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�indows-1252?q23364 Reception in Southeastern Brazil �indows-1252?q96 August 22, 2024  View Printable Version 
Thursday, August 22 2024

Dear friends,

#364 Reception in Southeastern Brazil – August 22, 2024

DXways-br (Blog):

73 & good DX!

Rudolf Grimm
PY2-81502 SWL São Bernardo SP & Ibiuna SP
Matthew 11:28
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7440 kHz QRM China Nanning vv R NZPacific after 16.05 UT too til 16.30 UT or later.  View Printable Version 
Monday, August 19 2024

Some Chinese music jammer or channel placeholder,

9585 kHz up to 15 UT 24hrs ?

later also 11620 kHz UNID Chinese mx continously ap to 16.02 S=9+25dB

11805 kHz DRM mode QRM jamming ?
like up to 1600 UT to avoid Uighur program from Taiwan S=9+20,

BBC Oman Pashto to 16 UT,
and again underneath 1000 Hertz test tone too 15.52 to 16 UT.

9620 kHz UNID like Bharat Akashvani via Bangalore ?
CeAS / So ASian language like ? Hindi ?

9304 to 9337 kHz strong broadband scratch signal. S=9 15.33 UT

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Monitoring from LA 12-19/08/24  View Printable Version 
Monday, August 19 2024

** 7260kHz, R. Vanuatu, VUT; 12/08, 0917-0923 OM, YL, Hip Hop mx, YL & OM conversation. 44444.

- 13/08, 0928-0933 pop mx, OM. 45444.
- 14/08, 0919-0924 YL, island mx. 35343.
- 15/08, 0925-0930 OM, short mx, YL, outside YL. 35343.
- 16/08, 0915-0921 YL conversation, hip hop mx. 35333.
- 17/08, 0910-0920 island mx selections. 35333.
- 18/08, 0839-0840 OM tks. 45343.
- 19/08, 0922 off all Fq (LOB).

** 5020kHz, SIBC, SLM; 12/08, 0924-0928 OM, YL. Statics, 25222.
- 13/08, 0933-0940 ballad, island mx. 25332.
- 14/08, 0924-0931 OM, YL. 25322.
- 15/08, 0931 inaud./off.
- 16/08, 0923-0927 YL, OM, mx. 25222.
- 17/08, 0926 carrier on, modulation inaud/off.
- 18/08, 0841-0842 mx. 15321, 0914=25322.
- 19/09, 0922-0926 mx, YL. Deep and short fades, statics, 25222 (LOB).

** 7550kHz, R. Ameixinha, B; 16/08, 2348-2352 Pop rock mx selections. 45544 (LOB).

**6135kHz, R. Scalla, B; 16-17/08, 2300-0000 instr. orchestral, muzac mx selections, OM T PP ann “nove horas”. Bad modulation, strong and quick variations of signal level, saturated, distorted audio (LOB).

** 6150kHz, R. Saturno, B; 17/08, 0001-0010 OM & YL PP talking about good eating advices, “Faixa Brasil” mx px (varied styles of brazilian mx), 0007 OM ID “você está na Saturno”. 45444 (LOB).

** 4940kHz, R. Estación 4940, VEN/CLM; 17/08, 0908-0919 YL. S/off at 0916 but returned some seconds later, unreadable, 25322. - 18/08, 0929 OM. 25322 (LOB).

** 7535kHz, RCW, CHL; 13/08, 0042-0049 OM. Weaker than usual on this Fq, unreadable, 25322.
** 6925kHz; 16/08, 0007-0013 pop mx. 7535 will be sometime off, 25322 (LOB)..

** 4810kHz, R. Logos, PRU; 18/08, 0920-0926 mx, OM T ann, latin mx. Back after some weeks, Stanag QRM, 22332.
- 19/08, 0943-0950 mx, YL, OM, flute mx. Statics, QRM Stanag, 22222 (LOB).

** 4820kHz, R. Senda Cristiana, PRU; 12/08, 0929-0932 OM, YL. Statics, 35333.
- 13/08, 0944-0948 folk mx, OM T ID ann SS “la sintonia del R. S. C....”, OM quéchua. 35333.
- 14/08, 0939-0945 folk mx, OM T & ID ann. 35333.
- 15/08, 0943-0947 folk mx, OM T & ID ann. 25322.
- 16/08, 0932-0937 YL, OM, folk mx. 25422.
- 17/08, 0927-0932 OM SS religious talks “versículo 1, capitulo 4...la relación de su padre con sus hijos...”. 35323.
- 19/08, 0933-0937 OM, YL. Statics, unreadable, 25322 (LOB).

** 3310kHz, R. Mosoj Chaski, BOL; 12/08, 0932-0936 OM quéchua. 45444.
- 13/08, 0940-0944 folk mx. 35333.
- 14/08, 0932-0937 folk mx, OM quéchua, folk mx. 45444.
- 15/08, 0948-0951 folk mx. 45444.
- 16/08, 0928-0932 YL quéchua conversation, OM on mx, folk mx. Some hum noise, 44333.
- 17/08, 0933-0937 folk mx, OM quéchua, YL ann. 45444.
- 19/08, 0929-0933 OM quéchua, andean mx, OM. 45333 (LOB).

** 4775, R. Tarma, PRU; 12/08, 0948-0952 broadcast overture mx. 45344.
- 13/08, 0949-0954 at 0949 carrier sign on, at 0952 broadcast overture mx. 35333.
- 14/08, 0951-0956 broadcast overture mx. 25222.
- 14/08, 2305-2312 sports px “Cena Desportiva”. 35333 (LOB)..

** 3910kHz, R. Voice Of The People, (Cland.); 12/08, 0937-0938 OM. No KRE jammer aud., 25322.
** 3930kHz; 12/08, 0938-0941 OM. No KRE jammer aud., 25332.
** 4560kHz; 12/08, 0943-0945 female singer mx (always same mx this hour). Statics, no KRE jammer aud., 35222.
** 3480kHz; 14/08, 0947-0951 female singer (always same at this hour in VOP). Very weak, no KRE jammer aud., 15322.
- 15/08, 0934-0941 YL, OM. Very poor, no KRE jammer aud. 15222 (LOB). 

** 3985kHz, R. Echo Of Hope, (Cland.); 12/08, 0940-0942 OM, mx. Statics, fade, no KRE jammer aud., 25322.
** 6350kHz; 12/08, 0946-0948 OM. No KRE jammer aud., 45344.
** 5995kHz; 12/08, 0954-0956 OM, pop mx. No KRE jammer aud., 32322 (LOB).

** 11680kHz, R. KCBS Pyongyang, KRE; 12/08, 1009-1011 female choral mx. QRM 11685, 31432 (LOB).

** 7220kHz, Voice Of Korea, KRE; 16/08, 0940-0945 OM, YL, female choral mx. 45444 (LOB).

** 4965kHz, R. The Voice Of Hope Africa, ZMB; 12/08, 2053-2059 english ballad, instr mx, YL, OM ann, 2100 sign off. 34433 (LOB).

** 5995kHz, R. Mali, MLI; 12-13/08, 2353-0000 pop, instr., piano instr. mx selections, OM FF. 35433 (LOB).

** 6050kHz, R. ELWA, LBR; 14/08, 0602-0609 religious mx. 35343 (LOB).

** 17600kHz, R. Ifrikya FM, ALG; 14/08, 0610-0620 islamic pop mx, YL FF “bonjour...”. Signal breaks, 35222.
- 15/08, 2105-2119 OM FF endless talks “Mali...politique...”. 45433 (LOB). 

** 4765kHz, Tajik Radio, TJK; 13/08, 0002-0024 OM, at 0008 mx, OM, YL, at 0013 and 0020 islamic style mx. 25322, at 0013=25333 (LOB).

** 11785kHz, Voice Of Turkey, TUR; 13/08, 2203-2219 OM EE, OM & YL on mx, at 2216 short mx, YL. Tune in 11787 to avoid strong QRM of brazilian RNA 11780, unreadable, 31432.
- 14/08, 2206, 2222 off.
- 15/08, 2202-2216 OM, arabic style mx, OM. Tune in on 11787 by the reasons mentioned above, understood one or another word in EE, 21322 (LOB).

** 7850kHz, CHU, CAN; 14/08, 0557-0558 TS, OM T ann. Unreadable, 25322.
** 3330kHz; 14/08, 0558-0600 TS, OM T ann. Very poor, 15321 (LOB).

** 11875kHz, R. KNLS, ALS; 16/08, 0908-0914 OM endless talks. 25222 (LOB).

Tecsun PL310ET
Dipole 18m
Embu SP Brasil
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Jen's Special " Her Way '', A memorial for my mom Heard on Unique R, Australia is up & ready for you  View Printable Version 
Sunday, August 18 2024

{Our deepest condolences to Jen -- Glenn}

Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2024 at 10:51:32 PM UTC
Subject: Jen's Special " Her Way '', A memorial for my mom Heard on Unique R, Australia is up & ready for you

Hi Glenn, Thanks.

At 7am Eastern Sunday, 1100 UT, my My mom passed away after a long illness.
My care giving duties are now just a memory through these 12 years.

I will be Rockies bound soon and South FL will just be a memory.
I want to thank everyone who put up with my issues related to care-giving and my live webcasting
from Unique R, I will still be here, just not in South FL, back to Denver.

Thanks for understanding, Jen In The Rad.


Jen's Correspondence JenUR@proton.me


Jen In The Rad.

Remember Them.
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WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1588  View Printable Version 
Saturday, August 17 2024

The latest edition (18 August 2024) of the WORLDWIDE DX CLUB "Top News",
compiled by Wolfgang Bueschel, has been posted:


(or http://www.wwdxc.de/topnews.shtml / https://www.wwdxc.de/topnews.shtml)

It can also be downloaded as a .txt file at: http://bcdx.wwdxc.de.

Best regards,

Michael Bethge

Postfach 1214
D-61282 Bad Homburg
Fax: +49 6172 123117
E-Mail: mail@wwdxc.de
Internet: http://www.wwdxc.de

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schriftlich oder elektronisch widersprechen.

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