** 6145kHz, R. Betania via (tent.) R. Juan XXIII, Santa Cruz, BOL; 28/07, 0930-0940 canned OM ID ann SS: “ R. Betania 93.7”…, religious mx in PP: “Jesus filho de Maria”. At 0938 QRM R. Saturno 6150, 0930-0938 = 44444. Thanks José Ibrahim Pose Morera and Rafael Rodríguez by the discovery (LOB).
** 5952kHz,; 01-02/08, 2156-2204 het wich supose to be R. Pio XII(tent.), BOL; check at 0008 still on. Usually at week ends, this time on a Thursday. - 03/08, checks 2119-2305 het (LOB). ** 7535kHz, RCW, CHL; 28/07, 2221-2235 relaying Chilean station R. Bio Bio, nx px about Venezuelan elections, ads. 25322. - 03/08, 2211-2221 OM, YL seems outdoor event coverage, latin mx. Relaying R. Bio Bio, 34333 (LOB). ** 4810kHz, R. Logos, PRU; 29/07, 0950-0955 pop mx, OM, folk mx. Since 27/07 turn on before 1000. Tune in 4808 to avoid Stanag QRM, 32433 (LOB). ** 4775kHz, R. Tarma, PRU; 29/07, 0955-0958 overture broadcast mx. 35333.
- 31/07, 0956-1000 overture broadcast mx. 45333. - 01/08, 2327-2337 OM sports nx px SS “equipo...”, YL ads. Signal has been better at sunrise, partially readable, 25332 (LOB). ** 4820kHz, R. Senda Cristiana, PRU; 29/07, 0959-1003 OM. Usually better signal than 29/07, 25322. - 03/08, 0930-0937 OM, YL, folk mx. 35333 (LOB). ** 3310kHz, Mosoj Chaski, BOL; 29/07, 1007-1011 OM, YL. Usually better signal 29/07, 25322. - 01/08, 0951-0959 folk mx, OM quéchua. 45344 (LOB). ** 4955kHz, R. Cultural Amauta, PRU; 29/07, 2230-2240 OM, YL. Deep fades 15322 (LOB). ** 4940kHz, Estación 4940, CLM; 29/07, 2242-2303 instr, singing mx selections, 2257 OM short ann, mx, OM at TOH ann, mx. 25322 (LOB).
** 6185kHz, R. Educación, MEX; 30/07, 0739-0750 instr. string mx, 0740 YL, singing mx. 0750 RNA 6180 QRM, 35433 (LOB).
** 3945kHz, R. Vanuatu, VUT; 28/07, 0919-0929 instr. mx, island. Mx. Deep Fades, 23332. - 29/08, 0939-0944 OM. 25322. - 30/07, 0756-0803 mx, OM. 25322. - 31/07, 0928-0932 YL, OM canned ann “R. Vanuatu...on SW”, outside OM. 35333. - 01/08, Vanuatu off at their known Fqs. - 02/08, Vanuatu off at their known Fqs. ** 7260kHz; 29/07, 1003-1007 OM outside , YL studio, seems nx px. 45344. - 30/07, 1000-1004 OM nx px. 35333. - 31/07, 1000-1004 OM, nx px, YL. 45444. - 03/08, 0905-0928 mx selections. Back after 2 days all Fq off, 25322; checks at 0947=45444, 1004=45333. - 04/08, 0930-0937 pop mx, YL canned ann, OM outside. 45444. - 04/08, 1052-1104 pop mx selections, YL ann, seems NA, at 1104 silent, seems end of the broadcast of this day. Some ham QRM, 22322 (LOB). ** 5020kHz, SIBC, SLM; 28/07, 0944-0949 mx. 34333. - 29/07, 0944-0947 carrier on, modulation inaud./off. - 30/07, 0917 carrier off. - 31/07, 0932-0936 OM. 25333. - 01/08, 0935-0942 YL, OM. 35333. - 02/08, 0938-0942 YL, OM. 35333. - 03/08, 0940-0947 carrier on but inaud./off modulation. - 04/08, 0925-0929 carrier on but inaud./off modulation (LOB). ** 7290kHz, R. RRI Nabire Pro 1, INS; 30/07, 0932–0957 YL talks, 0935 mx, 0949 YL talks, 0953 mx. 0932=15311, 0949=15322 (LOB). ** 3925kHz, R. Nikkei 1, J; 31/07, 0937-0942 OM, pop mx. Excepcionally good, //6055, 35333 (LOB). **4450kHz, R. Voice Of The People, KOR; 29/09, 1012-1017 YL endless talks. Codar QRM, 22322. ** 4560kHz; 01/08, 0945-0950 OM endless talks, YL, mx. No KRE jammer audible, 25322. - 02/08, 0957-1001 Korean pop mx, YL. No KRE jammer audible, 35433. ** 3910kHz; 01/08, 1000-1002 YL. No KRE jammer audible, 25322. - 02/08, 0943-0947 OM, YL. No KRE jammer audible, 25322. ** 3930kHz; 01/08, 1002-1005 YL. No KRE jammer audible, 35322. - 02/08, 0947-0951 Korean mx. No KRE jammer audible, 25322 (LOB). ** 4885kHz, Echo Of Hope, KOR; 29/07, 1018-1021 YL. KRE jammer audible, 22322. ** 5995kHz; 01/08, 1013-1018 YL. 34433. ** 3985kHz; 02/08, 0952-0957 OM, mx. 35433. ** 6350kHz; 03/08, 0950-0955 pop mx selections. 45444 (LOB). ** 11680kHz, KCBS Pyongyang, KRE; 01/08, 1006-1012 YL, OM. Back after some days off, 33433. - 02/08, 1001-1005 female singer mx. 33444 (LOB). - Some KRE frequencies like KCBS 11680 (checks 29-30-31/07, around 1007), VOK 11710, 11735, 13650, 15180 (checks 30-31/07, around 1008) stayed off at dates mentioned (LOB). **4765kHz, R. Tajikistan, TJK; 31/07, 0020-0028 OM, YL, mx, YL. Long and deep fades, 15322 (LOB). ** 6090kHz, R. Amhara, ETH; 01/08, 0305-0338 Bass, keyboards, percussion and sax mx with some arabic melodic style, numerous repetions of this same mx along listening. No ID’s and talks. 45444. - 02/08, 0000-0013 at 0003 carrier on but no modulation along listening. - 03/08, 0004-0015 at 0004 carrier on, 0005 modulation; instr. mx with some arabic melodic style, repeating throughout the listening. No talks. 35333 (LOB). ** 4965kHz, Voice Of Hope, Africa, ZMB; 29/07, 2022-2030 OM EE religious talks: “Jesus Christ...God is in control”, OM ID ann “Voice Of Hope Africa”, pop mx. Some fade, 35333 (LOB). ** 3330kHz, CHU, CAN; 30/07, 0753-0755 TS, OM T ann. 35333 (LOB). ** 9695kHz, KNLS, ALS; 30/07, 0805-0810 pop mx, YL, 0807 OM. 9700 QRM 32432 (LOB). Tecsun PL310ET Dipole 18m Embu SP Brasil Enviado do Yahoo Mail no Android _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/