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B-24 northern winter season requests, only decreased to some total 3400 data lines in private hfcc.org database requested in  View Printable Version 
Monday, October 28 2024

POSITIVELLY noted ALGERIA RTA Bechar and Ourgla outlets BOTH,
in parallel in 22 meterband.
So seemingly only the 19 mband antenna at Ourgla is DISFUNCT of 15150 kHz at daytime
missed these mid - days.

ALGERIA 13640even fqy ALG TDA Bechar, talk in Arabic on Marrakesch and
Mauritania West Sahara / Polisario matter theme at 21.17 UT, S=9+15dB signal to-
wards Eastern Sahel CEAF azimuth, in Bavaria Germany Perseus unit. 19.00-03.00 UT
13790.003 ALG TDA Ourgla (or probably Ifrikya FM program content ?) at 20.24 UT,
little less strong S=9 here in EUR as WestAF degr azimuth westwards.
19.00-01.00 UT requested.

17525even USA 17.30-22.30 UT WMLK at 53 degr azi – 300 kW performance towards
Europe, En sermon at 19.55 UT, S=9+10dB strength in southern Bavaria in Germany,
sermon talk on Bibble pronted in 1963 year, customs of the Jewish ...
17790even USA WRMI Okeechobee FL, R Africa, poor to fair S=6 signal at 20.02 UT
on Monday Oct 28.
15104.982 much oddity in fqy. SWZ TWR Africa Manzini in E’SWATINI state, some
Sothern African language given address in accented Portuguese like at Lisbon,
Europe. S=9+15dB at 20.04 UT. TWR ID in English at 20.05:05 UT, TX switch off
at 20.05:18 UT.
15130even F__ R Japan NHK World in Japanese towards EaAF, Saudi and ME peninsula
via TDF Issoudun, requested at 19 –21 UT. S=9 sidelobe into Bavarai Germany.
15720even (seemingly new erected Ampegon TX on exact frqy in performance now)
R NZ Int Pacific Rangitaiki, scheduled 19.59-23.58 UT in their complex
schedule consrtruct. S=6 signal noted at 20.09 UT in southern Bavaria.
15770even USA WRMI Okeechobee FL, En talk on emigrants theme and European /
Brussels polictics. 20.12 UT on Mon Oct 28.
15825.002 USA WWCR Nashville TN, S=9 signal into Europe / Bavaria Germany at
20.14 UT, En sermon what else ...

13420 - 13563 kHz wideband CODAR scratching audio signal – S=7 at 20.15 UT.

13709.957 odd fqy MDG WCB in En from MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga, Mada-
gascar; in Arabic, at 20.20 UT in strong performance of S=9+25dB strength.
13820.002 USA US AGM R Marti in Spanish from Greenville NC bcast center,
15-21 UT, and 11860 kHz 13-23 UT & 11930 kHz 14-24 UT too.
13845.003 USA WWCR Nashville TN, En Universal Network sermon, S=9 at 20.28 UT.

11569.967 odd fqy of UZB ‘NK Reform Radio’ in Korean to KRE/KOR via RRTM
Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center. S06 poor signal
in Bavaria at 20.35 UT.
11634.892 KRE Voice of Korea, KCBS from Kujang in Korean, S=9+25dB powerful signal,
female army woman chorus, at 20.37 UT.
11675even JP NHK R Japan in Japanese, via NHK Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata Japan site, 20-22 UT,
S=9+5dB at 20.40 UT Monday Oct 28.
11680.004 KRE KCBS Pyongyang Korean domestic sce, S=9 at 20.42 UT 11634v kHz.
11780.007 BRA RNA Brasilia in BrasPortuguese, mx, poor S=5-6 signal at 20.43 UT.
11825 kHz broadband 20 kHz signal of OTHR at S=9+25dB level at 20.44 UT.
11849.994 BOT USAGM Botswana 20.30-21.00 UT, Hausa WestAF lang sce, S=9+20dB here
in southern Bavaria Germany. 20.46 UT.
11870.005 CVA Vatican Radio via Santa Maria di Galeria bcast center, 20.30-20.50 UT,
fluttera VR in French at 20.50 UT.
11885even VTN VoVietnam in French via Son Tay site, excelllent audio quality, likely
refurbished TX unit, nice modulated at 20.52 UT on Monday Oct 28.
11934.895 kHz ARS Yemen Excile Target Radio via Riyadh txing center, S=8 signal
at 20.53 UT, --- but earlier around 20 UT noted HEAVY LOUD JAMMING signal
with 2 signal peaks seemingly from Sirjan Iran bcast center. Covered some 30 kHz wide
broad signal block range then.
11965even MDG exact fqy MDG WCB in En from MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga,
Madagascar; in English, at 20.55 UT of fair S=8 strength performance.
12050even U.K. R Ndarason Int. towards WestAF, 19-21 UT, S=8 at 20.57 UT
in Kanuri language.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]

(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews & hcdx Oct 28)

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Jen's Eclectic Views & Real Deal for 10-27 on Unique R, Australia is up & ready for you  View Printable Version 
Monday, October 28 2024


Sent: Monday, October 28, 2024 at 02:08:17 AM UTC
Subject: Jen's Eclectic Views & Real Deal for 10-27 on Unique R, Australia is up & ready for you

Hi Glenn,
I hope you are fine & well.

Here's this week's cast.


Have nice week, & fun & safe Hollowed-Eve.

Jen In The Rad.


Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Upcoming seasonal programing with Jen & GB on Unique Radio, Australia live-stream  View Printable Version 
Monday, October 28 2024

Hi Glenn,
I hope you are fine & well
Here's the complete Listing of Holiday Shows on Unique R, Australia's Live Stream.
(All Times UTC)


30th Wed 1300 sending out Hollowed-Eve cast replay from 2021, music related to the occasion with  scary Old Time Radio.

31st Thurs 2100-0100 Jen's Hollowed-Eve cast, Rocking around the graveyard shift, Dance, Prance with your skin & bones. All real Deal fun.


3rd Sun 1800-2100+ Jen's Time Change show, my tick-tock of a cast since time and change is the theme, all forms of music.

10th Sun 1800-2100+ Jen's Vet's Day Show, all for the vets music related to their experiences & general themes Jen's Way.

17th Sun program TBA.

24th Sun 1800-2100+ Jen's B-Day show, for everyone who is having a Birth Date, all B-day musical forms, with a special twist.

28th Thu 1900-2200+ Jen's T-Day show, for our annual friendsgiving/thanksgiving theme, all forms of musical expression.

30th Sat Jen & GB's  CARN show #2 1900-2200 for the HF person in you.


24th Tue Jen's X-mas Eve Twisted Christmas 2100-2400+ All Musical forms & themes with a Unique blend.

25th Wed 1900-2200+ GB's Supersonic Xmas Jukebox show, 2 hrs, then I go around the globe with Rockin Santa to hang reindeer and do the mistletoe crawl and shimmy ice shake, all real deal.

After Christmas Sending out my replay from many Xmas's ago JCsuperstar/Godspell spectacular.

31st Tue 2200-0800 or 0900, Jen's NYE music related to the time zones when the ball drops at midnight
in the countries on the date line, with GB's Supersonic NYE Party Show 3 hrs from 0000. 

Our Live Stream.

Plus our live chat room is open for you in
click on connect, then web chat
Please put in the following:
For nick: name or like me radionutresss
Then next line channel, that's the following:
and you are in the room.
For correspondence please use the email address,


73'' & 33''

Jen & GB Happy & Warm Holidays
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


World of Radio Hitlist update  View Printable Version 
Sunday, October 27 2024

Hi Glenn

Attached is my latest Hitlist update.


    * 1) Updated UTC offset notations for change to DST:  Germany (HCJB-Deutsch), Greece (VO Greece), Spain (REE)
    * 2) Argentina - RAE: Added link to audio archive of RAE English broadcasts
    * 3) Finland - RealMix R: New entry for new low power shortwave station in Finland
    * 4) Germany - DW: updated link to new B-24 schedule (what's left of it, anyway)
    * 5) Germany - Media Broadcast:  updated link to home page and new B-24 frequency schedule (thanks to Alexander Miatlikov in WOR iog mail list)
    * 6) Taiwan - RTI: updated link to new programme schedule effective from 1 Oct; added a non-changing landing page link for programme schedules
The next update is scheduled for early early November (for DST changes in the Americas)

Best wishes and 73

Alan Roe
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


7409.971 kHz TWR Africa Manzini at 18.50-19.05 UT.  View Printable Version 
Saturday, October 26 2024

E’SWATINI (ex Swaziland) 7409.971 kHz came across
of lot USAGM Udorn Thani relays, like Korean in 41 mband too.

But noted amongst Saturday TWR Africa Chokwe service from
S=8 signal in Edmonton Perseus unit at Alberta-CAN remotedly.
At 19.02 UT on Saturday Oct 26.
73 wolfie df5sx
wwdxc germany
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