA Radio Habana Cuba in Spanish/English on 11670/11760/13740 on April 6
till 0500 on 11670 BAU 100 kW / 130 deg to SoAm Spanish in A-22 till 0400UT
till 0500 on 11760 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to NCAm Spanish in A-22 till 0200UT
till 0500 on 13740 BAU 100 kW / 160 deg to SoAm Spanish in A-22 till 0400UT
from 0500 on 11760 BAU 100 kW / non-dir to NCAm English Service & continues
via SDR Milford PA, USA. Something`s always wrong at Radio Habana Cuba RHC.
GREECE Very good signal of ERT Voice of Greece in Greek on 9420 kHz via Avlis, April 5:
from 1400 on 9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek tx#3 via SDR Szekesfehervar, Hungary
KUWAIT Reception of Radio Kuwait on drifting 15485v kHz via Kabd Sulaibiyah, April 12:
till 0800 on 15485vKBD 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu English. Very good via SDR Heimiswil, SUI
MADAGASCAR Additional transmissions of WCB KNLS Madagascar World Voice via Mahajanga
NEW ZEALAND Very good signal of Radio New Zealand RNZ Pacific on 9700 kHz via Rangitaiki, April 12
from 1000 on 9700 RAN 050 kW / 035 deg to All Pacific English Daily via SDR Half Moon Bay CA, USA &
U.K.(non) New unknown broadcast are registered on 11925 & 21500 kHz via ENC-DMS:
USA Reception of Voice of Freedom via QSO Radio Show on 5085 kHz via WTWW-2 Lebannon, April 6
from 0425 on 5085 TWW 100 kW / 180 deg to SoAm English WTWW-2. Very good via SDR Milford PA, USA
USA Very good signal of WRNO in English on 7505 kHz via New Orleans, April 12:
from 0700 on 7505 RNO 050 kW / 020 deg to ENAm English via SDR Frostburg MD, USA
USA Very good signal of WRNO in Arabic on 7505 kHz via New Orleans, April 12:
from 0710 on 7505 RNO 050 kW / 020 deg to ENAm Arabic via SDR Frostburg MD, USA
USA Very good signal of WRNO in Chinese on 7505 kHz via New Orleans, April 12:
from 0818 on 7505 RNO 050 kW / 020 deg to ENAm Chinese via SDR Frostburg MD, USA
UZBEKISTAN(non) Frequency changes of Voice of Martyrs via RRTM Tashkent
UZBEKISTAN(non) Frequency change of Voice of Wilderness via RRTM Tashkent
UNIDENTIFIED Unknown transmission in English on 11620 kHz
73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
Radio Angela Call For Participants |
Monday, April 11 2022
 In months with a fifth Wednesday US date (Thursday world date, the next will be June 30 world date), WBCQ's Radio Angela will present WBCQ Open Mic, to be filled with entertainment content submitted by listeners.
The ground rules: 1. Content must be entertainment (literary, comedy, musical). Examples are reading a poem, singing a song, playing your guitar, doing a comedy monologue etc. Radio Angela reserves the right to determine whether the content meets its definition of entertainment. Non-entertainment content can be aired by purchasing time on WBCQ's other frequencies.
2. Submission should be less than a half hour. Submissions of a half hour or more will be treated as a program audition.
3. Submission deadline is second of month of broadcast world date (the next WBCQ Open Mic is in June, so submission deadline for June is June 1 US date).
4. The submission must include the real name and contact information for the submitter (no exceptions)
5. Radio Angela reserves the right not to use submitted content for any reason including no reason at all.
6. Submissions should be sent as a digital file (mp3 preferred) to 4790info@gmail.com with name and contact information for the submitter along with a short description. Subject line should read WBCQ Open Mic Submission.
EDXC, Conference, cancelled |
Monday, April 11 2022
Dear friends,
Regretfully, we have needed to take the decision to cancel the
BDXC Conference scheduled for May in Bucharest.
With just a few weeks to go, there were not enough delegates
signed up to make it viable to hold a conference. This is,
perhaps, understandable with people concerned about travel due to
Covid-19, plus the war in neighbouring Ukraine.
We will arrange another Zoom meeting for EDXC members and the
wider DX community, with speakers, in a few months time.
In the meantime, some good news in that EDXC co-founder Anker
Petersen has published the latest Trends in tropical bands
broadcasting and Domestic Broadcasting Survey.
Anker writes: “Since the Danish Short Wave Club International
published the first annual Tropical Bands Survey in 1973, I have
registered which stations are active, based upon loggings from our
members and other DXers around the world. Here is an updated
status outside Europe and North America, where Clandestine and
Pirate stations are not included.”
Both of the documents are available at the DSWCI website, to
study and enjoy. Click on the two blue boxes on the left side of
the website for the current versions, and also to look back over
previous versions.
Chrissy Brand and Christian Ghibaudo, EDXC
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