U.K. Hi, - this Friday March 04 at 14.31 UT BBC WS London in English from ENC Woofferton broadcast center site,15735 kHz even fq in 19 meterband S=9+10dB in Saratov, RUS S=9+15dB or -58dBn in Kuwait SDR. S=9+25dB or -51dBm in Cyprus Mediterranean / Near East azimuth S=9+25dB or -48dBm in Nizhny Novgorod RUS S=9+20dB or -55dBm in Izhevsk in Udmurtia, Russia, in Ural area. S=9+15dB or -58dBm at 15.16 UT in capital Moscow, RUS. and some more logs when checked 5910 kHz Taskent-UZB, in great expectation at 17.30 UT onwards, only on Fridays; though NOTHING heard in remoted SDR's in GRC, CYP, KWT, nor in Delhi India, at least at 17.27 to 17.35 UT; 5129.947 KGZ surprise Bishkek religious program "Radio Sedaye Zindagi" via lower(!) frequency flank oddity, radio from Krasnaya Rechka Bishkek Kyrgyztelekom. 15-18 UT acc Aoki Nagoya DXCircle database, S=8-9 signal in Delhi SDR remotedly, heard at 17.33 UT. 5829.938 UZB Iran International TV relay in Persian, via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan bcast center Shortwave Transmitting Station, at 17.37 UT on March 4. 5819.981 UZB Nippon no Kaze "il bon ue baram", in Korean language, also via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan bcast center Shortwave Trans- mitting Station, S=7 at 17.39 UT on March 4. 5875even ARM BBC London in Dari language to Persia and Afghanistan target, via CJSC Yerevan Gavar relay site. S=9+20dB proper signal at 17.41 UT, BUT ONCE AGAIN MUCH DISTORTED AUDIO feed on Armenia center. 6185even CVA Vatican Radio Ukrainian language section towards Ukrainian Catholics, via Santa Maria di Galeria bcast center. S=9+10dB at 17.43 UT in Saratov-RUS remote SDR rx. and also 7360.004 kHz slight odd fq in 17.40-18.00 UT schedule slot, same S=9+5dB strength. But noted some BUZZ audio tone fault, and a lot of 11(!) BUZZ strings visible either sideband on 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 ... 300 Hertz distance apart and more. 7569.977 KRE Voice of Korea KCBS in Korean language from Pyongyang via Kujang txion center at 17.52 UT at S=8 fair signal. 7609.911 UZB Radio Ranginkaman (Rainbow) in Persian, via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan bcast center Shortwave Transmitting Station, S=9 signal in Delhi, at 17.56 UT on March 4. When checked 9770 kHz BBC London planned Russian service regular at ENC Woofferton relay site, though NOTHING heard in remoted SDR's in GRC, CYP, KWT, nor in Delhi India, at least in 17.59 to 18.07 UT time slot on March 4.
9379.989 SWZ e'Swatini TWR Africa Swahili East AF sce from Manzini site at 18.08 UT on March 4, S=7 in Delhi and Saratov-RUS remote Perseus units.
BBC ENAFE-East English sce from UAE instead, - as predicted last month, 9410 kHz Ascension relay frequency entry in Aoki Nagoya database Userlist for Perseus usage, is wrong. 9410.104 kHz much odd frequency of 5th tx unit at ENC / BBC Dhabayya UAE site. Regular 18-20 UT En, 250 kW at 225 degrees requested. 9420.001 GRC Voice of Greece, as domestic Helliniki Greek program at 19.09 UT on March 4, S=9+25dB signal of Greek music in Saratov-RUS remote SDR unit. 9675.011 ARS Radio Saudi International from Riyadh site in Turkish language, 18-21 UT scheduled, S=9+30dB proper signal at 19.18 UT in Athens Greece remotedly. 9844.954 MDG WCB program in Russian language, via MWV New Life Station at Mahajanga, Madagascar relay, S=9+25dB powerhouse signal in Saratov-RUS at 19.23 UT. 73 wb df5sx IRAN [non]. 5910.000, March 4 from 1727 no signal into UTwente from Channel 1 satellite TV audio from Canoga Park clandestine via Uzbekistan? S=9+5/15 carrier with hum finally cuts on late at 1738.2 or so and JIP talk modulation in Farsi? from 1739. Fridays only and no one reported it last week. Two men conversing, nothing resembling an ID heard, and they stop at 1753 while humcarrier stays on until 1800.5*. Previously also lasted well less than 30 or even 29 minutes (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR, March 04) U K. 9770, March 4 at 1800-1820+, again no signal into UTwente from BBCWS daily in Russian, as in HFCC supposed to have started yesterday, 250 kW, 66 degrees from Woofferton. Hurry up! The war is on. No other Russian language shown on entire BBC schedule. Also tried to check it via Tambov, Russia, KiwiSDR. It appears to be running showing only noise on 9770, no carrier to lock onto --- but no audio as if muted, certainly not by me! (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR, March 04)