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SWB issue 1997 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, March 06 2022

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- Inbjudan till ARC-SWB konvent 23-24 april 2022
- The Buzzer 4625 kHz messages live feed
- [WOR] Tropical Bands Monitor update
- [WOR] European, Private Shortwave stations list - March
- [WOR] New Caledonia radio history by Adrian Peterson
- Cross Country Wireless LAA++ amplifier
- GNSS shows how volcanic eruptions cause ionospheric disruptions
- SI4732 Radio Receiver All Band FM AM (MW SW) SSB (LSB USB) w/ Antenna
- Malahit HFDY V3 receiver, SWLing Post
- The TERMINATION EVENT has arrived, Spaceweather.com
- SWLing Post why everyone should have a shortwave radio
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


SWB issue 1996 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, February 20 2022

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- Verification from National Radio of Cambodja. Mick Delmage
- New receiver from Nico Palermo & Elad Srl and Microtelecom Srl. Nico Palermo
- When was the first radio in the car. car.ru via WOR
- Cool and rare. Favorite then and now. Tandberg. RUS-DX
- Radio in the digital age: audience, impact of the pandemic, competition with streaming. RUS-DX
- [nordx] Largest radio installation record ever...
- [WOR] IRCA Reprints update
- Giant antenna near Moscow. Space Communications Center Bear Lakes. RUS-DX
- ERT commemorates World Radio Day with "blackout" in shortwaves. Zacharias Liangas
- Zacharias Liangas - Interesting radio related pages on his site.
- Shortwave Receiver E-645 / Siemens E311
- Marine Receiver – Elektromekano M97
- MW DXpedition in the Boso peninsula in Japan on Jan.9-10. Fumiaki Minematsu
- Radio collector in the UK. Mike Terry via WOR
- Daltro D’Arisbo Radio Museum, Porto Alegre – Brazil. Martin Butera via radioheritage.com
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


SWB issue 1995 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, February 06 2022

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- [WOR] Solar Cycle 25 - a different point of view
- [WOR] New museum to recognize Warsaw radio station that was second biggest
in the world
- [WOR] European private SW stations, Feb edition
- [WOR] Tropical Bands Monitor, Jan edition
- Världsradiodagen närmar sig och SDXF planerar en specialsändning på
kortvåg. SDXF
- There was a radio in every house, on every tone. Almost every shepherd had
a transistor receiver hanging around his neck. RUS-DX #1171
- Surprise and outrage Germany: Russia stopped Deutsche Welle. RUS-DX #1171
- [NORDX] Roger Wallis - Radio Sweden - har avlidit R.I.P.
- [WOR] Ukraine vs Russia, Radio War
- [NORDX] [WOR] Canary`s onetime SW station
- Re: [NORDX] Odd news about the Russian buzzer on 4625 kHz
- Universal Radio is closing down
- This disappearing space object is emitting giant, highly-polarized radio
bursts every 20 minutes
- SDRAngel software
- How Yuri Levitan became the voice of Victory and Hitler's personal enemy.
RUS-DX # 1170
- Mantelwellensperren. A-DX
- 2022 editions of ENDBH / GNDBH / NANDBH handbooks and CDs. SWLing Post
- Pirates Spammed an Infamous Soviet Short-wave Radio Station with Memes.
RUS-DX # 1170
- An old timer?s experience with SLBC (ex-Radio Ceylon). Asian DX Review,
Volume 40 ? No. 568
- Braun T1000CD
- European, Private Shortwave Stations. Stig-Hartvig Nielsen
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


SWB issue 1994 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, January 23 2022

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- [WOR] 100 Years of Car Radio ? From Revolutionary Monolith to Digital
- Re: [Perseus-SDR] List of 3rd party software for the Perseus hardware
- [WOR] Some history of RBI's Hindi service
- [WOR] How I got started DXing
- [NORDX] Älskade brottsling - Radiopiraten Britt Wadner
- [WOR] World Radio Day - February 13, 2022
- Reuter RDR52 receiver. A-DX
- A real paradise for music lovers: a resident of Yamal has collected a
unique collection of retroradios. RUS-DX
- Ivan Peresypkin and the story of how the signal troops reached new heights
during the Second World War. RUS-DX
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


SWB issue 1993 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, January 09 2022

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- Tropical Bands Monitor in 2021, Anker Petersen
- MY WEEK IN MASSET, Walt Salmaniv
- [WOR] European private SW stations Jan 1, 2022
- NEW HISTORY MATERIAL AT <http://www.ontheshortwaves.com/>
- [DXplorer] Solid state R390A
- 1988 New Years card. RUS-DX
- Re: [Perseus-SDR] damaged Perseus SDR receiver
- [WOR] Fw: [dxindia] AIR Jeypore Final Broadcast 5040 kHz QSL received
- Why were the names of cities written on the scale of radio receivers.
- Humor and radio. RUS-DX
- [SDR-Radio] SDRC Bitmap Display - short intro
- [WOR] The wonderful sounds of Christmas Eve on longwave with the Icom
- [WOR] Review of WRTH 2022
- [WOR] QSLing nothing but a courtesy
- US: Versuchsstation wird Fessenden-Sendungen von 1906 nachstellen, via
- [A-DX] Stahldraht als Antennenlitze (uninsulated steel wire as antenna
wire) A-DX
- [A-DX Fernempfang] A few very interesting books recommended by Harry
- [SDR-Radio] Interesting "source" of RF interference
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


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