** 7260kHz, R. Vanuatu, VUT; 12/08, 0917-0923 OM, YL, Hip Hop mx, YL & OM conversation. 44444.
- 13/08, 0928-0933 pop mx, OM. 45444. - 14/08, 0919-0924 YL, island mx. 35343. - 15/08, 0925-0930 OM, short mx, YL, outside YL. 35343. - 16/08, 0915-0921 YL conversation, hip hop mx. 35333. - 17/08, 0910-0920 island mx selections. 35333. - 18/08, 0839-0840 OM tks. 45343. - 19/08, 0922 off all Fq (LOB). ** 5020kHz, SIBC, SLM; 12/08, 0924-0928 OM, YL. Statics, 25222. - 13/08, 0933-0940 ballad, island mx. 25332. - 14/08, 0924-0931 OM, YL. 25322. - 15/08, 0931 inaud./off. - 16/08, 0923-0927 YL, OM, mx. 25222. - 17/08, 0926 carrier on, modulation inaud/off. - 18/08, 0841-0842 mx. 15321, 0914=25322. - 19/09, 0922-0926 mx, YL. Deep and short fades, statics, 25222 (LOB).
** 7550kHz, R. Ameixinha, B; 16/08, 2348-2352 Pop rock mx selections. 45544 (LOB).
**6135kHz, R. Scalla, B; 16-17/08, 2300-0000 instr. orchestral, muzac mx selections, OM T PP ann “nove horas”. Bad modulation, strong and quick variations of signal level, saturated, distorted audio (LOB).
** 6150kHz, R. Saturno, B; 17/08, 0001-0010 OM & YL PP talking about good eating advices, “Faixa Brasil” mx px (varied styles of brazilian mx), 0007 OM ID “você está na Saturno”. 45444 (LOB).
** 4940kHz, R. Estación 4940, VEN/CLM; 17/08, 0908-0919 YL. S/off at 0916 but returned some seconds later, unreadable, 25322. - 18/08, 0929 OM. 25322 (LOB).
** 7535kHz, RCW, CHL; 13/08, 0042-0049 OM. Weaker than usual on this Fq, unreadable, 25322. ** 6925kHz; 16/08, 0007-0013 pop mx. 7535 will be sometime off, 25322 (LOB)..
** 4810kHz, R. Logos, PRU; 18/08, 0920-0926 mx, OM T ann, latin mx. Back after some weeks, Stanag QRM, 22332. - 19/08, 0943-0950 mx, YL, OM, flute mx. Statics, QRM Stanag, 22222 (LOB).
** 4820kHz, R. Senda Cristiana, PRU; 12/08, 0929-0932 OM, YL. Statics, 35333. - 13/08, 0944-0948 folk mx, OM T ID ann SS “la sintonia del R. S. C....”, OM quéchua. 35333. - 14/08, 0939-0945 folk mx, OM T & ID ann. 35333. - 15/08, 0943-0947 folk mx, OM T & ID ann. 25322. - 16/08, 0932-0937 YL, OM, folk mx. 25422. - 17/08, 0927-0932 OM SS religious talks “versículo 1, capitulo 4...la relación de su padre con sus hijos...”. 35323. - 19/08, 0933-0937 OM, YL. Statics, unreadable, 25322 (LOB).
** 3310kHz, R. Mosoj Chaski, BOL; 12/08, 0932-0936 OM quéchua. 45444. - 13/08, 0940-0944 folk mx. 35333. - 14/08, 0932-0937 folk mx, OM quéchua, folk mx. 45444. - 15/08, 0948-0951 folk mx. 45444. - 16/08, 0928-0932 YL quéchua conversation, OM on mx, folk mx. Some hum noise, 44333. - 17/08, 0933-0937 folk mx, OM quéchua, YL ann. 45444. - 19/08, 0929-0933 OM quéchua, andean mx, OM. 45333 (LOB).
** 4775, R. Tarma, PRU; 12/08, 0948-0952 broadcast overture mx. 45344. - 13/08, 0949-0954 at 0949 carrier sign on, at 0952 broadcast overture mx. 35333. - 14/08, 0951-0956 broadcast overture mx. 25222. - 14/08, 2305-2312 sports px “Cena Desportiva”. 35333 (LOB)..
** 3910kHz, R. Voice Of The People, (Cland.); 12/08, 0937-0938 OM. No KRE jammer aud., 25322. ** 3930kHz; 12/08, 0938-0941 OM. No KRE jammer aud., 25332. ** 4560kHz; 12/08, 0943-0945 female singer mx (always same mx this hour). Statics, no KRE jammer aud., 35222. ** 3480kHz; 14/08, 0947-0951 female singer (always same at this hour in VOP). Very weak, no KRE jammer aud., 15322. - 15/08, 0934-0941 YL, OM. Very poor, no KRE jammer aud. 15222 (LOB).
** 3985kHz, R. Echo Of Hope, (Cland.); 12/08, 0940-0942 OM, mx. Statics, fade, no KRE jammer aud., 25322. ** 6350kHz; 12/08, 0946-0948 OM. No KRE jammer aud., 45344. ** 5995kHz; 12/08, 0954-0956 OM, pop mx. No KRE jammer aud., 32322 (LOB).
** 11680kHz, R. KCBS Pyongyang, KRE; 12/08, 1009-1011 female choral mx. QRM 11685, 31432 (LOB).
** 7220kHz, Voice Of Korea, KRE; 16/08, 0940-0945 OM, YL, female choral mx. 45444 (LOB).
** 4965kHz, R. The Voice Of Hope Africa, ZMB; 12/08, 2053-2059 english ballad, instr mx, YL, OM ann, 2100 sign off. 34433 (LOB).
** 5995kHz, R. Mali, MLI; 12-13/08, 2353-0000 pop, instr., piano instr. mx selections, OM FF. 35433 (LOB).
** 6050kHz, R. ELWA, LBR; 14/08, 0602-0609 religious mx. 35343 (LOB).
** 17600kHz, R. Ifrikya FM, ALG; 14/08, 0610-0620 islamic pop mx, YL FF “bonjour...”. Signal breaks, 35222. - 15/08, 2105-2119 OM FF endless talks “Mali...politique...”. 45433 (LOB).
** 4765kHz, Tajik Radio, TJK; 13/08, 0002-0024 OM, at 0008 mx, OM, YL, at 0013 and 0020 islamic style mx. 25322, at 0013=25333 (LOB).
** 11785kHz, Voice Of Turkey, TUR; 13/08, 2203-2219 OM EE, OM & YL on mx, at 2216 short mx, YL. Tune in 11787 to avoid strong QRM of brazilian RNA 11780, unreadable, 31432. - 14/08, 2206, 2222 off. - 15/08, 2202-2216 OM, arabic style mx, OM. Tune in on 11787 by the reasons mentioned above, understood one or another word in EE, 21322 (LOB).
** 7850kHz, CHU, CAN; 14/08, 0557-0558 TS, OM T ann. Unreadable, 25322. ** 3330kHz; 14/08, 0558-0600 TS, OM T ann. Very poor, 15321 (LOB).
** 11875kHz, R. KNLS, ALS; 16/08, 0908-0914 OM endless talks. 25222 (LOB).
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