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1700-1725 UT 5940 kHz ORF/ORS Moosbrunn Austria - Radio OE1 - International additional special broadcast to Russia's  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, March 02 2022

AUSTRIA  re 1700-1730 UT  5940 kHz ORF/ORS - Radio OE1 - International
in German, til 17.25:05 UTC ORS Moosbrunn transmitter switch OFF, when
'Wednesday Panorama Journal' ended.

5940even kHz excellent frequency selection of frequency management
engineer Ernst Vranka OE1EVA / OE3EVA from ORS Moosbrunn bcast center in

At same time some other 49 mb channels are also totally free of usage,
like 5880, 5885, 5925, 6060 and/or  6180 kHz.

Formerly choosen 5990 kHz channel suffers by neighbour 5985 kHz channel
of CRI Beiing RTC #572 site in Swahili language to East Africa, and 6000
kHz of CNR1 program in Chinese Mandarin from CNR1 Beijing mainland China
site, both S=9+15dB.

Also nearby noted a very strange BUBBLE 'more tones signal' like UTE or
even WARTIME military signal in range 5934 - 5939 kHz, S=8 at 17.27 UT.

read news on ORF/ORS - Radio OE1 - International two additional bcasts
in Austria on 70 degr azimuth towards RUS/UKR/BLR of Putin war area:

1100-1200 UT 13730 kHz; 1700-1730 UT  5 9 4 0  kHz. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

5940even kHz noted as S=9+10dB signal on Perseus SDR units at Warsaw
Poland and in UA4CC Saratov Russia remotedly. 10 kHz broadband audio
block visible.

S=9+15dB signal strength in eastern Finland at Mauno's installation
place, thanks Mauno Ritola for service !

Radio OE1 - International in German. Great report of Vladimir Putin's
invasion war into Ukraine soil:

"CRASH of the ruble exchange rate and devaluation of the ruble against
the EURo and the $ _dollar.

No spare parts maintenance in the future from Boeing and Airbus
industries for the huge rented aircraft fleet of Russia. Large detours
for vacationers flights from Varadero Cuba island or Cancun Mexico to
Moscow airport via far north Narvik - Murmansk coastline in Arctic area.

Future Euro Bruxelles/Strassbourg/Luxembourg aid for 42 million
Ukrainians, when fled to other European countries.

Two years of FREE RESIDENCE in Western Europe, without lengthy
complicated UN refugee status visa procedures, - guaranteed. FREE ACCESS
to the labor market, totally free health insurance benefits, free
schooling for children and students.

Failure of wheat harvest and export of wheat grain this year 2022.

On Tuesday destruction of the premises infrastructure of the FM and TV
Tower in central Kiev capital with a powerful Russian missile explosion.
Nearby destruction of the anti Nazi Holocaust 'Shoah memorial Babyn Yar'

Call to the world public:
Demand immediate withdrawal of Russian invasion army troops from Ukraine

Tip for German language audience:

Putin's traumata, in Putin's mind head: long-term logic in Putin's
head.and what Putin thinks his philosophy - touches around the Great
Russia Tsars-history since 1920. A would-be tsar, an imperialist? He is
a bit of everything: a tsar, if you look at the span of his reign - an
imperialist, if you look at the way he does politics.

this SWISS tv program talk in German interested me very much:





even talked about the Russian philosophers bible books on the night
table at Putin's house.

Summary: At the 2014 New Year's reception, Vladimir Putin gave his 5,000
most important officials three philosophical works. At last, what
Putin's unpredictability still conceals is becoming discernible in
outline: on the basis of a backward-looking world view, a Eurasian
empire is to be created under Russian hegemony. If one reads the obscure
philosophers on whom Putin and his highest officials rely, it becomes
clear that Vladimir Putin cultivates a dangerously backward-looking
world view: In the 21st century, he wants to establish 19th-century
hegemonic politics. Having gambled away modernization and social
balance, he dreams of a Eurasian world empire with national conservative
to reactionary Russian philosophers. It is to stretch from Vladivostok
to Warsaw, but may also reach as far as Paris. Under the gentle regime
of Vladimir the Great, the "flawless democrat" (Gerhard Schröder, SPD

ARTE  Film "Putin - The Return of the Russian Bear" seen, which can also
be found until 16 March 2022 under


and which will be repeated on Sunday 6 March 2022 3:00 - 3:55 also via
DVB-T2 and Astra 19 E satellite.

This film (which ARTE Strassbourg has already produced in 2021) shows
Putin's activities

2007 in Munich,
2008 in Georgia,
2014 in Ukraine (Crimea island),
2015 in Syria,
2017 in Libya,
2019 in all-Africa and
2020 in the Caucasus.

UKRAINE  549 kHz MW Mykolaiev Luch S=9+15dB signal in Finland at 17.28
UT, report talk of Putin's invasion war, cause great sorrow to the
brother people.  March 2nd.

73 wb df5sx


SWLDXBulgaria News, March 1-2  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, March 02 2022

ABKHAZIA   Abkhaz Radio/Apsua Radio in Russian on 9534.8v kHz via Sukhumi, March 2:
from 0530 on  9534.8vSUK 005 kW / non-dir to CeAs Russian. Good via SDR Khimki, RUS

ALASKA   Reception of WCB KNLS The New Life Station in English on 6075 kHz via Anchor Point, March 2:
0800-0900 on  6075 NLS 100 kW / 270 deg to SEAs English tx#2. Very good via SDR Half Moon Bay CA, USA

AUSTRIA   Extra broadcasts of Oesterreichischer Rundfunk-1 on 13730 kHz via Moosbrunn, March 1
1100-1200 on 13730 MOS 100 kW / 070 deg to EaEu German. Very good via SDR Szekesfehervar, HNG.
1700-1730 NF  5940 MOS 100 kW / 070 deg to EaEu German registered in HFCC, instead of 5990 kHz

COLOMBIA   Fair signal of La Montana Colombia on 4940 kHz via Maicao, March 1:
0630&1050 on  4940*MIA 001 kW / non-dir to SoAm Spanish via SDR Milford PA, USA

CUBA   Very good signal of Radio Habana Cuba in English on 6100 kHz via Bauta, March 2:
0600-0700 on  6100 BAU 100 kW / 310 deg to WNAm English via SDR Prescott Valley AZ, USA

EGYPT   Good signal of Mystery Egyptian Music Station on 9600 kHz via unknown tx on March 1:
0930-0940 on  9600 E25 Rebeat tx / unknown to ???? Egyptian music via SDR Szekesfehervar, HNG

KUWAIT   Unscheduled broadcast of Radio Kuwait in Farsi on 15530 kHz via Kabd Sulaibiyah, March 1:
from 0800 on 15530 KBD 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu Farsi. Very good signal via Heimiswil, Switzerland

RUSSIA/UKRAINE   Russian & Ukrainian amateurs on 7055 kHz LSB, March 2
from 0830 on  7055 LSB mode. Very good via SDR Szekesfehervar, Hungary

SLOVAKIA   Reception of Slovakian amateurs on 3756 kHz LSB, March 2
from 0834 on  3756 LSB mode. Good via SDR Szekesfehervar, Hungary

THAILAND   HSK9 Radio Thailand World Service in Thai on 17630 kHz via Udorn Thani, March 1
1000-1030 on 17630 UDO 250 kW / 300 deg to N/ME Thai. Very good via SDR Szekesfehervar, HNG.

U.K.(non)   Radio Ndarason International in French on 9535 kHz via ENC-DMS Woofferton, March 2:
0615-0625 on  9535 WOF 250 kW / 158 deg to WeAf French. Very good signal via SDR Khimki, Russia

USA   New schedule of WBCQ-3 on 4790v kHz via Monticello eff. from March 1:

USA   KVOH Voice of Hope America in English on 9975 kHz via Rancho Simi, March 1:
from 0558 on  9975 VOH 100 kW / 100 deg to CeAm English. Good via SDR Milford PA, USA

USA   Fair/good signal of WEWN-1 Global Catholic Radio on 9385 kHz via Vandiver, March 1
till 0901 on  9385 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf English via SDR Prescott Valley AZ, USA

UTILITY   Russian Military Briz 57 and Sider 91 in 31mb on 9741 kHz in USB mode, March 1:
from 0928 on  9741 USB mode, talk in Russian. Good signal via SDR Szekesfehervar, Hungary

UTILITY   Russian Military Forum 88 and Sider 91 in 31mb on 9741 kHz in USB mode, March 1
from 1012 on  9741 USB mode, talk in Russian. Good signal via SDR Szekesfehervar, Hungary

UTILITY   Reception of Russian Military again in 31mb on 9741 kHz in USB mode, March 2:
from 0806 on  9741 USB mode, talk in Russian. Very good via SDR Szekesfehervar, Hungary

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Voice of Martyrs on 9930 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, March 1
1200-1230 on  9930 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good via SDR Khimki, RUS.

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Radio Free North Korea on 9910 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, March 1
1300-1400 on  9910 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good signal via SDR Khimki, RUS

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Voice of Wilderness on 9380 kHz via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, March 1
1400-1530 on  9380 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good via SDR Albertirsa, HNG

VATICAN(non)   Vatican Radio on 7420 kHz via USAGM Tinian & 9810 kHz via USAGM Tinang, March 1
1230-1250 on  7420 TIN 250 kW / 329 deg to FERu Russian. Very good signal via SDR Khimki, RUS.
1230-1250 on  9810 PHT 250 kW / 332 deg to FERu Russian. Weak/fair signal via SDR Khimki, RUS.
73! Ivo Ivanov More information on the shortwave listening hobby, please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria Receiver: Afedri SDR Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection) Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas. QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D Antenna: 30 m. long wire


Ascolti di febbraio Davide Tambuchi IW2NZR  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, March 01 2022

Ecco i miei ascolti del mese, passati a sistemare altri vecchi RX costruiti in inghilterra negli anni '50 e '60 (un altro Bush e tre Roberts) ad onde medie e lunghe, con una qualità audio davvero sorprendente (sono costruiti in un mobiletto di legno).

ggmmaa   kHz  UTC SINPO rx emittente
300122   171 1834 45444 bt Medi 1 in FF
310122   198 1630 33433 bt BBC Radio 4 in EE
030222   198 2205 45444 i7 BBC Radio 4 in EE
070222   198 2215 44444 bt BBC Radio 4 in EE
170222   225 2225 55444 bt Polskie Radio in polacco
290122   234 2200 55544 i9 Radio Luxembourg RTL in FF
300122   234 2200 55544 bt
Radio Luxembourg RTL in FF
050222   234 2215 45444 i8 Radio Luxembourg RTL in FF
080222   234 2200 55555 i9 Radio Luxembourg RTL in FF
120222   234 2200 55544 tn Radio Luxembourg RTL in FF
130222   234 2300 55544 i7 Radio Luxembourg RTL in FF
190222   234 2218 55555 i7 Radio Luxembourg RTL in FF
270222   234 2220 55544 r1 Radio Luxembourt RTL in FF
310122   252 2210 35433 bt RTE 1 in EE
080222   252 2205 35433 i7 RTE 1 in EE
190222   531 1940 55444 i7 Radio Algerienne in spagnolo
280222   549 2148 33433 pr UR1 Pershiy Kanal in ucraino (QRM R. Koper)
260122   648 0610 34444 i9 Radio Caroline in EE
270122   648 1720 44433 mt Radio Caroline in EE (stesso SINPO con rx: my)
290122   648 2145 44444 pr Radio Caroline in EE
090222   648 2240 44444 i7 Radio Caroline in EE
120222   648 1925 34433 sw Radio Caroline North in EE
130222   648 1735 32422 bt Radio Caroline North in EE
220222   648 1940 44444 r2 Radio Murski Val in sloveno
220222   648 2050 44444 r2 Radio Caroline in EE
250122   693 1230 45444 my Radio Zainet in italiano
260122   693 0750 45444 bt Radio Zainet in italiano
010222   693 1405 45454 pr Radio Zainet in italiano
230222   693 1510 45444 r2 Radio Zainet in italiano
300122   792 1740 35422 my Radio Dechovka in ceco
240222   882 2203 43433 i8 BBC Radio Wales in EE
220222   900 1615 55544 r2 RAI Radio 1 in italiano ("strappi" nella modulazione)
260122   909 0645 44444 i9 BBC Radio 5 in EE
280122   909 1735 44444 bt BBC Radio 5 in EE
070222  1170 1933 45544 tn Radio Capodistria in italiano
170222  1170 1717 45433 bt Radio Capodistria in italiano
300122  1188 1938 35433 pr Radio Studio X in italiano
130222  1188 1745 44444 bt Radio Studio X in italiano
260122  1215 0630 45444 i9 Absolute Radio in EE
140222  1215 2155 45444 i7 Absolute Radio in EE
110222  1395 1757 22422 pr Sterrekijker AM in olandese
110222  1395 1945 33433 pr Seabreeze AM in olandese
050222  1467 1900 55444 i8 Radio Andorra revival in FF
050222  1467 2040 55544 i8 Radio Andorra revival in FF
260122  1548 1638 35433 bt Gold Radio in EE
100222  1548 2215 45444 i7 Gold Radio in EE
190222  1548 1932 43444 i7 Gold Radio in EE
210222  1548 2050 45444 i7 Gold Radio in EE
300122  3985 1648 25342 fr Radio Slovakia International in FF
280122  5140 1525 35343 fr Charleston Radio International in EE
020222  5512 1755 15341 k1 Jerusalem FM (USB), mx
110222  5955 1700 55555 k1 Radio Romania Internazionale in italiano
130222  6085 1712 42443 k1 Radio Mi Amigo International in EE (jamming in CW)
050222  6175 1630 55544 c3 Radio Andorra revival in FF
060222  7330 1122 55555 bw Radio joystick in tedesco (stesso SINPO con rx: sv,mp)
120222  7390 1531 35333 k1 Radio New Zealand Pacific in EE
030222  9420 1944 55444 sv ERT Voice of Greece in greco
300122  9610 1000 55444 fr AWR La Voce della Speranza in italiano
060222  9610 1000 45444 bw AWR La Voce della Speranza in italiano
130222  9610 1000 55444 k1 AWR La Voce della Speranza in italiano
200222  9610 1000 55444 s1 AWR La Voce della Speranza in italiano
270222  9610 1000 55444 s1 AWR La Voce della Speranza in italiano
060222  9900 1820 55441 k1 Radio Cairo in italiano (modulazione orrenda)
050222 11690 0820 25332 c3 Scandinavian Weekend Radio in finlandese
050222 11690 1050 25332 c3 KTWR Guam in cinese
270122 11735 1235 25242 fr C.M. Obrecht in tedesco
050222 11750 1723 55544 k1 SLBC in sinhala
210222 15215 1600 25242 k1 Radio Oomrang in tedesco/dialetto frisiano

bt = Bush TR130 original & ferrite interna
bw = Barlow Wadley XCR-30 & MLA-30+
c3 = Collins 392/URR & MLA-30+
fr = Sommerkamp FRG7 & MLA-30+
i7 = ITT Tiny 107 & ferrite interna
i8 = ITT Tiny 108 & ferrite interna
i9 = ITT Tiny 109
& ferrite interna
k1 = Kenwood R1000 & MLA-30+
mp = Murphy B842 e ferrite interna
mt = Bush TR82C originale & ferrite interna
my = Murphy TR82/97 replica
& ferrite interna
pr = Panasonic R100 & ferrite interna
r1 = Roberts RT1 & ferrite interna
r2 = Roberts R200 & ferrite interna
s1 = Grundig Satellit 2100 ed antenna telescopica
sv = Sokol 308 (10 transistor) & ferrite interna
sw = Sony ICF7600DS & ferrite interna
tn = Bush TR130 replica & ferrite interna

Davide - IW2NZR


Stations heard in Friol NW of Spain  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, March 01 2022


4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0502-0645, 01-03, special carnival
program, no relaying Radio Bandeirantes news today due to Carnival
Holiday, id. “Radio Clube”, “Alegría, já carnaval total na Radio Clube”,
Brazilian carnival songs. 35433.

9550, Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, 2028-2042, 28-02, religious
comments, Portuguese. 15321.

9666.6, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 2037-2048, 28-02, id. “Voz
Missionaria”, religious songs. 34433.

9819.1, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 2033-2050, 28-02, religious songs
and comments, Portuguese. 15321.

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 1955-2038, 28-02, id. “Aqui
na Radio Nacional o carnaval”, “Radio Nacional, sua melhor companhia”,
“Radio Nacional de Amazonia, transmitiendo en ondas curtas, 25 metros,
11780 kHz, 49 metros, 6180 kHz”, Brazilian songs, comments, “A
segunda-feira de carnaval”. 35433.

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania,2005-2045, 28-02, special Carnival
program, id. “Brasil Central Goiania, 5 horas 5 minutos”, Brazilian
songs, “A su Brasil Central”, “Brasil Sertanejo”, “Programación especial
de carnaval”. 34433.

CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 0454-0512, 01-03, English, comments, news,
. QRM from Channel 292 with “The Ovecomer Ministry” on the same
frequency. 21421.

COLOMBIA, 4940, Fuerza de Paz, 0450-0745, 01-03, religious comments,
Spanish, songs, “Llaneras”, program “Lecciones de la Historia
Colombiana”, Latin American and religious songs. 25322.

CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, Bejucal, 0445-0500*, 01-03, Cuban songs,
Spanish, comments, id. anthem and close. 35433.

5930, World Music Radio, Randers, Bramming, 0605-0628, 01-03, pop and
Latin American songs. 25322

25800, World Music Radio, Marlest, 1140-1155, 01-03, pop and Latin
American songs,  id. “World Music Radio, WMR”. 35433.

ERITREA, 7140, Voice of Broad Masses, Asmara, 1654-1713, 28-02, East
African songs, Vernacular, comments. Ham QRM. 22432.

Also heard 0450-0505, 01-03, Vernacular comments. 24322.

6090, Voice of Amhara State, Addis Ababa, 1802-1825, 28-02, East African
songs, Vernacular, comments. QRM from BBC with Pashto program on the
same frequency. 32432.

Also heard 0451-0506, 01-03, Vernacular comments. 34433.

7110, Radio Ethiopia, 1655-1720, 28-02, East African songs, Vernacular,
comments. Ham QRM. 33433.

5905, DWD, Pinneberg, 0606-0615, 01-03, German, weather report. // 6180.

6085, Radio Mi Amigo, Kall Krekel, *0759-0825, 01-03, open with music,
time signals, “Nine o’clock in Central Europe, Radio Mi Amigo
International, bringing back the golden era of AM offshore radio”, pop
songs, oldies. 35433.

6150, Radio Europa 24, Datteln, *0800-0833, 01-03, German, brief news,
id in English “This is Europa Twenty-four”, id. in German “Europa
Vierundzwanzig”, songs, oldies. 35433.

LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 0640-0655, 01-03, English,
religious comments. 25322.

MALI, 5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 0553-0710, 01-03, African songs, id. “La
Radio Nationale”, “ORTM, la pasion du service publique”, “Radio Mali”,
program “Au son du coq”, the first morning show of Radio Mali,  rooster
singing, African songs, comments, news, French, at 0700 news “Le
Journal, première édition”. 45444.

MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0501-0810 , 01-03,
Mexican songs, classical music. 25322.

NIGERIA, 7254.9, Voice of Nigeria, Abuja Lugbe, 0705-0713, 01-03,
Vernacular, comments, African songs. 25322.

4965, Voice of Hope Africa, Lusaka, 1806-1827, 28-02, English, religious
comments. // 6065. 25322.

5915, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, Lusaka, 1803-1845, 28-02, English, news id.
“This news comes to you from Zambia...”, at 1821, Swahili, comments,
advertisements. 25322.

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Logs in Friol, NW of Spain
Tecsun S-8800 and PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters


WRMI - aggiornata scheda trasmissioni dal 1 marzo  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, March 01 2022


Vorrei segnalare la scheda trasmissioni di WRMI aggiornata al 1 marzo.
Si può visualizzare al seguente URL:

73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: filare 6 metri


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