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Frequency Changes for WRMI for A22 Season  View Printable Version 
Monday, February 28 2022

A team of great folks from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
office in Miami and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in
Atlanta, Georgia and Fort Lauderdale, Florida visited us today. They
have been working with our engineers to solve some mysterious
interference that airline pilots have been reporting as they fly over
the east coast of Florida just east of our transmitter site in
Okeechobee. It turns out that our frequency of 7780 kHz on a 44-degree
beam up the East Coast of North America and on to Europe was radiating a
low-power 17th harmonic (17 times the nominal frequency of 7780 kHz) on
a frequency used by aircraft flying in the area. After a lot of hard
work by everyone, we have come up with a plan to switch our frequency of
7780 towards Europe to 7730 kHz as of the beginning of the next
shortwave broadcast season (the A22 season) on March 27th. And we will
switch our transmission to Mexico and Southwestern North America from
7730 to 7780 kHz. After doing a series of tests today, we think that
will solve the harmonic interference problem. Thanks to everyone for
their assistance. It's much-appreciated.


Ascolti AM Treviso 27 febbraio  View Printable Version 
Sunday, February 27 2022


4840 27/2 0650 WWCR NASHVILLE, Nashville Px rel. E 35533
4980 27/2 0653 WRMI The Overcomer Ministry, Okeechobee4 Px rel. E 35533
5025 27/2 0654 Radio Rebelde, Bauta Mx Px Es 35533
5040 27/2 0655 Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta Px Es 35533
5085 27/2 0656 WTWW, Lebanon TN Px E 25522
5920 27/2 0657 HCJB Deutschland, Weenermoor Mx Px rel. D 25522
5955 27/2 0659 Sunlite Radio, NL-Overslag Mx E 25532
6070 27/2 0700 Radio Channel 292, D-Rohrbach Waal Mx D 45544
6155 27/2 0701 R. Oesterreich 1 Inter., Moosbrunn Nx D 55555
9385 27/2 0702 WEWN 1, Vandiver Px rel. E 35533
9400 27/2 0703 The Overcomer Ministry, BUL-Kostinbrod Px rel. E 55555
9410 27/2 0704 BBC WS Radio, STP-Pinheira Nx E 35533
9420 27/2 0705 Voice of Greece, Avlis Px Mx Gr 55555
9510 27/2 1030 IRRS- Living The Bible, Tiganesti jingle ID Px rel. E 55555
9610 27/2 1031 AWR Europe, Nauen Px Obiettivo DX RVS Magazine It 55555

73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: filare 6 metri


Log Roberto Pavanello  View Printable Version 
Sunday, February 27 2022


  549 24/2 17.15 R. Ukraina 1 - Kiev Ucraino NX buono
  612 21/2 23.45 R. Jordan - Amman Arabo Corano suff.
  612 25/2 18.04 R.N.E. R.1 - Lleida Catalano NX reg. Catalunya suff.
  810 24/2 17.10 R. Madrid - SS pubblicità locale buono
  828 20/2 23.40 Smooth R. - Bournemouth EE MX suff.
  936 22/2 18.04 R.N.E. R.5 - Zaragoza SS NX reg. Aragon suff.
 1044 21/2 23.28 R. San Sebastian - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
 1125 21/2 18.04 R.N.E. R.5 - Castellon SS NX reg. Comun. Valenciana buono
 1260 20/2 23.58 R. Algeciras - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
 1278 20/2 23.50 R. Kermanshah - Farsi talk suff.
 1341 25/2 17.59 R. Onda Cero - Almeria SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
 1350 26/2 00.10 WEGA - Vega Baja SS predica suff.
 1359 24/2 00.10 Smooth R. - Chelmsford EE MX suff.
 1400 26/2 00.25 Harbour Light of the Windwards - Carriacou EE MX suff.
 1413 24/2 17.50 Vesti FM - Grigoriopol Russo talk suff.
 1584 23/2 17.50 RDE - Trieste IT MX buono
 1663 22/2 18.30 R. Digital - Dutch MX buono
 3940 26/2 22.50 R. Five Corners - Russo MX buono
 3955 20/2 18.00 R. Norberts Musikladen - Tedesco MX buono
 4775 25/2 23.50 R. Tarma - SS talk suff.
 4875 24/2 17.35 R. Mystery 21 - EE ID e MX buono
 4885 22/2 23.40 R. Clube do Parà - Belem PP talk suff.
 5140 20/2 12.25 Charleston R. Int. - EE MX ottimo
 5780 20/2 17.35 Harmony R. - EE MX buono
 5835 22/2 17.50 Pirate R. Europe - Russo MX buono
 5985 26/2 23.30 Myanma R. - Yangon Birmano talk buono
 5995 26/2 23.35 R. Mali - Bamako FF MX afro buono
 5995 27/2 09.45 R. Zwarte Panter - EE Dutch MX buono
 6070 20/2 12.00 Intensive R. - Tedesco ID e MX buono
 6110 27/2 09.40 R. Casanova - EE ID e MX buono
 6185 27/2 09.30 R. Classic Sunday - EE MX buono
 6205 26/2 17.30 Laser Hot Hits - EE MX buono
 6210 26/2 17.15 R. King SW - EE MX suff.
 6250 21/2 17.30 Echo of Hope - Seoul Coreano talk suff.
 6266 25/2 17.30 Valley Wave R. - EE MX suff.
 6280 27/2 09.35 R. Scotland Int. - EE MX buono
 6290 26/2 14.15 R. Ronalisa - EE MX buono
 6295 20/2 17.20 Reflection Europe - EE predica buono
 6295 22/2 17.10 R. Fox 48 - EE MX suff.
 6931 25/2 23.30 R. Indy - Sevilla SS MX suff.
 6940 20/2 12.30 R. Nova - EE MX buono
 6950 22/2 17.20 Zenith Classic Rock - EE MX ottimo
 6955 24/2 17.40 R. Zeppelin - EE MX suff.
 6985 20/2 17.25 The Vault - EE MX buono
 9610 27/2 10.00 AWR - Firenze IT Obiettivo DX by Roberto Scaglione ottimo
15215 21/2 16.00 R. Öömrang - Nebel-Westerheide Tedesco talk suff.

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia


Encore - Classical Music on Radio Tumbril - Playlist, Times, Frequencies, Donations  View Printable Version 
Saturday, February 26 2022

Regular Broadcast times of Encore are: 
11:00 - 12:00 UTC Saturday 6070 kHz Channel 292 to Europe - Simulcast on 9670 kHz
01:00 - 02:00 UTC Sunday 7780 & 5850 kHz WRMI to Europe US and Canada
17:00 – 18:00 UTC Sunday 9670 kHz Channel 292 to Europe
22:00 - 23:00 UTC Sunday 3955 kHz Channel 292 to Europe
03:00 - 04:00 UTC Monday 5950 kHz WRMI to the US and Canada
13:00 - 14:00 UTC Tuesday 15770 kHz WRMI to Europe, east coast of US and IcelandRTTY continues to be heard on 15770 in some areas. Suggest listening using USB or notch filter in LSB if available.
20:00 – 21:00 UTC Friday 6070 kHz Channel 292 to Europe
Some additions to the website:
The Encore website is www.tumbril.co.uk where you will find:
Important information about funding of Encore - Radio Tumbril.
Up to date transmission times and frequencies
The playlists for the most recent programmes
An email link
Informal reception reports as well as those requesting eQSL cards welcome.
You can help keep Encore on the air:
Encore is a one-man operation. WRMI and Channel 292 are very generous with their air-time but Encore still costs around 200 Dollars/Euros a month to broadcast.
If you can - send a small contribution to help Encore keep going.
There is a PayPal donation button now on the homepage of the website - www.tumbril.co.uk - which folks can use if they want to. If PayPal is no good for you then send me an email and we'll sort something else out.
Thank you.
A big thanks to the folks who have donated already.
This week's Programme - First broadcast this coming Saturday on Channel 292 - starts with some piano music by Gounod, the Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker Suite, and an Elegiac Melody from Edvard Grieg.
Next, two 'speechsongs' from Arnold Schönberg, part of an oboe quintet by Arnold Bax, and two lullabies composed by British American 20th century viola player Rebecca Clarke.
The programme ends with two songs from Mozart's The Magic Flute and a movement from the Clarinet Octet in F Major by Franz Schubert.
Channel 292 can be pulled live off the internet if the reception is poor in your location. Easy to find their site with a google search.
A very good site for online SDR receivers all over the world is: http://kiwisdr.com/public/  Click the 'Map' button in the top left of the screen.
Thank you for spreading the word about Encore - Classical Music on Shortwave on Radio Tumbril.
Brice Avery - Encore - Radio Tumbril - www.tumbril.co.uk


Log of Friday Febr 25  View Printable Version 
Saturday, February 26 2022


Log of Febr 25, at NoAM, Rochester NY state and Edmonton Alb-CAN remotedly
on Perseus server at 15.00 to 16.30 UT.

Annoying scratch wipe CODAR signals on 13368 to 13576 kHz at 15.44 UT on
Febr 25; S=9+25dB signal strength in Alberta-CAN.

11549.984 MRA RFA Korean program at S=9 sidelobe into Alberta-CAN,
via AGM relay Agignan Point, Saipan island. 15.15 UT on Febr 25.
11705even MDG 'Radio Mazaris Samay' in Tigre language, via MGLOB Talata
Volonondry Madagascar relay facility Antananarivo on Febr 25,
15.25 UT at S=9+20dB level backlobe.
11745.013 ARS Army radio from Al-Azm performed Arabic singer at S=9+15dB
level, 15.28 UT. Likely from Jeddah bcast site ?
11769.905 NIG Voice of Nigeria Abuja, Arabic requested 15.30-16.00 UT.
S=8 sidelobe at 15.31 UT.
11815.011 TUR TRT Emirler Turkish, at 14.00-16.56 UT, S=8 in Alberta-CAN
at 15.34 UT.
11859.967 ARS 'Excile Radio from Yemen' via Riadh site, Arabic S=9 at
15.36 UT on Febr 25.
11955.002 AUT ORS Moosbrunn with AWR Asia relay in Punjabi, at 15.38 UT
S=8-9 signal, backlobe into Alberta-CAN.
12050even USA WEWN_3 in Spanish ! S=9+15dB at 15.41 UT, excellent audio
quality of this private radio station from Vandiver-AL-USA.
13579.981 SWZ From Manzini e'Swatini TWR Africa in Arabic, address given
at 15.43 UT, S=7 sidelobe, TWR interval signal at 15.44 UT s-off
13685even MLI CGTN/CRI Bejing in English via Africa relay at Bamako II
relay, 15.47 UT, scheduled 14-16 UT, S=6-7 in Alberta-CAN.
13699.993 CUB RHC Spanish from Bauta site, Cuban exciting Latin AM music
program, S=9 in Alberta-CAN, at 15.48 UT on Febr 25.
13710.050 ARS R Saudi in Arabic, Holy Quran prayer in progress, 15.50 UT
S=9+15dB signal from Riyadh site, in Alberta-CAN.
13770even CHN CNR_7 'R The Great Bay' from Kashi-Saibagh RTC#2022 site
in far western China near Kyrghyz Republic border, in Cantonese
lang, S=8 strength at 15.51 UT on Febr 25.
13830even CVA Vatican Radio from Santa Maria di Galeria in Amharic to
EGY, at 15.52 UT, S=9+15dB right backlobe into northern Canada,
fluttery signal S=9+15dB.
13844.985 USA WWCR Nashville TN, TOM BS roarer, talk, 'Hosana, Hosana...'
again and again, 10 times, S=9+15dB at 15.54 UT.
15140even CUB RHC Bauta in Spanish, S=9+5dB signal, at 15.55 UT.
15150.014 MDG Radio Tamazuj, Juba program language, via MGLOB Talata
Volonondry Madagascar relay facility Antananarivo on Febr 25,
15.57 UT at S=9+10dB level backlobe. TX off switch 15.59:50 UT
15160even F__ Dimtse Woyane International, via TDF Issoudun bcast site
in Tigrinya language, S=9+10dB at 15.59 UT in Alberta-CAN.
And underneath recognized Gedja ETH accompanying white noise
audio scratch interference and also howling buoy interference
15230even CUB RHC Spanish to South America azi, via Quivican San Felipe
TITAN bcast center, 250 kW, S=8 backlobe into Edmonton-Alb. RHC
Interval Signal til 16 UT, exact 15.59:51 UT QUI tx switch-off.

15285.061 F__ This is again the FAULTY TX at TDF Issoudun center on air:
Shift again and again appr 20 Hertz up and down at 16.01 UT,
- same faulty ISS tx like in deep night, when Jeff White of
WRMI Miami rent regular air time of R Republica program - anti_
Cuban government program in Spanish towards Caribbean
on v9490 kHz. 15285v kHz S=8-9 fluttery up to 15285.077 kHz.
15300even F__ Next door RFI TDF Issoudun in Hausa language, strong and
STABLE FREQUENCY_wise txion signal at 16.02 UTC
and even too
15330even F__ Oromo language radio program 'Raadiyyoni Dirree Shaggar'
via TDF Issoudun, half 250 kW power at 127degr azimuth. S=9+5dB
at 16.06 UT, broad 14 kHz audio block wideband.

15400even UNID location, likely ROU IRRS private Milano Italy program
Oromo language towards ETH Horn of Africa, S=9+10dB at 16.08 UT
likely via RadioCom Galbeni ROU bcast center relay.
15460.068 STP Much odd frequency transmission from VoA Pinheira Sao Tome
in Kirundi language, S=7 sidelobe into Alberta-CAN at 16.10 UT.
15550even CVA 'Radio Dabanga' Darfur Arabic of PNW Netherlands NGO, via
Santa Maria di Galeria exterritorial bcast center site, at 16.11
UT, S=9+15dB strength into Edmonton northern Canada.
15579.990 BOT VoA Selebi-Phikwe US AGM relay at Botswana, VoA in English,
16.00-16.30 UT, Algiers report terrorism --- and ALG government
item, change the governor at Algier ... 16.13 UT on Febr 25.
15750DRM mode transmission, USA / WINB Red Lion PA, Mon-Fri 12-17 UT ?
S=7 in Alberta-CAN. signal coverage 15744.200 to 15754.900 kHz,
at 16.17 UT.
15785DRM mode, 10 kHz block visible on Perseus software SDR screen,
S=6 at 16.20 UT, bit-ExPress Erlangen University 100 watt tiny
poor signal.
17560even ARS Radio Saudi from Riyadh in Arabic, HQ prayer, at 16.25 UT
S=8 signal.
17640even ASC BBC London in En to all-AF from ENC Ascension relay site,
S=7 at 16.29 UT on Febr 25.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 25)


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