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Glenn Hauser logs October 31-Novemer 1-2, 2023 |
Thursday, November 02 2023
** EGYPT. 9440-V, Nov 1 at 2215, dead air at S9/+10 very slightly on the low side correlating with R. Cairo, 9439.995 when measured previously. But now with BFO offset, hear rapid warbling/wobbling of transmitter. Something`s egregious in Egypt, amiss at Abis (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** GUAM. 15680, Nov 1 at 2222, S9/+10, YL hymn solo in unID language. HFCC shows KSDA in Nij. I believe we have been over that before (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** ISRAEL [non]. 7570, Nov 1 at 2307, this WRMI relay of WRN block now carries R. Poland for the full hour, no longer ISRAEL at 2330. First, discussion of All Saints/Souls Day celebrations in Poland. At 2330 discussion of populism. See also USA: WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** NORTH AMERICA. 6932.9 USB, Nov 1 at 0222, ghoulish sounds as I tune in late for Hallowe`en piracy, only this. At first hard to pinpoint strange noises, 6935? Brief talk sounds best tuned as above. HFU: ``KIPM Flying Dutchman via Undercover Radio 6933`` https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,120503.0.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SPAIN. 9690, Nov 1 at 2300, token English from SNR is S9+15/30 into Maryland SDR, previewing subject to be interview with visiting American crime novelist S A Cosby [?]. Not interested, and right into that, skipping any news since it`s a holiday - and as everyone knows, nothing ever happens on holidays; or in the case of SNR English, any Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday or Sunday; in English, anyway (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY [and non]. 5960, Nov 1 at 2254, UTwente is getting nothing but Chinese martial music, S9/+10, no more than +001 Hz, i.e. CNR from EAST TURKISTAN. I`m also monitoring SPAIN elsewhere and did not notice exactly when VOT cut on but there it is at 2303 with news and also within 1 Hz of accuracy. Tho S9+30/40, there is still lite QRM from the understation, i.e. CCCCCCI = Chinese Communist Chinese Language Co-Channel Interference. 2319 `Gripping Piles` on whether procrastination is a disease or just laziness; 2323 multi-lingual ID filler reel; 2325 `Weekly Commentary` by some prof about Palestine vs Israel. 2352 s/off sked claims to have English at 02-03 & 07-08 ``UTC`` to N America, but those are really UT+3 local times! Yet the clueless announcer concludes that the ``23-00``and ``04-05`` broadcasts are pre-recorded! 2353 IS starts playing. 2356 pause and restart IS now with German IDs inserted. Here we go again. 0000 still going with sign-on in German with same news sounder we hear in English, but chopoff at 2400:40 or so, immediately uncovering loud Chinese (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 28260 CW, Nov 1 at 2211, lotsa 10m beacons but I pick this one: EEE VVV DE KC4QLP/B - ID thrice. WI5V roster: ``28.260 KC4QLP C LITTLE FALLS, NEW YORK # 10 WATTS, 5/8 VERTICAL New 2/28/2022``. Tsk, not Antarctica, as KC4 was originally prefix for Americans there, then allowed anywhere. QRZ.com: KC4QLP USA flag USA, ROBERT W CARTER, 387 Inghams Mills Rd, Little Falls, NY 13365 --- There is a new 10 meter beacon on the air from here at 28.260 mhz. 10 watts TPO into a Sirio Tornado High Gain 5/8 Wave Base Antenna. The beacon operates on a continuous bases . QSL via eQSL.cc only. Tech info can be found at http://www.kc4qlp.com/beacon.html and at https://www.qrz.com/db/KC4QLP/B (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2214 monitoring: ``From: Richard Lemke, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, the desk of Richard’s listening Post, Radio: JRC NRD-535 HF, Antenna: random long wires in the trees, Dear Glenn: Update, confirming WOR #2214, 0000, 9955 kHz, was confirmed, not beamed to my area, WRMI: 9955, 0003, 0029 (45433), QRN, 0029, October 29 UTC 2023 [Sun] 9395, 0030, 0045 (45433), 0059, 9395 kHz, October 30 UTC 2023 [Mon, but he must have meant Oct 31 UT Tuesday - gh] 9395, 2330, 2343, 2345 (45343), 2359, October 31 UTC 2023 [Tue] (Lemke, Richard -AB) 73’s, Richard`` Confirmed Tuesday Oct 31 at 2330 on WRMI 9395, S9+5/10 into Maryland SDR. Also confirmed Wednesday November 1 at 2100 on WBCQ 7490 -74 Hz = 7489.926, S9+5/15 into Maryland SDR. Next week to be at 2200. Next: 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW Thanks this week for financial support from Andy Reid, Ontario, via PayPal not necessarily in US funds to woradio at yahoo.com One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 5800, Nov 1 at 0202, two American accented guys chat about nuclear power, thorium, type II diabetes. I`m checking this WRMI to reconfirm whether still relaying KBS World Radio via WRN, but this is not that, nor any station with news on hour. Did not get ID but find out later. 0230 recheck, NHK World Radio Japan is starting `Newsline`. In A23 this was on WRN at 0130 UT. Therefore, WRN North America stream has already moved everything an hour later, as if *we* were already off DST, causing needless confusion. And before it at 0200 was Deutsche Welle. KBS hour now starts at 03 instead of 02 - but WRMI WRN relay block remains at 02-03, whatever it may contain. No doubt the same shift apply to any other WRN relay blox on WRN, e.g. Israel had been at 2330 on 7570, now out of it at 0030. WRMI skedgrid shows the following World Radio Network times on SW [more in internet only], never with any content details, and barring any deliberate changes to compensate, all stay at the same UT as before except for the one on 9955. Investigate what`s really in them now, guided by the outdated WRN A23 program sked, adding one real UT hour to it: https://www.encompass.tv/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Encompass_WRN_North_America_A23.pdf 1500-1530 9955 daily exc Sat 0200-0300 5800 Tue-Sat 0900-1000 9455 exc Sun 1100-1200 15770 Mon/Tue/Wed 1600-1700 15770 Mon/Tue 2300-2400 7570 Mon-Fri See also ISRAEL [non] for POLAND (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 9475 & 5085, Nov 1 before and after, 22, 23 and 24 UT, still no signals from WTWW (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 15610, Nov 1 at 2221, WEWN English, RCC stuff, with persistent squeal from defective transmitter - modulation cards? As sometimes heard on other stations. But VG signal, S9/+10 no doubt tnx to a sporadic E boost at only one megameter distance (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 0029 UT November 2
Glenn Hauser logs October 31, 2023 |
Wednesday, November 01 2023
** CUBA. 11845, Oct 31 at 0645, S3/S5 pulse jamming against nothing on a Radio Martí daytime-only frequency abandoned years ago. See also ROMANIA [and non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** FRANCE. 21640.18V, Oct 31 at 1533, MiniTransAt, S3/S5 direct, once again constantly oscillating; at 1543 with race rankings, mostly in French, UTwente reads out min 21640.124, max 21640.156 at S9+5/15; 1544.5 starts classic rock music medley fill, only a few sex of each tune which must drive Shazaam mad? 1558 brief announcement, and closing James Bond theme to 1600*. No 17800 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** ROMANIA [and non]. 11930 AM, Oct 31 at 0642, with Cuban jamming adds up to S7/S9, readable but annoying. NOT DRM as shown on earlier version of RRI own sked. But not any more: https://www.rri.ro/en_gb/winter_broadcast_frequencies_2023_2024-2692610 It also includes countless wooden transmissions as if all senders were in use. Would DRM do better against jamming? Doubt it. HFCC format https://new.hfcc.org/data/schedbybrc.php?seas=B23&broadc=RRO has no column for DRM or not, tho could be placed under NOTES. The master frequency sked, still not updated since Oct 27, does claim 11930 is N = numérique = digital; NOT. Meanwhile received reply from English Dept., to my previous two logs: ``Hi, Glenn, We're sorry about this whole business. Unfortunately there is not much we can do about it :/ We are however happy to hear about reception quality on your frequency. Best wishes, The English Service`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2214 monitoring: confirmed UT Tuesday October 31 at 0030 on WRMI 9395, VG S9+5/12 into Maryland SDR. Preceded at 0029 by `Amazing Grace` and then a very secular song snippet, no ID. From next week, this should be at 0130. Also confirmed Tuesday October 31 at 1320 the 1300 on WRMI 9955, S9+10. From next week this should be at 1400. Next: 2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB 1030 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB [previous #2213] 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW Thanks this week for financial support from Andy Reid, Ontario, via PayPal not necessarily in US funds to woradio at yahoo.com One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 4840, Oct 31 at 0640, S9+45 of dead air instead of TOMBS on WWCR-3; as happens periodically: no one paying attention at 1300 WWCR Ave. We are so distraught (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. George McClintock replies at 0404 UT Oct 31 to my inquiry about WTWW unheard for a few days: ``Plate loading control went south. Repaired but must now be calibrated. HOPE for tomorrow return to 5085. 9475 the next day, if all goes well. George McClintock 10-30-2023``. But still neither heard before or after 22, 23 UT Oct 31 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 7467-7520 approx., Oct 31 at 0658, multiple tones / carriers beating against each other, what? Peaks circa 7486 at S9+25. These would blow away WBCQ if it were on now, which it is entitled to be, at 19-09 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 9699 USB, Oct 31 at 0703, 2-way in Spanish, INTRUDER. No broadcasters audible on 9700 to QRM, but HFCC shows Turkey 04-07, Japan 05-09, NZ 09/18, Algeria 00-03, Romania 01-03. Cuba also possible (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 11845, Oct 31 at 0645, S3/S5 pulse jamming against nothing on a Radio Martí daytime-only frequency abandoned years ago. See also ROMANIA [and non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** FRANCE. 21640.18V, Oct 31 at 1533, MiniTransAt, S3/S5 direct, once again constantly oscillating; at 1543 with race rankings, mostly in French, UTwente reads out min 21640.124, max 21640.156 at S9+5/15; 1544.5 starts classic rock music medley fill, only a few sex of each tune which must drive Shazaam mad? 1558 brief announcement, and closing James Bond theme to 1600*. No 17800 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** ROMANIA [and non]. 11930 AM, Oct 31 at 0642, with Cuban jamming adds up to S7/S9, readable but annoying. NOT DRM as shown on earlier version of RRI own sked. But not any more: https://www.rri.ro/en_gb/winter_broadcast_frequencies_2023_2024-2692610 Would DRM do better against jamming? Doubt it. HFCC format https://new.hfcc.org/data/schedbybrc.php?seas=B23&broadc=RRO has no column for DRM or not, tho could be placed under NOTES. The master frequency sked, still not updated since Oct 27, does claim 11930 is N = numérique = digital; NOT. HFCC also includes countless wooden transmissions as if all senders were in use. Meanwhile received reply from English Dept., to my previous two logs: ``Hi, Glenn, We're sorry about this whole business. Unfortunately there is not much we can do about it :/ We are however happy to hear about reception quality on your frequency. Best wishes, The English Service`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY [non]. 5960, Oct 31 at 2320, NO signal from VOT English into Maryland SDR; nor UTwente but which is getting EAST TURKISTAN just fine already. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler. VOT not on 9610 either as overrun tho UTw gets trace of algo -1 Hz low (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2214 monitoring: confirmed UT Tuesday October 31 at 0030 on WRMI 9395, VG S9+5/12 into Maryland SDR. Preceded at 0029 by `Amazing Grace` and then a very secular song snippet, no ID. From next week, this should be at 0130. Also confirmed Tuesday October 31 at 1320 the 1300 on WRMI 9955, S9+10. From next week this should be at 1400. Next: 2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB 1030 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB [previous #2213] 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW Thanks this week for financial support from Andy Reid, Ontario, via PayPal not necessarily in US funds to woradio at yahoo.com One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 4840, Oct 31 at 0640, S9+45 of dead air instead of TOMBS on WWCR-3; as happens periodically: no one paying attention at 1300 WWCR Ave. We are so distraught (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. George McClintock replies at 0404 UT Oct 31 to my inquiry about WTWW unheard for a few days: ``Plate loading control went south. Repaired but must now be calibrated. HOPE for tomorrow return to 5085. 9475 the next day, if all goes well. George McClintock 10-30-2023``. But still neither heard before or after 22, 23 UT Oct 31 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 7467-7520 approx., Oct 31 at 0658, multiple tones / carriers beating against each other, what? Peaks circa 7486 at S9+25. These would blow away WBCQ if it were on now, which it is entitled to be, at 19-09 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 9699 USB, Oct 31 at 0703, 2-way in Spanish, INTRUDER. No broadcasters audible on 9700 to QRM, but HFCC shows Turkey 04-07, Japan 05-09, NZ 09/18, Algeria 00-03, Romania 01-03. Cuba also possible (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 2323 UT October 31
Glenn Hauser logs October 31, 2023 |
Wednesday, November 01 2023
Oops, accidentally sent out both pre- and post-edited versions. Go with the second one which is the same except Romania edited for clarity. Glenn
** ROMANIA [and non]. 11930 AM, Oct 31 at 0642, with Cuban jamming adds up to S7/S9, readable but annoying. NOT DRM as shown on earlier version of RRI own sked. But not any more:
https://www.rri.ro/en_gb/winter_broadcast_frequencies_2023_2024-2692610 Would DRM do better against jamming? Doubt it. HFCC format https://new.hfcc.org/data/schedbybrc.php?seas=B23&broadc=RRO has no column for DRM or not, tho could be placed under NOTES. The master frequency sked, still not updated since Oct 27, does claim 11930 is N = numérique = digital; NOT. HFCC also includes countless wooden transmissions as if all senders were in use.
Meanwhile received reply from English Dept., to my previous two logs: ``Hi, Glenn, We're sorry about this whole business. Unfortunately there is not much we can do about it :/ We are however happy to hear about reception quality on your frequency. Best wishes, The English Service`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
Hauser mailing list
Glenn Hauser logs October 29-30-31, 2023 |
Tuesday, October 31 2023
** CANADA. 940, Oct 30 at 0701 UT, Canadian news, so CBM réal? Dominating on my E/W longwire: but NOT // 990 CBW, and also mentions Canadian Press, so it`s the only other non-LPRT, CJGX Yorkton SK, U2 50/10 kW. And CBM is long-gone! Now 940 in PQ is CFNV, U4 50/50 in French (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CANADA. 15034 USB, Oct 30 at 2216, Trenton Military *still* with ``no report received`` even from Toronto, Ottawa, Trenton. What a laughingstock (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA [and non]. 7335, Oct 30 at 0656, jamming against nothing since R. Martí has moved to 7355; and still on 7435, both extremely strong and can`t hear any jamming. B23 HFCC shows: no 7335 at all; 7355 at 23-24 & 03-15; 7435 at 00-11 & 13-15. Only other 40m is 7365 at 01-03 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** FRANCE. 21640.15V, Oct 30 at 1515, YL with marine weather in French and English, like ``43-West``, S4/S8 direct, i.e. La Boulangère MiniTransAt temporary transmission from Issoudun. This is varying audibly as I try to measure it. At 1532, Maryland remote ungets it any better, S3/S5 but Synch shows fq oscillating between +129 and 162 Hz. Bonaire gets S7/S9 oscillating +122/+159. Now has been reciting race standings in order. 1540 ``question of the day``, what? 1541 into music fill including 1555 Céline Dion`s catch-phrase in medley. 1557 deadair to 1600*. Nothing on also registered 17800. And there is nothing about these broadcasts on homepage https://minitransat.fr/ The sailors were to have departed Oct 28 on the second leg, Canary Islands to Guadeloupe, France (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** MADAGASCAR. 11610, Oct 30 at 2212, outstanding S9+10/20 signal direct in Arabic with contact info, quaint ``Greenwich`` times, Radio Feda IDs, i.e. MWV which is 100 kW, 325 degrees for NW Africa, favorable for us beyond: and would you believe the preceding hour in Chinese is registered with exactly same parameters? Feda means redemption (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** MALI. 13630, Oct 30 at 2212, choral music S9/+10, i.e. CRI Bamako relay in oddly scheduled 2130-2230 French (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** NEW ZEALAND. 13755, Oct 30 at 0649, RNZP at S9/+25 much better than first night of new B23 channel; almost overcomes my high line noise level bursts (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** ROMANIA. 9510, Oct 30 at 0417, RRI on NF in English for N America west, excellent like a local direct, S9+40/45, armchair listening including: `Encyclopedia`; 0421 song; 0424 `Visit Romania`; 0428 `Romanian Without Tears` = language lesson with useful phrases pronounced carefully; 0430 ID and `Music A to Z`; 0451 `Focus on Romania: Simply Folk`; 0455 s/off and IS twice to 0456*. I`m also sending these directly to engl@rri.ro (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** ROMANIA [and non]. 11930, Oct 30 at 0646, RRI English is being jammed. They were foolish enough to assume a R. Martí frequency would be OK at other hours, unaware that the fiendish Cubans would be jamming it up to 24/7. HFCC shows no others fall into the 11930 trap, just the 0630-0700 English from Galbeni for W Europe. RM OCB registered 14-24 at 184 degrees from Grimesland, 00-01 at 183 degrees: why bother with a 1-degree adjustment?? As for Cuba, I`m sure they don`t mind causing collateral damage to a country which decades ago overthrew the yoke of Commie oppression (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SPAIN. 9690, Mon Oct 30 at 2301, token English from SNR at new B23 time and frequency; this early in season, greatly inferior on the ATS-909 portable to how 17855 previously arrived at 2200 in A23. But the NRD-545 with longwire gets it just fine, S9+15/30, much better than 12030, and VP on 17715, inaudible on 17755. Maryland SDR also gets 9690 VG S9+20/30. 2309 interview with an EU spoxeperson in Brussels about being wary of fake news. 2322 about Spain`s first and only astronaut who launched on October 29, 1998. 2328 wrapup about Rocky Horror Pixure Show, for Hallowe`en (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 5960, Oct 29 at 2318, VOT English confirmed on new B23 frequency and new time 23 instead of 22 UT due to irrelevant end of DST in Europe, not Turkey. VP here, not enough to overcome my high line noise level imposed by OG&E. 5960 again Oct 30, no contest vs simulEnglish from SPAIN, q.v. But doing well into Maryland SDR, 2330 haunting Turkish song, S7/9+5. 2334 `New Day, New Choices` about dietary benefits of eating eggs, S9+25/40 into UTwente on 5960.005; 2338 always-by-your-side promo, another song. But do I now hear a trace of understation CCI? Yes, HFCC shows CNR Urumqi at 2330-1800, 100 kW ND in the Zho language -? Must not mean Chinese since there is a nearby entry as Chi. Look at the HUGE language abbr. file among the HFCC zippery -- it`s about the same size as the schedules, with countless tongues never heard of and certainly never on SW, even considering rabid evangelism of cultural genocide. Zho *does* mean Chinese and there is no ``Chi`` between Chh for Chinook and Chj for Ojitlán Chinantec. There are also countless abbrs. starting with Z for names with no Z in them. 2343 `Did You Know That` Turkey participated for first time in Olympix, Paris, 1924y. 2352 s/off and IS for a while, but off before German IDs can start after 2356 and uncovering that Zho station: which should not be a QRM problem in North America. Std denunciation re E Turkistan (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 6125.019, Oct 30 at 0420, VOT English on new B23 frequency for NAm and new time, S9+20/35 into Georgia SDR but with constant squeal. At 0432 direct, same squeal, S9+20 but insufficient vs my high line noise level bursts. No contest vs simulEnglish from ROMANIA, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** UKQOGBANI. 25900, Oct 30 at 1604, JBA carrier direct vs S6/S7 local noise level, from daring new 11m service of BBCWS in English. Barely better at Maryland SDR, S3/S5. At 1605 I bring up the target area SDR at TWR RSA: S7/9+5, usable but hardly solid with fades. By 1658 it`s peaking S9+10. 1700 timesignal and continues rather than off: I thought it was for one hour only but HFCC now shows 16-18, 125 kW, 165 degrees from a Woofferton semi-transmitter. I keep an ear on it for rest of hour; by 1754 fading down to S7 until 1759.5* (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U K [non]. 11810, Oct 30 at 0645 BBCWS newsy in English, S7/S9, this hour only ASCENSION, 125 kW at 65 degrees; vs line noise level here of S6/S7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 28208.2, Oct 29 at 2204, beacon with two alternating IDs: certainly sounds like one transmitter on exactly same frequency and never overlapping, with VVV VVV: WN2A/B, and AK2F/B. Yes: WI5V roster shows: ``28.2082 WN2A/AK2F C BUDD LAKE/RANDOLPH, NJ # 4W, VERTICAL (alternating ID).`` But why? As usual these days the beacon band is full of signals, so I just pick one, hoping eventually to hear something outside of North America (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 11720, Oct 29 at 2143, VOA Grimesland reactivated here for B23, country music loud & clear off the back. This is a VOA music hour which presumably still includes `Music Time in Africa` Fridays at 2105, our best chance to hear it instead of weak 15580 via Botswana. Does the hostess still never mention this time for it? Have not searched new sked, but normally this is the *only* VOA English hour surviving out of Grimesland (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2214 monitoring: confirmed Sunday October 29 at 2100 ex-2000 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9+15 into nearby SDR, atop some CCI talk, can`t make out language, but Hungarian from Romania or something schedule also probably shifted an hour later. Also confirmed UT Monday October 30 at 0030 on WRMI 7780, S8/9+5 into Georgia SDR. Also confirmed UT Monday October 30 from 0301, S9+5/15 on Area 51 via WBCQ 6160 -68 Hz = 6159.932 into Georgia SDR. There was dead air at 0300, then ID. From next week: at 0400v. Next: 0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW [irregular?] 0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to SW 1300 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?] 2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB 1030 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB [previous #2213] 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW Thanks this week for financial support from Andy Reid, Ontario, via PayPal not necessarily in US funds to woradio at yahoo.com One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 5085, WTWW missing a few nights checked before 0400; nor noticed at random other chex, nor on 9475 at 2209 October 30. No 5085 at 0013 Oct 31. Wonder what the story is now (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report despatched at 0026 UT October 31
Glenn Hauser logs October 29, 2023 |
Sunday, October 29 2023
WORLD OF RADIO SCHEDULES update for non-DST in Europe; non-DST in North America will be Nov 5 http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html
WORLD OF RADIO HITLIST update Hi Glenn, My latest Hitlist update. https://www.w4uvh.net/hitlist.htm 1) Updated UTC offset details for start of DST (24 September) in New Zealand (RNZ) 2) Updated UTC offset details for end of DST (29 October) in Germany (HCJB Deutsch), Greece (V of Greece), Romania (R Romania Int), Spain (REE) 3) Canada - BVB: Updated link to new B23 frequencies. 4) Germany - R Elektra: removed entire entry, domain no longer exists 5) Netherlands - R Delta Int: Updated links to RDI frequency and programme pages 6) Spain - REE: Updated link to frequency page for new B23 schedule 7) USA - WRMI: removed link to an old (no longer updated) Facebook page The next update is scheduled for early November (for end of DST in Americas) Best wishes and 73, Alan Roe ** ALGERIA. 6040, Oct 29 at 0622, JBA something new here for B23. Latest HFCC dated Oct 27 shows TDA Ouargla at 03-07, 300 kW at 210 degrees. 21550 nor any other 13m channel B23 for TDA in HFCC, and indeed nothing there Oct 29 at 1505, tho JBA carrier 21551.2 probably receiver birdie (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98 RC USB, UT Sunday October 29 the Saturday broadcast from circa 1800 is *still* on the air at further chex of Argentine SDRs, at 0023; 0103 about Oct 29 being an anniversary of Base Marambio; and how they had a special broadcast on Friday Oct 20 for the 44th anniversary of LRA36. May I suggest it is rather lame to rely so much on anniversary dates for programming ideas, especially if they not be multiples of 5 or even 10? Still at 0110 but any further monitoring here is interrupted by a series of thunderstorms. As in last report, LRA36 had ``re-signed-on`` at 2306, presumably playing back the 1800 broadcast, but until?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CANADA. 2749 USB, Oct 29 at 0314 UT, S9 marine weather by YL voice in French, my first log this season of Canadian Coast Guard MW broadcasts. https://dxinfocentre.com/mb.htm shows the latest transmission on 2749 starts at 0240 from VCS-21, 1500 watts, Halifax NS, but not flagged as bilingual. DST is still in effect, but never clear to me whether these stay at same local clock time or same real Z time. Nothing heard now or yet on 2598 USB, from the further Newfoundland area (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 11760, Oct 29 at 0642, RHC overtime, S3/S5 about bloqueo, tiresome Spanish blaming that for their own incompetent Commie government. Maybe Sunday Esperanto followed at 0700? Something`s always wrong at RHC; zzz (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA [and non]. 13605, Oct 29 at 1459, still pulse jamming here on R. Martí A23 frequency just vacated; while B23 channel, 13820 is in dead air until 1500+ some music and ID, way atop jamming if any which was never turned off completely during A-season (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 11760, Oct 29 at 1500, RHC in Esperanto, but 15140 is weak with no modulation audible. Opening sked recitation still imagines at 1600 on 11760 only, which may become true next week when as a running dog of Yanqui imperialism, Cuba goes off DST same date. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** FRANCE. 21485, Oct 29 at 1504, JBA carrier as I check for B23 newness. HFCC shows 1430-1600 it`s ISS 250 kW 135 degrees in Apd language by JRC; is that unclear? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** FRANCE. 21640, Oct 29 at 1505, something JBA. HFCC of Oct 27 for B23 shows new frequencies for the TA boatrace! 21640 1500 1600 11SE,36S,46NW,81S ISS 250 240 0 207 1234567 291023 131123 D 17400 Fra F TDF TDF 4328 MiniTra but rotating 17 degrees further clockwise for final week: 21640 1500 1600 11SE,36S,46NW,81S ISS 250 257 0 217 1234567 141123 201123 D 17400 Fra F TDF TDF 4329 MiniTra Plus another hour and frequency for the first biweek+: 17800 1700 1800 11SE,36S,46NW,81S ISS 150 250 0 217 1234567 291023 151123 N 17400 Fra F TDF TDF 4086 MiniTra No more listings for 15300 & 13735 where I routinely unheard them today after 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** NEW ZEALAND. 13755, Oct 29 at 0639, RNZP on new frequency, only S6/S7, ex-11725 which was always a blaster. Now sked 0559-1258, preceded by 17675 from 2259, followed by 7390 until 1650 of which I have a JBA carrier at 1507 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SPAIN. 17755, Oct 29 at 1509, JBA presumed REE for Africa and nothing on 17775 for B23; also still 17715 for S America slightly better; but 9690 this early useless for N America. Propagation 101: they don`t get the need for at least two bands, higher and lower for a long timespan partly all day, partly mostly night. That leaves 12030 best for us in the morning, S6/S7 despite off the back toward ME; dispensable sports report now from Fórmula 1 to baloncesto (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 13635, Oct 29 at 1417, VOT English is JBA on new frequency for B23 from 1330, ex-1230 A23 on 15450; ex-1330 last B-years on 12035 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2214 monitoring: confirmed UT Sunday October 29 at 0000 on WRMI 9955, S9/+10 over lite Cuban pulse jamming into Maine SDR. Not confirmed UT Sunday October 29 between 0300 and 0605 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO into nearby SDR; nominal time 0315. This Week in Amateur Radio seemed to go on forever; I should catch WOR if I check at least once every 25 minutes. One ham radio news item was about the SAQ upcoming Oct 24 transmission. Next: 2100 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy [ex-2000] 0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW [irregular?] 0300vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW 0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW [irregular?] 0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to SW 1300 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?] 2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB 1030 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB [previous #2213] 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW Thanks this week for financial support from Andy Reid, Ontario, via PayPal not necessarily in US funds to woradio at yahoo.com One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** VANUATU. 9960, Oct 29 at 0633, no signal detected from RV; but I`m on interior randomwire due to T-storms. Manuel Méndez, Spain, was getting it direct presumably longpath this date at 0552-0658* (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** VATICAN. 6195, Oct 29 at 0624, S6/S7 in French. B23 HFCC shows BBC via SMG at 0600-0629, 250 kW at 234 degrees; also English at 05-06, 195 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Oct 29 from 0302 UT, vs hi storm noise level, on the R75 with loop: 531, 774-2, 855-2, 891, 1098, 1107, 1116, 1125, 1134 --- AND 1548 kHz at 0309, much stronger than the others but no audio-ible; slight fades unlike something local. Right on 1548.00 to my ear. The only two bigsigs on 1548 in Eurasia are R. Farda, 600 kW via Kuwait; and TWR Europe, 500 kW via Pridnestrovye, but mwlist, WRTH Update and EiBi show both on air only in local evenings, not mornings. Nevertheless possibly one of them testing, and no signal at next check circa 0325. Another TA bandscan at 0321: 585, *684, 693, 774-2, 837, 855-2, 891, 1008, 1098, 1107, 1305; and something offset below 1494, nothing listed (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 9700, Oct 29 at 0635, S2/S3 jazz? HFCC B23 shows both Turkey and Japan; or Cuba never in HFCC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 1956 UT October 29
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