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SWB issue 2004 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, June 12 2022

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- En bra story om Sven Elfving.
- R-399 "Katran" The best receiver of the USSR. RUS-DX
- [WOR] FCC to Consider Expanding FM Radio to 82-88 MHz, Replace TV Channel
- DUX DX-BOK från 1951
- ?Jazz from the heart of America?, VOA, June 3, 2022
- [WOR] NASWA FRENDX archive
- The largest and most powerful radio transmitte rin Raduzhny, is planned to
be closed. RUS-DX
- 25. Sonnenzyklus übertrifft Vorhersagen. A-DX
- The US State Department urged not to disconnect Russia from the Internet.
- Ruselectronics will supply equipment for radio broadcasting to Kazakhstan.
- Roskomnadzor announced the restriction of the work of Proton VPN and other
services. RUS-DX
- What to do if the VPN is not working? And what services are still running?
- NEW HISTORY MATERIAL AT <http://www.ontheshortwaves.com/>
- [mwoffsets] uploaded new article about finding offsets using KiwiSDRs
- [DXplorer] Radio Garden
- The Shared Apex Loop Array
- Tropical Bands Monitor, June update. DSWCI
- [nordx] Nyheter från Radiomuseet i Göteborg
- [nordx] Dansk radios rige historie
- Svensk DX-are, Stig Dahlberg, kan ha flest länder verifierade
- SM i DX-ing 1961
- Eddystone 750 (S750)
- DX-spalten KV-DX i Radio och Television
- Interesting article: Airspy youloop
- Apportkastare / The "Lucky Launcher II" Dummy Launcher
- Two interesting QSL?s from the past.
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


SWB issue 2003 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, May 29 2022

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- Pertti Äyräs - RIP
- Sonja Persson avliden. RIP
- Sonja Persson, short history
- A brief History of DX Window
- SDXF new information
- [nordx] COHIRADIA projekt för att bevara historiska radioband på MW, LW
eller SW
- Scripts for AWR Wavescan by Adrian Peterson, IN. Via WOR
- [WOR] The Sun is waking up
- Re: [WOR] Bird Calls on Shortwave Radio
- The Ministry of Industry and Trade did not rule out parallel imports of
radio equipment.
- NEW HISTORY MATERIAL AT <http://www.ontheshortwaves.com/>
- [WOR] No WRTH A-22 updater
- Kiwi SDRs - a brief reminder, New Zealand Radio DX League
- 18th Edition of the Global Radio Guide (Summer 2022) Now Available
- Facebookgruppen Gamla DX-are och andra radiointresserade
- [WOR] A different DX race.
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


SWB issue 2002 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, May 15 2022

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- Sveriges DX-Forbund - QSL och vimplar
- Re: Shortwave Revival a Non-Starter? The Authors Respond - Radio World
- The black hole ?spoke?: new creepy sounds from space have been published.
- Listen to Internet radio in Excel RUS-DX
- [WOR] Radio HF Internet Newsletter, May
- The Loop-on-Ground Antenna For The Noise Challenged. Radio Timetraveller
- Morse telegraph machine: an incredible story about the artist and his
invention #77 Object stories. RUS-DX
- 32nd edition of the "Broadcasting in Russian" Handbook RUS-DX
- [WOR] Radio`s Greatest Broadcasts
- Australia?s ABC Prepares for 90th Birthday Celebrations. Australian
- Modification to Perseus SDR to Use an Eternal Clock by Mark Goldberg W7MLG
- Testbericht Winradio WR-G69DDCe Excelsior Ultra gegen den Mittelklasse SDR
- WOR: Radio Free Asia?s New QSL
- Review of the Electronic Specialty Products ? Model DD-103 Universal
Digital Dial. SWLing Post
- WOR] Ukrainian Radio Announcement
- Möbius loop antenna. NORDX
- Two Teens, a Ham Radio, and Operation Deep Freeze. Rodney Johnson
- 'Blue Danube Network', via Wolfgang Büschel
[WOR] BBC News statement on World Press Freedom Day
[WOR] old-school technology makes sense in a war
[WOR] EiBi English Extracts as of May 3, 2022
[WOR] European, Private SW Stations, May 1 edition
- Tropical Bands Monitor 2022. Anker Petersen
[WOR] Landowners Warned of Potential Liability of Up to $ 2,000,000 for
Pirate Radio Operations on Their Property. By
https://www.lexblog.com/author/doxenford/ on May 5, 2022
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


SWB issue 2001 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, May 01 2022


Highlights from this issue:

- QSL information and SW-logs.

- Important changes for future issues of SWB.

- Radio Liberty was threatened with new fines in Russia. RUS-DX

- Interesting lecture by Jim Solatie at ARC/SWB convention in Jönköping April 23-24

- [WOR] New Radiorama edition

- [WOR] Amateur radio in Moroccan newspaper

- Re  #1500 issue of BC-DX  TopNews column. WWDXC BC-DX TopNews

- [WOR] African SW Sounds of Years Gone By

- NEW HISTORY MATERIAL AT <http://www.ontheshortwaves.com/> Jerry Berg, DXPlorer

- [WOR] Some interesting statistics

- NEW HISTORY MATERIAL AT <http://www.ontheshortwaves.com/> Jerry Berg, DXPlorer

- Re: [WOR] Guglielmo Marconi: Making history in Ireland

- Matt’s 2022 Rooftop Receiver Shootout! SWLing Post

- Radarparet i Borlänge – Lennart Hane & Börge Eriksson, John Ekwall

- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund



Swb mailing list


SWB issue 2000 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, April 17 2022

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- [WOR] Fw: [bdxc-news] Ukraine's battle of the airwaves Is 22-minute
audio-video. Glenn Hauser.
- [WOR] File /Music on Shortwave A22 (v1).pdf uploaded #file-notice
- Radio jamming in the USSR. In Russian. Rus-DX
- [WOR] EDXC Conference, Bucharest, canceled
- List of SWL/Media Programmes in English, German and Spanish V2b April 6,
- [nordx] Channel 292
- VEF 204. Back in USSR. Rus-DX
- Radio advertising market in 2022. Reaction to change. Rus-DX
- The most mysterious radio station UVB-76 + Several recordings of
negotiations. Rus-DX
- [WOR] Wireless Podcast April edition
- [WOR] Hearing aids and DXing
- [WOR] Scrambled radio transmissions
- Mike WU2D Looks at the "Dream" SW Receivers of the 1960s and 70s (Video).
SWLing Post
- [WOR] Falkland Islands Broadcasting Service April 2 1982 recording
- Shortwave radio proves simple, powerful - and necessary. Mike Terry via
- [WOR] Why Reviving Shortwave is a Non-Starter
- [WOR] CIDX Messenger items, April
- Trends in tropical bands broadcasting 2022 by Anker Petersen
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


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